Purchased Item Record: Overview & Security
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Purchased Item Record: Overview & Security

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Article summary

This article covers the New Purchased Item Record. To read about the Classic Purchased Item Record, click here.

Purchased Items, along with Recipe Items and Sales Items, make up the Inventory in R365. Extra care should be paid when creating these various Inventory Items as they will have a lasting financial impact through the Inventory Count and Menu Item to Recipe Assignments. The R365 Ops Team is available to help during the setup the initial Inventory Database in R365. 

We recommend creating an individual Purchased Item Record for each Inventory Item used throughout Restaurants. Items may include Ingredients, Spices, Supplies, Paper, Packaging etc. Once an Item has been created, it can be counted on Inventory Counts, used as Ingredients in Recipes, and reported on in My Reports.

This article will overview each component of the Purchased Item Record. Click here to learn more about Item Costing in R365 and how Users can get the most out of this powerful feature in the R365 Operations Module.


Purchased Item Records can be opened from the Items page. To open the Items page, click 'Items' under 'Food Admin' in Smart Ops.

Click an Item name from the list to open the Purchase Item Record for that Item. 


Purchased Item Record permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

Purchased Item Record permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food

    • Purchased Items

      • View Purchased Item

        • Note: Users without this permission will not be able to access the Items Page

      • Edit Purchased Items

      • Create Purchased Items

      • Delete Purchased Items

Additional permissions required for the individual Purchase Item Record tabs can be found below.

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

Purchased Item Record Header 

  1. Item - Purchased Item Record identifying name

  2. Save - Click to save any changes made. This button will only be available when the 'Settings' tab is open. It can only be clicked when changes have been made to the record 

  3. Delete - Click to delete the Purchased Item Record

  4. Dropdown Menu - Click to open the dropdown of action options, including 'Copy Purchase Item'

  5. Help - Click to quickly access the R365 Support Center or R365 Academy

  6. Full Page Extend - Click to extend the Purchase Item Record to fill the entire page

  7. Close - Click to close the Purchased Record and return to the Items list

  8. Purchased Item Record Tabs - Click to navigate to the following tabs within the Purchased Item Record:

    • Transactions

    • Vendor Items

    • Recipes

    • Templates

    • Item Cost 

    • Settings

Transactions Tab

This tab will contain each of the Transactions where this Item has appeared in the past year. To read more about the Purchased Item Record Transactions tab, click here.

Vendor Items Tab

This tab will contain a link to each of the Vendors Items that has been created for the Item. Permissions for Vendor Items are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food

    • Vendor Items

      • View Vendor Items

      • Edit Vendor Items

      • Create Vendor Items

      • Delete Vendor Items

To read more about the Purchased Item Record Vendors Tab, click here.

Recipes Tab

If this Item is included on a Recipe as an Ingredient, that Recipe will be listed in this tab. Permissions for Recipes are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food

    • Recipes

      • View Recipes

      • Edit Recipes

      • Create Recipes

      • Delete Recipes

To read more about the Purchased Item Record Recipes Tab, click here.

Templates Tab 

If this Item is listed on any Templates or List, it will be listed here. Users can view Templates and add Items to Templates from this tab. Each Template Type requires individual Permissions.

Permissions for the different Template types are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food

    • Waste Log Templates

      • View Waste Log Templates

      • Edit Waste Log Templates 

      • Create Waste Log Templates 

      • Delete Waste Log Templates 

    • Item Transfer Templates

      • View Item Transfer Templates

      • Edit Item Transfer Templates

      • Create Item Transfer Templates

      • Delete Item Transfer Templates

    • Inventory Count Templates

      • View Inventory Count Templates 

      • Edit Inventory Count Templates 

      • Create Inventory Count Templates 

      • Delete Inventory Count Templates

    • Purchasing

      • Purchase Order Templates

        • View Purchase Order Templates

        • Edit Purchase Order Templates 

        • Create Purchase Order Templates 

        • Delete Purchase Order Templates

      • Shopping Lists

        • View Shopping Lists 

        • Edit Shopping Lists 

        • Create Shopping Lists 

        • Use Shopping Lists 

        • Delete Shopping Lists

To read more about the Purchased Item Record Templates Tab, click here.

Item Cost Tab

The Item Cost tab is the default tab. This tab allows Users to see Inventory Costs by Location for the Item. To read more about the Purchased Item Record Item Cost tab, click here.

Settings Tab

This tab allows Users to change Item Settings pertaining to the following:

  • General Information

  • Item Barcodes (Only when Barcode Scanning is enabled)

  • Item Accounts 

  • Units of Measure

  • Cost Method

  • Location Groups

  • Location Specific Settings (Only when toggled on)

  • Sales (Only when toggled on)

  • Catering (Only when toggled on)

User must have the 'Edit Purchased Item' permission to make changes to an existing Purchased Item. 

To read a detailed overview of the Purchased Item Record Settings tab, click here

Create a Purchased Item

New Purchased Items can be added in manually from the Items Page, by copying an existing Purchased Item, or using the Import Tool. To read more about how to create a new Purchased Item, click here

Troubleshooting Costs

If Item Costing is off, learn more about troubleshooting Costs, here.

Purchased Item Best Practices

Want to learn Purchased Item best practices?View this training article.

This article was updated in Q1 of 2023. To view the classic version, click here

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