Report Subscriptions
  • 08 Jul 2024
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Report Subscriptions

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Article summary

Through the Report Subscriptions Management page, your administrative team has more control over who has access to your data by directly managing report subscription records. Report subscriptions will run a selected report and send it to the desired recipient(s). Admin users can set the report to run daily, weekly, or monthly to either system or non-system users who have a valid email address. 

All saved report subscriptions will be listed on the Subscriptions page. This page lists all subscription details, including the status, name, report, and recipients of each report subscription, and allows the user to filter the listing for a desired subscription.


The permissions listed here are associated with report subscriptions:

  • Reporting

    • Report Subscriptions

      • View Report Subscriptions

      • Edit Report Subscriptions

      • Create Report Subscriptions

      • Delete Report Subscriptions

Within report subscriptions, user will only be permitted to create or view reports that they have access to.

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


To navigate to the Report Subscription Management page, open My Reports from either the Accounting or Operations module and then click Report Subscriptions next to the search bar.

Report Subscription Management Page

The Report Subscription Management page is where all Report Subscriptions can be viewed, created, and managed. Below lists all quick-view details provided on this page.





Opens the Add New Email Subscription window where users can schedule reports to be sent automatically to the designated email addresses.



Allows users to search the table for a specific report subscription.


Table Views

Save or edit the current table view.



Opens the Filter Columns window where users can create and apply filters to the table.



Opens the Columns window where users can select the checkboxes for columns to show in the table or clear checkboxes for columns to hide.


More Actions

Provides access to the following additional actions:

  • Row Height - Adjusts the height of the rows, allowing users to choose whether they want to see more or less space between the rows. Options include small, medium, and large. 

  • Export to Excel - Exports the table as a .CSV file and downloads the spreadsheet to the user's device.

  • Refresh Data - Reloads the table to show the most up-to-date information.


Report Subscription Management Table

Displays all report subscriptions, including active and inactive subscriptions.

Report Subscription Management Table

The table below describes all available columns in the Report Subscription Management table. Users can customize which columns appear and the order in which they appear.




Selecting one or more reports allows the user to quickly edit or send any configured report subscriptions. For example, if a certain report is scheduled to go out next Monday, but an update is needed on Friday, the user can select a report then select the Send Now button to send the report immediately.

Subscription Name

Name assigned to the subscription.


Indicates whether the subscription is active or inactive.


Name of the report generated by the subscription.


Email addresses to which the report is sent.


Text that appears in the Subject line of the email that contains the generated report.

Last Sent

Date and time when the report was last generated and sent to recipients.

Next Scheduled

Future date and time when the report will be generated and sent to recipients.

Report View

Name of the report view selected for the report when the subscription was created.

Report Type

Indicates the type of report. Possible entries include: My Report, CFR Report, CFR Package.

Created By

User who created the subscription.

Created On

Date and time when the subscription was created.

Modified By

User who last edited the subscription.

Modified On

Date and time when the subscription was last edited.

More Actions

Opens an additional actions menu which allows the user to perform the following actions:

  • Edit - Opens the Edit sidesheet where details about the subscription can be updated.

  • Delete - Deletes the subscription and removes it from the table.

  • Deactivate / Activate - Changes the activation status of the subscription.

  • Clone - Makes a copy of the subscription. Users might clone a subscription if they need a similar subscription but with minor changes. 

Create a Subscription

Report subscriptions send the desired reports to selected recipients at a scheduled time and date. Creating these subscriptions can provide your managers with the right tools to enhance restaurant operations. Click here to learn how to create report subscriptions.

Edit a Subscription

Control the users who have access to system reports by editing report subscriptions as needed. Click here to learn how to edit report subscriptions.

Report Views

A report view is essentially a set report parameter template for a report. When creating a new report subscription, the user will need to select the desired report view for the chosen report based on the data that the recipients will need to know. For more information about report views, click here.

Date Settings

Date settings enable the selected report to have clearly defined date fields for its report parameters. Click here to learn more about a subscription's date settings.

Deactivating Users that Own Report Subscriptions

When the owner of a report subscription is being deactivated, users can either change the owner of the report subscription or delete the subscription. To learn more about handling report subscriptions owned by inactive users, click here.

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