Vendor Record

The vendor record is where specific information related to a vendor resides in the system. Enter all necessary details as they pertain to each vendor. Vendors can also be organized into vendor groups for filtering purposes on the Payment Run screen.

Once a vendor group has been created, it cannot be edited or deleted. Ensure that vendor names and groupings are accurate before creating a group.


To add a new vendor, Hover over the Vendor tab in the top ribbon and select New Vendor.
The new vendor record opens in a new window.

To view or edit an existing vendor, in the Accounts Payables section of the left navigation pane, select Vendors.
The Vendors list opens. From that list, users can double click in the row of their desired vendor to open the record.

General tab

The General tab is where general vendor information and settings are managed.





Common name for the vendor.



The identification number used by the organization to reference the vendor or any other value used to sort or identify vendors.


Primary Contact

The primary contact for this vendor.

Contacts can be created by adding the contact name and clicking out of the field. Learn more about creating contacts.

This field is required for vendors who will be paid using R365 Payments. 



An open text field for general use. Entries in this field are displayed on the vendors page and can be used to filter and sort the list.  



Phone number for the primary contact.

Phone numbers may contain numbers, dashes, parentheses, or spaces.



The primary email address used for vendor communication, including ACH Remittance and purchase orders (if enabled).

Only one email address can be entered here. Configure a list of email addresses on the Location tab to send purchase orders to multiple recipients.



Fax number, if applicable.


Payment Terms

Payment terms to be applied to the vendor.


Terms Discount Account

For payment terms that result in a discount, specify the GL account to which the discounts post.



If your organization no longer does business with a vendor but has recorded transactions, the vendor record cannot be deleted.

Flag the vendor as Inactive by selecting this checkbox. The vendor can no longer be selected in other areas of the software.


Payment Hold

If selected, the vendor is put on hold from being paid. Once this checkbox is selected, the following will occur:

  • Payment Run - Any invoices, even if they are due, are not available in to be paid until the hold is removed.

  • Manual Payment - The vendor does not appear in the vendor list when making a manual payment.



Mailing address for the vendor. Address information appears on printed checks for mailing purposes.

If the vendor is paid using R365 Payments, this field is required, only US states are accepted in the State field.

Ensure that the zip code does not include a four-digit extension and that no special characters are used in the address fields (.,:;#@-*). When using R365 Payments, the payments will auto-fail if they contain either of these errors.

Vendor Additional Info tab

The Vendor Additional Info tab contains payment details for the vendor.




Check Name

The vendor name as it appears when printed on a check from within Restaurant365. This field is automatically populated based on the Name field in the General tab.

If a user wants to change the name of this vendor after it was previously created and saved, a warning message appears and asks if the Vendor Name should match the Payment Name, as shown in the image below.

  • Yes - Update the Payment Name - Both the Vendor Name and Payment Name are updated. The 1099 Vendor Name is unchanged, as noted at the bottom of the warning message. If the 1099 Vendor Name also needs to be changed, it must be updated manually.

  • Cancel - Only the Vendor Name is updated.


External Vendor Identifier

A reference number assigned by the vendor to identify the organization.



The method used to enter invoices into Restaurant365. Most vendors use the ‘by account’ method, while food and beverage vendors typically use the ‘by item’ method.

  • By Account - If invoices for this vendor are entered by GL account, select By Account. Upon selecting a vendor with Entry By Account, the invoice grid allows the user to select specific GL accounts on the invoice.

    For Restaurant Managers who need to enter invoices, the GL accounts must be made available to the managers. If the GL account is not available to the user, it does not appear as an option in the drop-down menu.

  • By Item - If invoices for this vendor are entered by item, select By Item. Upon selecting a vendor with Entry By Item, the invoice grid allows the user to select the vendor items specific to the vendor, as well as all purchased items (non-specific items in the system) on the invoice.

    If the vendor has been used on a purchase order or shopping list, the Entry method cannot be changed from By Item to By Account.


Default Check Memo

The check memo that will be automatically populated in the check memo field when creating a payment.


Payment Method

Method by which the vendor will be paid when performing a payment run or when using Pay Bill features. Default: Check.

  • R365 Payments - The vendor is paid through R365 Payments. This is the default selection on new vendor records when R365 Payments is enabled.

    If selected, the Last R365 Payment Method field appears and displays the payment type used by R365 payments in the previous transaction.

