Edit and Send a Report Subscription
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Edit and Send a Report Subscription

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Article summary

This is a part of Report Subscriptions and covers editing and sending a subscription.

Report subscriptions will need to be managed over time to better reflect your current restaurant management. Whether a report subscription needs to be edited, deactivated, or deleted altogether, any change can be manually made through the report subscriptions management page

To edit report subscriptions, users must have the following permission: 

Reporting → Report Subscriptions → Edit Report Subscriptions

Edit Individual Subscriptions

While subscription details can be edited at any time, a subscription can also have quick actions completed for it directly from the subscriptions page.

Updating Subscription Details

Details about a subscription, including the recipient(s) or date settings, can be updated at any time. Simply double click the desired subscription record, update its details, and then save the record. Click here to learn more about each field in a report subscription.

Using Quick Actions

Quick actions can be completed for an individual subscription directly from the Subscriptions page.

Simply navigate to the desired report subscription row and click the row context menuicon listed next to it. The following options will be available:

  1.  Edit - This will open the seport subscription so its details can be updated. Click here to learn more about each field in a report subscription

  2.  Delete- This will delete the report subscription

    Once deleted, this action cannot be undone

  3.  Activate / Deactivate - This will either activate or deactivate the report subscription, depending on its current status. Activating a subscription will put it back in use while deactivating a subscription will mark it as inactive until it is activated or deleted

  4.  Clone - This will create a copy of the subscription

Edit Multiple Subscriptions

Report subscriptions can be updated in bulk from the subscriptions page. 

To do this, click the desired subscriptions and click the Edit Selected button that appears at the bottom of the grid. From this menu, Users can complete the following quick actions:

  1.  Activate - This will mark the selected Subscription(s) as 'Active' and put them in use

  2.  Deactivate - This will mark the selected Subscription(s) as 'Inactive' and prevent the Subscription script from running

  3.  Delete- This will delete the Report Subscription

    Once deleted, this action cannot be undone

Send Subscriptions

Subscriptions will be sent at the designated time set in each report subscription, but if a report needs to be sent on the fly, it can be done from the Subscriptions page.

From this page, select the desired reports in the grid and click the Send Now(#) button that appears below it. A confirmation modal will then appear where the User can confirm that the subscription should be sent.

Completing this action will not affect the next scheduled time set for the report subscription.

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