User Permissions: Permission Reference
  • 02 Jul 2024
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User Permissions: Permission Reference

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Article summary

This article provides reference information for user permissions. User permissions determine which screens, locations, and types of information that a user can access in Restaurant365.

Permission Groups

User permissions are organized into a tree structure that can be viewed and edited from the User Roles tab of Security & Permissions or in individual User records. Each section below represents a parent group. The tables list the child groups alongside corresponding support documentation for the feature(s) associated with the permissions in the group.

Permission-Specific Notes

While most permissions clearly explain what they do with action words such as View, Approve, Edit, and Create, some permissions are more complicated. Permissions that have been identified as requiring additional clarification are listed with a description of the access that they provide.

Accounts Payable

Permission Groups


Support Documentation


1099 Setup and Management

AP Credit Memos

AP Credit Memo

AP Invoices

AP Invoices

AP Payments

Payment Runs

Docs to Process

Docs to Process

Payment Runs

Payment Runs

Payment Terms

Payment Terms


Vendor Record

Permission-Specific Notes

  • View AP Credit Memos Within Accounting - Grants access to AP credit memos outside of Smart Ops.

  • View AP Invoices Within Accounting - Grants access to AP invoices outside of Smart Ops.

  • View Docs to Process Within Accounting - Grants access to Documents to Process outside of Smart Ops.

  • Access Restricted Vendors - Grants access to restricted vendors. For more information, see the Restricted Vendor setting on the Vendor record.

Accounts Receivable

Permission Groups


Support Documentation

AR Credit Memos

AR Credit Memos

AR Invoices

AR Invoice

AR Payments

AR Payment


Customer Record

Sales Items

Sales Items


Permission Groups

Permission-Specific Notes

  • Access Location Accounting Fields - This permission only impacts for customers using the R365 Scheduling module and not the Accounting module. In this case, it is used to grant access to accounting-related fields on the Location record, such as the default GL accounts.

  • View R365 Marketplace - Grants access to this quick access link within the User dropdown, which links to the R365 Product Offerings.

  • Access GL Export Tool - Grants access to the GL Export link in the Administration menu, which is typically used to export data that will be imported into another system.

  • View/Edit POS Mapping Tool - Grants access to the POS Mapping Tool link in the Administration menu, which is used for mapping data from the POS integration to GL accounts.

  • View POS Connect Installer - Grants access to the POS client installer when the integration client needs to be installed on a computer at the restaurant. Typically used by IT personnel or restaurant managers.

  • Use Import Tool - Grants access to the Import Tool, but does not grant access to the options available within it. An option will only be available if the user has the Create and Edit permissions for that option.

  • Use Setup Assistant - Grants administrative-level access to the Setup Assistant.

  • MFA Admin - Grants access to view and edit individual user and company-wide MFA settings, as well as access to view and delete other users' MFA enrollments. This permission does not allow creation or enrollments for other users.

  • View/Edit Location Reporting Categories - Grants access to manage the Location Reporting Categories found in System Preferences.

  • Edit/Create/Delete Location Category Values - Grants access to manage the Child Location Reporting Categories on Location records.

  • Edit My User Employee Link - By default, users can edit most personal information on their own User record, but cannot edit which Employee record their User record is linked to; this permission grants access to edit that link.

  • View Users - View-only access to all users. Does not grant access to the Security & Permissions page.

  • Create Users - Access to create new Users. Cannot be granted without also granting the 'Edit Users' permission

  • Edit Users - Grants access to view and edit any user's access and information, including their user roles/permissions, locations, and reports. Does not include access to edit the actual user roles or report roles.

  • View User Roles & Permissions - Grants view-only access to the User Roles tab on the Security & Permissions page.

  • Create/Edit/Delete User Roles & Permissions - Grants access to create, edit, delete, and assign user roles. Since users with this permission can create and assign user roles, this permission should be considered equivalent to Full Access.


Permission Groups


Support Documentation

Bank Accounts

Bank Accounts

Bank Activity

Bank Activity

Bank Deposits

Bank Deposits

Bank Recs

Bank Reconciliation

Bank Transfers

Bank Transfers

Bank Withdrawals

Bank Expense



Permission-Specific Notes

  • Process Bank Activity - Grants access to the Bank Activity page, including the ability to import, retrieve, and manage Bank Activity.