  • ACH - A file containing ACH stubs is produced at the conclusion of the payment. An ACH push requires that the vendor provides a bank account number, routing number, and account type so that ACH stubs can be authored to the vendor's bank account. Click here for more information on setting up ACH payments.

    Most users do not use ACH push and are most likely using ACH pull, where an authorization is granted to a vendor to automatically withdrawal funds via ACH. If this is the case for your vendor, select Auto-Direct Debit. 

  • Check - Prints a physical check with which to pay the vendor. This is the default selection unless R365 Payments is enabled.

  • Auto-Direct Debit - The vendor automatically withdrawals payments from a bank account. This option works in conjunction with the auto-pay feature.

  • Credit Card - The vendor is paid by credit card. This option works in conjunction with the auto-pay feature


Entry Instructions

User generated entry instructions that are displayed when a user enters an invoice, as shown in the image below:


Vendor Group

User generated vendor group to which the vendor is assigned.

To create a new vendor group, enter the name of the group into the designated field and click outside the field to prompt the system to quickly add the new vendor group.


Bank Account Type

The type of bank account used for ACH processing for this vendor.

This field id required when ACH is selected as the payment method (#5).

Only users with the following permission can edit this field:

  • Accounts Payable → Vendors → Edit Vendor Bank Account information


Bank Account Number

Account number to which payments are sent.

This field id required when ACH is selected as the payment method (#5).

Only users with the following permission can edit this field:

  • Accounts Payable → Vendors → Edit Vendor Bank Account information


Routing Number

Routing number to which payments are sent.

This field id required when ACH is selected as the payment method (#5).

Only users with the following permission can edit this field:

  • Accounts Payable → Vendors → Edit Vendor Bank Account information


Payment Per Invoice

When selected, each invoice for the vendor generates a separate AP payment record and check instead of being combined into a single payment. Typically multiple invoices for the same vendor with the same payment date are consolidated during a payment run. Enabling this option ensures that each invoice is processed as an individual payment, creating a distinct payment record and check for each transaction.


Vendor Priority

The priority status assigned to the vendor, which determines the priority field on the invoice. Vendor priorities assist in identifying and prioritizing the payments on a payment run that should be processed first to optimize cash flow.


Short Pay

This setting has specific uses for the restaurant industry and is used to control the way certain vendors handle credits and shortages on deliveries. A Short Pay vendor is one who only requires payment for goods and services actually delivered. This is likely most of your vendors.

  • Smaller food suppliers, such as local produce suppliers, only expect to be paid for goods delivered. For example, If an order was placed for 7 cases of tomatoes and the delivery arrived with only 6 cases of tomatoes, the person receiving would mark the difference on the invoice given to them by the delivery person. A Short Pay vendor would expect payment for the 6 cases of tomatoes that had been delivered. The fact that the original invoice showed 7 cases is irrelevant, as only 6 were delivered. Select the Short Pay checkbox for this vendor.

  • Larger food suppliers, such as Sysco, require that you pay for what was ordered, not what was actually received. This creates the additional step for you to request a credit from them for anything not received. Restaurant365 makes this process easy, but the first step is setting up the vendor with the proper Short Pay setting. For these vendors, clear the Short Pay checkbox.


Default Expense Account

If a Default Expense Account is selected, when entering in invoices for the vendor, the Expense Account field automatically populates with the selected default expense account. The value is not locked and can be changed as needed on the Invoice screen.


Use Tax

Select the checkbox to indicate that the vendor is a Use Tax vendor. Certain reports, such as Purchases by Vendor or Business Analytics (Ad Hoc Reports) can be configured to display totals for Use Tax vendors.


Items Available on Invoice

For vendors with vendor items configured in Restaurant365, determine which items are available to select when entering invoices.

  • All Items - All purchased items and vendor items populate the Item list on the AP/AR Invoice screen. This is the default setting for all vendors.

  • Vendor Items Only - Only vendor items for the vendor populate the Item list on the AP/AR Invoice screen. This limits selectable items to only the vendor Items for the selected vendor.

Organizations that utilize the brand repository can only select brand repo-sourced item records from brand-approved vendors. This means that brand repo-sourced items cannot be ordered from non-brand-approved vendors. For more information, please contact R365 Support.


Restricted Access - usage

If selected, Restaurant Managers cannot create transactions for this vendor but can view the transactions in the AP Transactions list.


