GL Types, or rather General Ledger Types, are predefined groups for GL Account Records. GL Types are used for the sorting, grouping, and subtotaling GL Accounts on Financial Reports (Balance Sheet and P&L). Because of this, the GL Type is a required field on the GL Account Record.
GL Type Presets
GL Types are customizable to meet the reporting needs of your organization. Restaurant365 has the following GL Type presets:

The 'Labor Cost' GL Type is included for new Customers as of November 2021.
The Permissions listed here are associated with GL Types. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.
GL Type Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:
General Ledger
GL Types
View GL Types
Edit GL Types
Create GL Types
Delete GL Types
The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.
Learn more about User Setup and Security here.
Create a GL Type

To create a GL Type, a User with the Accounting Manager Security Role can hover over the 'Account' options in the top ribbon and click 'New GL Type'.
This will open up a GL Type Record, which will then allow the User to provide the required information to save the GL Type for use on GL Account Records.
General Tab

Name - A unique GL Type name as it will appear on Financial Reports
Financial Report - The respective Financial Report that this GL Type will reside upon (Balance Sheet vs. Profit & Loss)
Type - The Type selector allows the user to choose the corresponding Accounting Type for the new GL Type. The available Accounting Types in Restaurant365 are as follows:
COGS or Prime Cost
Operating Expense
Non Controllable Expense
Corporate Overhead & Other
Income Tax
Typical Balance - The Typical Balance (Debit vs. Credit) for this GL Type. Restaurant365 GL Type Presets can be used for reference
Report Settings Tab
On the 'Report Settings' tab, Users can specify additional report settings for the GL Type.

Sort Order - The Sort Order for a GL Type is the number in which the GL Type will sort on the Financial Reports. Review the GL Type Presets Sort Order above to determine the proper Sort Order for your GL Types
Show Total - When checked, this box will include a separate line item at the bottom of the GL Type section on Financial Reports to display the GL Type Total. This is checked by default
Percent Of:
None - The default selection for Percent Of is None. On the Financial Report, this GL Type will not have any additional calculations performed/results displayed
Type - To display the GL Type balance as a percent of a selected GL Type, select 'Type' in the selector, which will then reveal another selector containing all of the existing (Balance Sheet or P&L) GL Types
Account - To display the GL Type balance as a percent of a selected GL Account, select 'Account' in the selector, which will then reveal another selector containing all of the respective (Balance Sheet or P&L) GL Accounts.
Show Running Total - When checked, this adds an additional line under the GL Type line item on Financial Reports. There are three options for Running Totals:
None - The default selection for Show Running Total is None. On the Financial Report, this GL Type will not have any additional calculations performed/results displayed for the Running Total line
Type - To display the GL Type balance as a Running Total of a selected GL Type, select 'Type' in the selector, which will then reveal another selector containing all of the existing (Balance Sheet or P&L) GL Types
Account - To display the GL Type balance as a Running Total of a selected GL Account, select 'Account' in the selector, which will then reveal another selector containing all of the respective (Balance Sheet or P&L) GL Accounts.
Percent Of
For each option in Percent Of, the Report Settings are displayed below. The options found under the Percent Of selector are as follows:
None - When None is selected, as in the screenshot below, there are no special calculations that occur on the Financial Reports for this Account.
Type - When Percent Of is set to Type, the User can specify a GL Type that resides on the respective Financial Report (P&L or Balance Sheet). Selecting 'Type' displays the Type selector. The result on the Financial Report is that the value in the '% Based On' column will now display 'Type: GL Type' with the selected GL Type replacing GL Type.
Account - When Percent Of is set to Account, the User can specify a GL Account that resides on the respective Financial Report (P&L or Balance Sheet). Selecting 'Account' displays the Account selector. The result on the Financial Report is that the value in the '% Based On' column will now display 'Account: GL Account' with the selected GL Account replacing GL Account.
Show Running Total
When the Show Running Total checkbox is checked (enabled), a new field appears where the User can specify a Running Total Label. A new line item will also appear on the Financial Report below the original GL Type line item. This field allows the User to name that new line item. For each option in Show Running Total, the Report Settings will be displayed along with the corresponding output on the Financial Report for that setting. The options found under the Show Running Total selector are as follows:
None - When the Running Total Percent Of is set to 'None', no special calculations will be performed or special results will be displayed on the 'Running Total' line.
Type - When the Running Total Percent Of is set to 'Type', as with the Percent Of options above, the User can specify a GL Type that resides on the respective Financial Report (P&L or Balance Sheet). Selecting 'Type' displays the Type selector. The result on the Financial Report is that the value in the '% Based On' column will now display 'Type: GL Type' with the selected GL Type replacing GL Type.
Account - When the Running Total Percent Of is set to 'Account', as with the Percent Of options above, the User can specify a GL Account that resides on the respective Financial Report (P&L or Balance Sheet). Selecting 'Account' displays the Account selector. The result on the Financial Report is that the value in the '% Based On' column will now display 'Account: GL Account' with the selected GL Account replacing GL Account.