Location Groups

This article reviews the Location Groups feature. 

Location Groups are used to spread AP Invoices and Journal Entries across multiple Locations, limit which Locations can use specific Purchased Items and Recipes, and run combined reports for groups of Locations. 

Learn more about how Location Groups are used throughout R365:


Location Group Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Administration

    • Location Groups

      • View Location Groups

      • Edit Location Groups

      • Create Location Groups

      • Assign Location Groups

      • Delete Location Groups

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


When in the Classic Experience, Location Groups can be accessed from the 'Administration' drop-down menu in the top navigation bar.

In Smart Ops, Location Groups can be accessed from the 'Items' page by clicking the 'Item Location Groups' button.

'Accounting' and 'Operations' Location Groups

Location Groups must be allowed for use in 'Accounting' and/or 'Operations' before they will be available to Users. All Location Groups will be available in 'My Reports'.

Location Groups allowed for use in 'Accounting' will be available for AP Invoices and Journal Entries. These Location Groups can contain all categories of Locations, including 'Accounting Entities'.

Location Groups allowed for use in 'Operations' will be available for Purchased Items and Recipes. These Location Groups cannot contain 'Accounting Entities'. If the Location Group contains an 'Accounting Entity', the 'Operations' checkbox will be disabled. 

This configuration is accessible in the 'Settings' menuafter the Location Group has been selected.

Location Groups Sidesheet

  1. Save - Click to save all changes to all Location Groups

  2. Location Group Tree - Listing of Location Groups

  3. Create New Group - Click the plus iconto add a new top-level Location Group

  4. Settings - Click the settings icon to configure the Location Group for use in 'Accounting' and/or 'Operations'

    Locations with 'Accounting Entities' cannot be configured for use in 'Operations'

  5. +Add - Click to assign Locations to the Location Group 

  6. Search - Filters the Assigned Locations list for Locations whose Names or Numbers contain the entered search term

  7. Select All - Click to select all Assigned Locations (#9)

  8. Clear - Click to deselect selected Locations 

  9. Assigned Locations - List of Locations assigned to the selected Location Group

    • Click the checkbox to remove the selected Location

  10. Remove All - Click to remove all Locations from the Location Group

Location Group Structure

Location Group Tree

Three layers of Location Groups are available; this assists in keeping the Location Groups organized. 

  • Parent - Indicated with a building icon

    • Subgroup Level 1 - Indicated with a right-angled arrow icon

      • Subgroup Level 2 - Indicated with a right-angled arrow icon

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Creating and Editing Location Groups

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Creating Parent Groups

To create a new Parent Location Group, click the  button.

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  1. Enter the Location Group Name

    • Names must be unique, and cannot be the same as any other Location Group or Subgroup.

    • Names cannot contain the following characters:

      • , (comma)

      • > (greater-than sign)

  2. Enter a description (optional)

  3. Click 'Apply' to create the Location Group, or click 'Cancel' to exit without creating the Location Group

  4. Click Saveto save and apply changes.

    Location Groups must have Locations assigned to them to be available for use.

Creating Subgroups

To create a new Subgroup, hover over a Location Group, click themenu icon, then select 'Add Subgroup'

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The New Location Group form will open

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  1. Enter the Location Group Name

    Names must be unique and cannot be the same as any other Location Group or Subgroup. 

  2. Enter a description (optional) 

  3. Click 'Apply' to create the Location Group, or 'Cancel' to exit without creating the Location Group

  4. Click Saveto save and apply changes.

    Location Groups must have Locations assigned to them to be available for use.

Assigning Locations

Select the desired Location Group, then click the+ Add button. The Location selection drop-down menu will open.

If a Location Group has one or more Subgroups, Locations can only be assigned to the lowest-level Subgroup(s). 

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Select all desired Locations, then clickApplyto assign the Locations to the Location Group.

Only Locations that are available for assignment will be displayed.

ClickSave to save and apply changes.

Removing Locations

To remove a Location from a Location Group, select the desired Location Group, hover over the desired Location, then click the trashcan  icon that appears.

Click Save to save and apply changes.

Deleting Location Groups

Only Location Groups without Locations assigned to them can be deleted. Follow these steps to delete a Location Group:

  1. Select the Location Group

  2. Remove all Locations from it

  3. Click themenu icon

  4. Click 'Delete Group'

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  5. Click Save to save and apply changes.

Purchased Items and Recipe Items that have the deleted Location Group assigned to them will have the deleted Location Group automatically unassigned. If no other Location Groups are assigned to the Item, the Item will automatically be assigned to 'All Locations'