Create a Report Subscription
  • 23 Jan 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Create a Report Subscription

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Article summary

Report Subscriptions enable users to receive the desired reports via email daily, weekly, or monthly. These subscriptions can be set up and managed through the Subscriptions page.


To create a report subscription, users must have the following permissions:

Reporting → Report Subscriptions → View Report Subscriptions

Reporting → Report Subscriptions → Create Report Subscriptions

Create a Report Subscription

Click steps to expand for additional information and images.

1) Navigate to My Reports.

In the Accounting Application:

In the Smart Ops application:

2) Click Report Subscriptions next to the report search.

The subscriptions page will open.

3) Click + Add in the top right corner.

The Add Email Subscription Record will pop-up.

4) Select the Report for the subscription.

Not all reports are available as subscriptions. Users can use the dropdown to view available reports.

When the Actual Vs Theoretical Analysis (AvT) report is selected for a report subscription, additional configurations are required to define the inventory template and inventory count range for the generated report. (Steps 7-9)

The inventory template is a fixed selection applied to all AvT reports generated through the subscription. The inventory count range is dynamic, referencing the current inventory count. This ensures that the starting and ending counts are updated each time the report subscription runs.

5) Select the Report View for the subscription.

Report Views determine the data included in the report for a report subscription.

Report views are created in My Reports and are specific to each report.

The list displays report views created by the current user or those marked as 'public.'

6) Update the Subscription Name. (Optional)

The subscription name will be displayed on the subscriptions page and can be used as the subject of the email subscription.

R365 Best Practice:

Enter a unique name to differentiate this report subscription from other records on the Subscriptions Page.

7) If the Actual Vs Theoretical Analysis report was selected, select the count template used to generate the report.

Inventory count templates with less than two counts are disabled and cannot be selected.

Only inventory count templates associated with a location that the user has access to are listed in the dropdown menu.

The name of the inventory count template and the associated location are displayed in the dropdown menu.

The inventory count template is a fixed selection applied to all AvT reports generated through the subscription.

8) If the Actual Vs Theoretical Analysis report was selected, define the From Count as a set number of inventory counts prior to the most recent count.

The inventory count range is dynamic, referencing the current inventory count. This ensures that the starting and ending counts are updated each time the report subscription runs.

9) If the Actual Vs Theoretical Analysis report was selected, define the To Count as either the most recent inventory count or a set number of inventory counts prior to the most recent count.

  • Most Recent - The most recent inventory count for the selected template is used.

  • Most Recent Minus - The inventory count used is the specified number (1-12) of counts prior to the most recently performed inventory count for the selected template.

When 'Most Recent Minus' is selected, the set number must be less than the value specified for the 'From Count' (#8).

The inventory count range is dynamic, referencing the current inventory count. This ensures that the starting and ending counts are updated each time the report subscription runs.

10) Select the frequency of the email subscription.

Frequency options:

  • Daily:

    • Select if the report should be sent:

      • Every day of the week

      • On week days only (Monday - Friday)

  • Weekly:

    • Select the day of the week the report should be sent.

    • Select the cadence for the report:

      • Every 1 Week

      • Every 2 Weeks

      • Every 3 Weeks

      • Every 4 Weeks

      • Every 5 Weeks

  • Monthly:

    • Select if the report should be sent:

      • On the same Calendar Day each month

      • On the [1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, last] day of the week

        • E.g. The 1st Monday of each month.

11) Select the additional Schedule settings: Start Date, Send Time, Time Zone.

Start Date: Select the first day the report will be sent.

Send Time: Select the time the report should be sent.

Time Zone: Select the time zone used to determine when the report will send.

12) Select the Date Settings for the Subscription: Start and End.

Users can choose from the following options for both the start and end dates:

  • Days before run date

  • Run date

  • First day of previous week

  • last day of previous week

  • First day of current week

  • First day of previous month

  • Last day of previous month

  • First day of current month

  • Custom date

13) Add the report subscription recipients.

To add recipients, begin typing in the To field. R365 users that match the search criteria will populate.

Users can also add non-R365 user emails by typing in the full email of the recipient and hitting enter.

All recipients will receive data based on the subscription creator’s level of access (location access & report roles), regardless of their own access permissions.

14) Select the subject of the email subscription.

Options Include:

  • R365 Default: When selected, the subject displays as ‘R365 Reports: [Report Name] as of [Date, Time].

    • This is the default R365 option.

  • Subscription Name: When selected, the subject displays as the Subscription Name selected in (#6).

  • Custom: When selected, a text field appears where the user can enter a custom subject line up to 75 characters.

    • Once selected, this field cannot remain blank.

15) Select the desired export type.

Select from the following options:

  • PDF

  • Custom PDF

    • When selected, additional PDF options are displayed where users can customize paper size, scaling, margins, etc.

  • Excel

16) Save the report subscription.

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