PO File Format

File format used when exporting purchase orders. Options include:

  • .csv

  • .pdf


Fintech Integration Credit Processing

If a customer of Fintech, this selection enables the user to select how R365 will process refunds from Fintech. There are two options to choose from:

  • Credit - Create a Credit Memo - Create a credit memo to document the refund. This is the default option.

  • Refund - Create Bank Entry- Inserts a line item called Fintech Refund on the negative invoice and created undeposited funds or a bank account assigned to it to record the refund. Once mapped, the GL account can be updated.

    Note: The Fintech Refund line item must be mapped in R365. Click here to learn more about processing Fintech Refunds and mapping New Vendor Items in R365.

    The Fintech Refund line item must be mapped in R365. Click here to learn more about processing Fintech Refunds and mapping New Vendor Items in R365.


Invoice Date

Source of the invoice dates for this vendor. Users can select from either of the following:

  • AP Invoice - The date assigned to the AP invoice.

  • PO Delivery Date -When linked to a purchase order, the AP invoice date will change to the purchase order delivery date. 

Read more about the invoice date for linked purchased orders.

Additional fields when R365 Payments is enabled

Learn more about the R365 Payments Service.

Last R365 Payment Method

Displays the most recent payment method used by R365 payments for the vendor:

  • ACH

  • Check

  • vCard

ACH remittance email

Email address to which confirmation of the ACH payment is sent. Users can add up to 4 email addresses in this field.

Additional fields when EDI Vendor Integration is enabled

Click here for more information.

Food Service Distributor

The food service distributor that receives the purchase order.

Only the vendors listed in the Vendor Integration List are currently available for outbound EDI integration.

Distributor Division

The specific division of the company that will fulfill the order.

If the selected food service distributor does not have any divisions, this field does not appear.

Open Transactions Tab

Any open transactions associated with the vendor appear in this list view. Transactions that are past due or within ten days of being due are marked as Past Due or Due Soon, respectively, next to the due date.

All Transactions Tab

All transactions associated with the vendor appear in this list.

Contacts Tab

Any contacts associated with the vendor appear in this list.

Locations Tab

By default, vendors are accessible to all locations, but if needed, vendors can be limited to specific locations. If a vendor is limited to specific locations, then the vendor is only available for transactions if the transaction location matches one of the vendor's locations.

Vendor location numbers can be added for each location, as needed, for use in EDI Vendor Integrations

Vendor account numbers can be printed on Check Remittances. 

Limiting a vendor to specified locations

  1. On the Vendor form, select the Location tab.
    By default, the Available/Same All Locations checkbox is selected and the Location table is hidden, meaning that this vendor can be accessed by all locations.

  2. To assign specific locations, uncheck Available/Same All Locations.
    The Location selector and Locations table appear.

  3. In the Select Location lookup field, enter the name of a location or select a location from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select Add to add the location to the table.

  5. Add the location-specific Email (used for Purchase Orders) and Vendor Location Number (used for EDI Vendor Integrations).

    Multiple email addresses can be configured by separating each email address with a semicolon ( ; ).

  6. Repeat these steps until all desired locations are added.

    Ensure that all locations (even locations that will not be used in Purchase Orders or EDI Vendor Integrations) that will use this vendor for AP invoices / AP credit memos are added to this table, otherwise they will not be able to use or select this vendor during invoice entry.

  7. Save your changes.

Printing Vendor Account Number on Check Remittances

The vendor account number can be printed as part of check remittances:

  1. Select the Print Vendor Account Number on remittance checkbox.

    This option only appears if the Available/Same All Locations option is unchecked.

  2. Enter the Vendor Account Number for each applicable location.

  3. Save your changes.
    When checks are printed, the vendor account number for the location will be printed as the customer number.

1099 Tab

The 1099 tab is where all 1099 information is configured for the vendor. To learn how to update this information after it is initially saved, see Update 1099 Vendor Types.





Common name for the vendor.

This field is automatically populated based on the Name field in the General tab and is read-only.


Check Name

The vendor name as it appears when printed on a check from within Restaurant365. This field is automatically populated based on the Name field in the General tab and is read-only.


Exclude when processing 1099s

If selected, the vendor is excluded during 1099 processing.


1009 Type Information

Select whether the vendor is a company or an individual. The following additional fields appear based on your selection:

  • Company- The following fields appear:

    • 1099 Company Name - The name that matches the Tax ID - EIN.

    • Tax ID - EIN - The Tax ID for the Vendor, which may be the EIN (Employer Identification Number). The formatting for this field is: ##-#######

  • Individual- The following fields appear:

    • 1099 Name - The name that matches the SSN/TIN.

