Profit and Loss

The P&L report compares the total income and expenses at specified locations, as of a specific date, based on either their fiscal or operational calendar structures.

With this report, users can see how all GL accounts and account types have directly impacted net profits of their company. In addition, the report types offered provide different ways to view the data and can be exported as a spreadsheet, allowing users to save this data for deeper analysis.

Although multiple download options are available, R365 recommends downloading the report as a spreadsheet file (such as a CSV) so that formatting can be adjusted if needed.

Specific Report Types can benefit users with certain user roles: 

The P&L and AvT reports are not intended to tie back perfectly to each other, but they can be more closely aligned by following these steps.


  1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
    The My Reports screen appears.

  2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Financial.
    The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.

  3. Locate the Profit and Loss Report.

  4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.

Report Parameters




Level of access to the P&L accounts. This option only appears for Full Access users. Options include:

  • Full - GL Detail access to all P&L Accounts

  • Controllable - GL Detail access to all Controllable P&L Accounts

  • Prime Cost - GL Detail access to all Prime Cost P&L Accounts

Report Type

Allows the user to select how the report is organized. Options include

  • Comp and Non-Comp Period vs Prior Year 

  • Legal Entity Side by Side - Period

  • Legal Entity Side by Side - YTD

  • Location Side by Side - Period

  • Location Side by Side - Qtr

  • Location Side by Side - Week

  • Location Side by Side - YTD

  • Location Side by Side Budget Only - Period 

  • Location Side by Side Budget Only - Qtr

  • Location Side by Side Budget Only - Week

  • Location Side by Side Budget Only - YTD

  • Operations Statement

  • Operations Statement with YTD 

  • Period and YTD 

  • Period and YTD vs Budget and Prior Year

  • Period and YTD vs Prior by Location

  • Period vs Budget

  • Period vs Prior

  • Periods Side by Side Budget Only

  • Periods Side by Side with Forecast

  • Qtr and YTD vs Budget and Prior Year

  • Trailing 12 Periods

  • Trailing 12 Periods vs Prior

  • Trailing 12 Weeks

  • Week and YTD

  • Week vs Prior

  • Week vs Same Last Year

  • YTD Periods Side by Side vs Budget

Detail Level

If Detail is selected, parent accounts are broken down to display data for each child account.
If Summary is selected, only the parent accounts are shown.

Filter By

Location reporting category by which to filter the report.

Options in the Filter By menu are configurable and specific to your organization. For more information, see System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories and Location Record: Reporting Categories.


Allows users to apply one or more filter options from the location reporting category that they selected in the Filter By menu. The selected filters determine which locations appear in the generated report.

For example, if Filter By is set to Region, the Filter menu might include options such as North, South, East, and West. A user can select West to display all locations belonging to this reporting category.

Options that appear in the Filter menu are configurable and specific to your organization. For more information, see System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories and Location Record: Reporting Categories.


Allows the user to choose whether the report is run based on the fiscal or operational calendar.

As Of

Date for which to run the report. The report displays sales data ranging from the selected date to today's date.

Hide $0 Balances

If Yes is selected, the report hides zero balances.

Show Unapproved

If No is selected, the report does not include data for unapproved transactions.


Allows the user to choose whether data is shown with decimals or rounded to the nearest whole number.

Account View

Allows the user to choose whether GL accounts are organized by name or by number.


If Show if selected, the report displays the Guest Check Average and Guest Count.

Variance Percent

These options refer to the details of the variance, with '% of Sales' providing a more precise variance percent.

Location View

Allows the user to choose whether locations are organized by name or by number.

View options

Provides the user with options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.
For more information about these controls, see My Reports: Using My Reports.


Generates the report.
The green arrow button opens a drop-down from which users can Export, Email, or Print the report.

Report Type Variations

Report columns vary depending on the Report Type that is selected in the report parameters.

