Report Roles
  • 01 Jul 2024
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Report Roles

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Article summary

The article is part of the Security & Permissions page.

Report Roles must be created and assigned to each User in order for that User to access individual Reports located in 'My Reports' or 'Custom Financial Reports'.

Report Roles can be updated and/or deleted at any time from the Report Roles tab. Once a Report Role is created, the Report Role should be assigned to the corresponding User.

This article reviews the following:

Navigate to Report Roles

Hover over the 'Administration' menu in the Top Ribbon, then the 'Users & Security' sub-menu, then select 'Security & Permissions'. A new window will open that displays Security & Permissions options. 

Click on the Report Roles tab to access Report Roles options.

Report Roles Tab

This tab provides multiple options to ensure that your Users gain access to the necessary Reports and Reporting Functions.

  1. Report Role Selector - A listing of all Report Roles created in the system that, when selected, can be edited on the 'Permissions', 'Users', and 'Settings' subtabs.

    If no Report Role is available or if a new Report Role needs to be created, click the + ADD ROLE button to create a new Report Role.

  2. Edit - When clicked, the User will be able to rename or delete the selected Report Role.

  3. + ADD ROLE - When clicked, the User will be able to enter in a new Report Role name and then select the desired Report Roles and Reporting Functions. Learn more about creating a new Report Role below.

  4. PERMISSIONS - Listing of all Report Permissions. Each Report Permission grants Users assigned to the selected Report Role the permission to view that Report. This tab is used to view, assign, or remove Report Permissions for the selected Report Role. Learn more about Report Role Permissions below.

  5. USERS - Listing of all Users. This tab is used to search for users by Report Role and to assign or remove Users from Report Roles. Learn more about assigning Users to Report Roles below.

  6. SETTINGS - 'P&L Cutoff' configurations viewable by Report Role. This tab is used to adjust these settings. Learn more about Report Role Settings below.


The Permissions tab is used to assign or remove Reports. The Reports are structured in a Report Tree to make finding and assigning Reports easier. Reports can be assigned individually or as a group. 

  1. Search Bar - Enter two or more letters to filter the listed Reports to only Reports whose names contain the entered search.

  2. EXPAND ALL / COLLAPSE ALL - If any Report Group is collapsed, this expands all Groups within the Report Tree. If all Report Groups are expanded, this collapses all Groups within the Report Tree. 

  3. Report Tree - Lists Reports in alphabetical order by Report Group. 

  4. Expand/Collapse Button - Clicking thebutton will expand or collapse the associated Report Group.

  5. Assigned Checkbox - Indicates if the the Report or Report Group is assigned to the selected Report Role.

Assign / Remove Single Reports

  1. Select the desired Report Role from the Report Role Selector

  2. Find the desired Report via the Report Tree

  3. Click the checkbox next to the Report

    •  Checked indicates that the Report is assigned to the selected Report Role

    •  Unchecked indicates that the Report is not assigned to the selected Report Role

  4. Use the Save menu at the top of the page to save and apply changes. 

Assign / Remove Grouped Reports

A Report Group can be used to assign or unassign all of the Reports in the Group to the selected Report Role with a single click.

  1. Select the desired Report Role from the Report Role Selector

  2. Find the desired Report Group via the Report Tree

  3. Click the checkbox next to the Report Group

    •  Checked indicates that all Reports in the Report Group are assigned to the selected Report Role.

    •  Dash indicates that some, but not all, Reports in the Report Group are assigned to the selected Report Role.

    •  Unchecked indicates that none of the Reports in the Report Group are assigned to the selected Report Role.

  4. Use the Save menu at the top of the page to save and apply changes 

The 'Report Access' checkbox, found at the top of the Report Tree, can be used to quickly provide or remove access to all Report Groups.


  1. Assigned User Summary - Displays the quantity of Users assigned to the selected Report Role.

  2. Search Bar - Enter two or more letters to filter the listed Users to only Users whose names contain the entered search.

  3. Only Show Selected Users Toggle - When turned on, only Users who are assigned to the Report Role will be displayed.

  4. Assigned Checkbox - Assigns or unassigns the User to the selected Report Role. When this is checked, the User is assigned to the Report Role.

Assigning Report Roles

Once Report Roles are created, Users can be assigned on the Users tab

  1. Select the desired Report Role from the Report Role Selector

  2. Find the desired User via the the search bar or by scrolling through the listed Users

  3. Click the checkbox next to the User 

    • Checked indicates that the User is assigned to the selected Report Role. 

    • Unchecked indicates that the User is not assigned to the selected Report Role.

  4. Use the Save menu at the top of the page to save and apply changes 

Users can also be assigned or unassigned on the User Record or through the Mass Role Update page. Learn more about assigning Report Roles on the User Record or through the Mass Role Update page.


P&L Cutoff - This sets the cutoff for all variations of the P&L Report and will determine which GL Types will have their account balances shown or hidden.

If Users with this Report Role will have access to the P&L Report, select one of the following options: 

  • Full - The User can view the full P&L Report with all GL Accounts that reside on that report, including all relevant GL Types

  • Controllable - The User can view the P&L Report up to and including all GL Accounts with the 'Operating Expense' GL Type. Hidesthe account balances for the following GL Types: 

    • 'Non Controllable Expense' 

    • 'Corporate Overhead & Other'

    • 'Income Tax'

  • Prime Cost- The User can view the P&L Report up to and including all GL Accounts with the 'Prime Cost' GL Type. Hidesthe account balances for the following GL Types: 

    • 'Operating Expense'

    • 'Non Controllable Expense'

    • 'Corporate Overhead & Other'

    • 'Income Tax'

Create a Report Role

Click the '+ ADD ROLE' button to create a new Report Role.

Enter the Report Role Name in the 'Role Name' prompt and then clickDONEto create the Role.

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