Company Tax Profile
  • 29 Jun 2024
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Company Tax Profile

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Article summary

This article reviews the Company Tax Profile page within Workforce. Here, users can view tax profile information for the selected payroll company, including tax jurisdictions and SUI rates.

This page is view-only. For assistance updating any information on this page, please contact R365 Support.

Navigation & Security


First, navigate to Workforce.

In the left navigation menu, click 'Company Tax Profile' under 'Settings' to open the Company Tax Profile page.


Users with the following permission will be able to access the Company Tax Profile page:

  • Payroll 

    • Workforce Payroll 

      • Company Tax Profile 

        • View Company Tax Profile


The header for the Company Tax Profile page contains basic information for the payroll company. 



Payroll Company Selector

Click to select the payroll company that tax profile information is displayed for.

Company Legal Name

Legal name of the payroll company as used for tax filing.


Tax ID number for the payroll company.

This field is blurred by default. Click the eye iconto unblur.

Company Address

Address for the payroll company used for tax filing:

  • Street Address

  • State

  • Zip Code

  • Date address was confirmed

Tax Point of Contact

Point of contact for the payroll company. This contact information is used by R365 to resolve questions regarding tax setup and filings. 

  • Contact Name

  • Contact Phone Number

  • Contact Email Address

State Unemployment Rates

The State Unemployment Rates section displays all SUI rates per year for the payroll company. 

To update SUI rates, submit a SUI Rate Change request to R365 Support and attach the associated unemployment rate notification from the state to be updated. Typically, each state will send an unemployment rate notification annually. Many states also have these notifications available on their associated state portals. 

SUI rates will not be changed without a rate notification attached to the request. 



Tax Year

Year associated with the state and SUI rate.

Resident State

State associated with the SUI rate.

SUI Rate

Rate used to calculate state unemployment insurance.


The 'Jurisdictions' section displays all active and inactive jurisdictions associated with the payroll company. 

When a pay run is calculated, taxes are calculated for each active jurisdiction associated with an employee in the pay run. Tax jurisdictions are added to this list based on the home addresses and work location addresses of employees who have been onboarded to payroll for the payroll company. Learn more about how jurisdictions are determined here.




State associated with the jurisdiction. If the jurisdiction is associated with a federal tax, the state column is blank.


Name of the jurisdiction.

Tax Type

Tax type associated with the jurisdiction.

Filing Frequencies

The frequency taxes are filed for the jurisdiction.

Taxes for all pay runs with pay dates within a single period of a jurisdiction's filing frequency will be filed together.

Filing frequency requirements are determined by each jurisdiction separately. Filing frequencies are tied to the standard calendar week/months, and not associated with the fiscal calendar or operational calendar in R365.

Account Number

Payroll company account number for the jurisdiction.


Indicates if the jurisdiction is active.

  •   Checkmark - Jurisdiction is active; taxes are calculated, funded, and filed for the juris

  •   X - Jurisdiction is inactive; taxes are not calculated, funded, or filed for the jurisdiction. 

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