Permission Groups


Support Documentation

Catering Categories

Catering Categories

Catering Events

Catering Events

Catering Items

Catering Items

Catering Menus

Catering Menus

Catering Rooms

Catering Rooms

Catering Settings

Catering Settings


Catering Sites and Rooms


Permission Groups


Support Documentation


Commissary Catalog

Commissary Order Guides

Commissary Order Guides

Commissary Order Locations

Commissary Order Locations

Commissary Orders

Commissary Orders

Commissary Templates

Commissary Templates

Fixed Assets

Permission Groups


Support Documentation

Asset Categories

Fixed Assets - Asset Categories

Asset Classes

Fixed Assets - Asset Classes


Fixed Assets - Assets


Fixed Assets - Depreciation


Permission Groups


Support Documentation

AP Credit Memos

Smart Ops - AP Credit Memos

AP Invoices

Smart Ops - AP Invoices

Docs to Process

Docs to Process



Donation Templates

Donation Templates

Food Administration

Verify Item Setup
Update Recipe Costs

Inventory Count Templates

Inventory Count Templates

Inventory Counts

Inventory Counts

Item Categories

Item Categories

Item Locations

Item Locations

Item Transfer Templates

Item Transfer Templates

Item Transfers

Item Transfers

Menu Item Categories

Menu Item Categories

Menu Item Links

Menu Items & Menu Item Links

Menu Items


Memorized Prep Logs
Prep Logs
Prep Stations

Purchased Items

Purchased Items


Purchase Orders



Units of Measure

Units of Measure

Vendor Items

Vendor Items

Waste Log Templates

Waste Log Templates

Waste Logs

Waste Logs

Permission-Specific Notes

  • View AP Credit Memos Within Food - Grants access to AP credit memos in Smart Ops.

  • View AP Invoices Within Food - Grants access to AP invoices in Smart Ops.

  • View Docs to Process Within Document Library - Grants access to Documents to Process in Smart Ops.


Permission Groups


Support Documentation

Franchisee Billing

Franchisee Billing

Franchisee Fees

Franchisee Locations

Franchisee Locations

Franchisee Sales

Franchisee Daily Sales


Franchisee Setup

General Ledger

Permission Groups


Support Documentation





GL Accounts

GL Accounts

GL Types

GL Types

Journal Entries

Journal Entries

Paid Out Types

Paid Out Types

Payment Type Accounts

Payment Type Accounts

Payroll Journal Entries

Payroll Journal Entry

Permission-Specific Notes

  • Access Restricted GL Accounts - Corresponds to the Restricted Vendor setting on the GL Account record. Grants access to the GL accounts that are marked as Restricted.


Permission Groups


Support Documentation



Blackout Days

Blackout Days









Labor Details

Labor Details

Labor Rules

Break Rules
Overtime Rules
Split Rules
Tip Makeup Rules

Pay Periods

Pay Periods

Punch Edits

Punch Edits


Labor Matrix



Time Clock

Coming Soon!

Tip Automation

Tip Automation

Permission-Specific Notes

  • Can Grant/Remove Employee's Access to R365 - Grants access to view and edit the App Access setting on Employee records, which creates a User record for that employee and allows them access to Restaurant365.

  • Map Employee Records - Grants access to save changes on the POS Employee page, which includes the option to set which R365 Employee record that POS employee is linked to.

  • Edit GL Account on Jobs - Grants access to edit the GL account associated with Job records, which is the account used for Labor Accrual Debits.

Manager Log 

Manager Log Classic


Support Documentation


Classic Manager Log Overview

Daily Overview

Document Library

Log Categories

Notes & Tasks

Task List Setup

Task List

Manager Log Smart Ops


Support Documentation

Log Entries

Log Entries

Log Settings

Logbook Settings




Permission Groups


Support Documentation

Workforce Payroll

Workforce Payroll Process Overview 


Permission Groups


Support Documentation

Ad Hoc Reports

Creating/Modifying Ad Hoc Reports

Custom Financial Reports

Financial Report Writer 

Report Subscriptions

Report Subscriptions 

Standard Reporting

P&L Comparison

Report Views

Permission-Specific Notes

  • View All Ad Hoc Reports - Grants access to view all Ad Hoc Reports within the Accounting and Manager folders.

  • View Manager Folder Ad Hoc Reports Only - Grants access to view Ad Hoc reports in the Manager folder. Does not grant access to reports in the Accounting folder.

  • Create/Edit/Delete all Ad Hoc Reports - Grants access to save Ad Hoc reports to the Accounting and Manager folders.

  • Create/Edit/Delete Manager Ad Hoc Only - Grants access to save Ad Hoc reports to the Manager folder.

  • View All CFR Reports (Bypasses Report Role) - Grants access to all current and future CFR reports, independent of the user's report role(s). Users without this permission can access CFR reports based on their report role(s).

Sales & Cash

Permission Groups


Support Documentation

Cash Management

Till Management

Daily Sales

Smart Ops Daily Sales Summary
DSS Journal Entries
Mass DSS
Repoll Daily Sales



Safe Counts

Safe Counts 

Sales Tickets

Sales Tickets

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