    • Tax ID - SSN/TIN - The Tax ID for the individual, which is formatted as: ###-##-####

      For security purposes, only the last 4 digits are visible. Users with the following Permission can view unmasked SSNs:

      • Accounts Payable → Vendors → Vies Vendor Tax IDs for Individuals



Select the checkbox to mark the corresponding form as Active, or in use, for the vendor.

Marking a form as Inactive will update all unapproved transactions that use this form and box to the next defaulted form/box. If no other forms are active, the 1099 information is removed from those transactions.



The default form for the vendor, which will appear on the data entry screen (AP Transactions). Only one form can be marked as the default form, and if the default form is marked as Inactive, then the first active form will be set as the default.

The default form can be updated at any time.



The available 1099 forms for the vendor, which include:

  • 1099-MISC - Miscellaneous Income

  • 1099-NEC - Nonemployee Compensation

  • 1099-INT - Interest Income



A default box selection will need to be made for the form(s) selected. Options include:

  • 1099-MISC - Miscellaneous Income

    • 1 - Rents

    • 2 - Royalties

    • 3 - Other Income

    • 4 - Federal Tax Withheld

    • 5 - Fishing Boat Proceeds

    • 6 - Medical Payments

    • 7 - Direct Sales

    • 8 - Substitute Payments

    • 9 - Crop Insurance Proceeds

    • 10 - Proceeds to an Attorney

    • 12 - Section 409A Deferrals

    • 14 - Excess Golden Parachute

    • 15 - Nonqualified Deferral Compensation

    • 16 - State Tax Withheld

    • Pre-2022 Box 13 - Excess Golden Parachute

    • Pre-2022 Box 14 - Non qualified Deferral Comp

    • Pre-2022 Box 15 - State Tax Withheld

    • Pre-2020 Box 7: Nonemployee Compensation

    • Pre-2020 Box 9: Direct Sales

    • Pre-2020 Box 10: Crop Insurance Proceeds

    • Pre-2020 Box 14: Gross Proceeds to Attorney

  • 1099-NEC - Nonemployee Compensation

    • 1 - Nonemployee Compensation

    • 4 - Federal Tax Withheld

    • 5 - State Tax Withheld

  • 1099-INT - Interest Income

    • 1 - Interest Income

    • 2 - Early Withdrawal Penalty

    • 3 - Interest on US Bonds

    • 4 - Federal Tax Withheld

    • 5 - Investment Expenses

    • 6 - Foreign Tax Paid

    • 8 - Tax-Exempt Interest

    • 9 - Activity Bond Interest

    • 10 - Market Discount

    • 11 - Bond Premium

    • 12 - Bond Premium Treasury

    • 13 - Bond Premium Tax Exempt


Allow Box Override

If selected, the user can select a box other than the one selected on the vendor record when entering transactions.


Upload File

Upload a file to attach to the record.

For more information on 1099, view the 1099 Setup and Management training article.

Multiple columns can be added to the vendors list in regards to 1099 information. To add a column, simply click the Show/Hide Columns selector and select the checkbox next to the desired columns. Click here to learn more about working with lists.

GL Accounts Tab

This tab allows users to map GL accounts in R365 to the GL account numbers provided by the vendor. Only vendors who utilize DataPass need to have GL accounts mapped. Mapping these accounts will then automatically set up AP invoices brought in through FTP as Entry by Account in R365.

If no mappings are found for a GL account, an error occurs. Users must set up the necessary mappings so that data can be imported.

Users can map GL accounts in two ways:

  • Manually - Users with the necessary security access should navigate to this tab, select the desired GL account in R365, and then enter in the vendor's GL account number for that selected GL account. Select Add to include the account mapping for this vendor. After adding all necessary mappings, ensure to save the vendor record.

  • Import Tool - Users can enter in the desired GL accounts for a vendor using the Import Tool, which is efficient for adding a large number of GL accounts to a vendor record. To do this, navigate to the Import Tool, select Vendor GL Account Mapping for Options, and then select one of the following options in the Type field:

    • Create New - Use this when adding new GL accounts to a vendor record.

    • Update Existing - Use this when updating a vendor account number.


Some vendors may have contracts or buying agreements. These and any other vendor-specific documents you wish to keep readily accessible can be added to the vendor record in Restaurant365. Do this by clicking on the Upload File button found on each tab. Click here for more information on Uploading Files.