- 04 Dec 2024
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Release Notes: November 2024
- Updated on 04 Dec 2024
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New Permissions
Tip Automation New Permissions
Two new permissions have been added related to Tip Automation:
Labor → Tip Automation → Delete Pending Distributions
Allows users to delete pending and test distributions, access the Deleted Distributions list, and restore deleted distributions.
Labor → Tip Automation → Generate Test Distributions
Allows the user to place a tip automation rule in test mode, generate test distributions, and access the Test tab of the Tip Automation page.
System and Platform
Address Verification for Imported Locations
When locations are imported via the Import Tool or the Setup Assistant, users will be notified which locations were successfully imported, the location corrections needed, and how many locations have unverified addresses.
The Verify Now button opens the Location Verification window to verify the addresses.
The list of unverified addresses can be exported and sent for approval if needed.
R365 Payments
AP Payment Record - R365 Payment Issues
A yellow banner will display on the new AP Payment record when there are payment issues for users with R365 Payments. This banner replaces the "View Issues" button from the classic version.
Task Management & Forms
Email Forms
Users can send a form link via email directly from R365. The receiving individual clicks the link to open and complete the form.
Email options allow users to also send the form as a PDF or Excel attachment.
Auto-Email Submitted Forms
New form settings allow users to set a form to auto-email to specific users when it has been submitted.
Weekly Forecasting Project Weeks Setting
The number of historical weeks used in forecast projections can now be set in the Weekly Forecast Configurations.
Labor and Scheduling
Tip Automation
Test Mode
Tip automation rules can now be placed in test mode. When in test mode, test distributions are generated based on historical DSS data. Test distributions cannot be approved and will not add tip earnings to the DSS.
Delete and Recover Distributions
Pending distributions can now be deleted. Once deleted, the distribution will no longer prevent the associated DSS or other distributions from being approved. Deleted distributions can be restored from the Deleted Distributions list of the Tip Automation page.
Calculation Tooltips
Tooltips that show the formula used to calculate tip distributions have been added to the columns of the Tip Distribution Details page.
Including Tips Associated with Employees Outside of the Employee’s Shift.
If tips are associated with an employee who has a shift, but the check time falls outside of that shift, the tips will still be associated with that employee and included in the tip distribution based on the hours of the check.
If the tips are not associated with an employee, or if the employee does not have a shift, the tips will be associated with the ‘catch all’ employee.
PTO Accruals
Changes to Max Balance Setting
The Max Balance setting in accrual rules now determines the maximum amount of hours an employee can accrue in a year for that accrual rule, not the maximum hours of the employee’s current balance. Manual adjustments and carryover can be used to increase the employee’s current balance above the rule’s maximum balance.
Hour Increment Setting
Accrual rules now have a setting for restricting the increment that employees can request to use their accrued hours in. When restricted, employees must request time off in increments of 2, 4, or 8 hours.
Waiting Period
Accrual rules now have a setting to restrict an employee’s ability to use their accrued hours until a set number of days after their hire date.
Employee Record
Deduction Expiration Dates
Deductions can now be configured with an expiration date. The deduction will not be applied to any payment where the expiration date of the deduction is contained within the dates of the associated pay run.
Company Tax Profile
SUI Rate Effective Dates
SUI rates on the Company Tax Profile page will now display the effective dates associated with them, not just the ‘Year’.
Payment Details
Employer Contributions for Deductions
Employer contributions for deductions are now displayed and editable inline with employee contributions on the Payment Details page.
2024 W-2s
Uncollected SSC and MEDI Taxes on W-2s
Uncollected SSC and MEDI Taxes will be provided on W-2s in Box 12a and Box 12b. These amounts will be reviewable on the W-2 details report.
New Reports
W-2 Opt In Report
The W2 Opt In Report lists each employee’s paperless tax form selection and can be used to review employees who have elected to receive paper W-2s. This report only lists employees who have been onboarded to payroll and includes separated employees.
Uncleared R365 Payments Report
The Uncleared R365 Payments Report provides a list of all FIS R365 Payments that have been issued but remain uncleared, offering visibility into vendors that have not yet deposited checks or processed vCards.
My Reports Updates
Payables Invoice Distribution - Date by Filter
A new Date By filter has been added to the Payables Invoice Distribution report, allowing users to filter by either AP Invoice Date or Date Paid. The start and end date filters will apply based on the selected date type.