Comp and Non-Comp Period vs Prior Year



GL Accounts and Account Types

A list of GL accounts and account types.
If the Metrics parameter is set to Show, this column also displays the Guest Check Average and the Guest Count.

Non-Comp Actual

A non-comp location's profits and losses for the selected period. This includes non-comp locations that are recently opened and are still developing their historical sales. If locations have grown to have more of a variability in sales, they are typically set to be Comparable Stores in the Location Record. Next to each amount provided is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Non-Comp Prior Yr

A non-comp location's profits and losses for the same period of the previous year. This includes non-comp locations that are recently opened and are still developing their historical sales. If locations have grown to have more of a variability in sales, they are typically set to be Comparable Stores in the Location Record. Next to each amount provided is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Variance B/-W

The difference between the Actual and the Prior Yr for both Non-Comp and All Stores. Next to each variance is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

All Actual

Both a comp and non-comp locations' profits and losses for the selected period. If all stores included on the report do not have a Comp Start Date in their Location Record, the numbers will be the same as the Non-Comp Actual column.

All Prior Yr

Both a comp and non-comp locations' profits and losses for the same period of the previous year. If all stores included on the report do not have a Comp Start Date in their Location Record, the numbers will be the same as the Non-Comp Actual column.

Operations Statement with YTD



GL Accounts and Account Types

A list of GL accounts and account types.
If the Metrics parameter is set to Show, this column also displays the Guest Check Average and the Guest Count.

Week End Selected

Income and expenses for the Week End Date selected in the report parameters. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Week End Comparisons

The income and expenses for all Week End Dates in a period of the Week End selected and leading up to the Week End selected.

In the example above, the As Of date selected in the report parameters was the final day in its period, so three Week End Dates were included to compare it to. If the As Of date was the third Week End rather than the final Week End in a period, only two comparable Week End Dates would be displayed.

Next to each amount provided in these columns is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters

Period to Date (PTD)

Total income and expenses for the period to date. Next to each amount provided is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Prior Year PTD

Total income and expenses for the period to date from the previous year. Next to each amount provided is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Variance B/-W

The difference between the Period to Date (PTD) and the Prior Year PTD, the Period to Date (PTD) and the PTD Budget, the YTD Actual and the YTD Prior, and the YTD Actual and the YTD Budget, respectively. Next to each variance is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

PTD Budget

Budget set for the period to date. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

YTD Actual

Income and expense totals for the year to date. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

YTD Prior

Income and expense totals from the previous year. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

YTD Budget

Budget set for the year to date. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Period and YTD vs Budget and Prior Year



GL Accounts and Account Types

A list of GL accounts and account types.
If the Metrics parameter is set to Show, this column also displays the Guest Check Average and the Guest Count.


Income and expenses for the selected period. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.


Budget set for each account. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Variance B/-W

The difference between the Actual and Budget, the Actual and Prior Year, the YTD Actual and the YTD Budget, and YTD Actual and YTD Prior, respectively. Next to each variance provided is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Prior Year

Income and expenses for the same period of the previous year. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

YTD Actual

Income and expense totals for the year to date. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

YTD Budget

Budget set for the year to date. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

YTD Prior

Income and expense totals from the previous year. Next to each amount is a variance percentage calculated based on the setting in the report parameters.

Legal Entity Side by Side



GL Accounts and Account Types

A list of GL accounts and account types.
If the Metrics parameter is set to Show, this column also displays the Guest Check Average and the Guest Count.

Legal Entity columns

Amounts for each account by legal entity.
Next to each amount provided is a variance percentage calculated based on the report parameters.


Total sum of all amounts across the row.

Location Side by Side



GL Accounts and Account Types

A list of GL accounts and account types.
If the Metrics parameter is set to Show, this column also displays the Guest Check Average and the Guest Count.

Location columns

Amounts for each account by location.
Next to each amount provided is a variance percentage calculated based on the report parameters.


Total sum of all amounts across the row.

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.