Year End Tasks and Timeline
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Year End Tasks and Timeline

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End-of-Year Timeline

The end-of-year payroll process begins in November and ends after W-2s are provided to employees in January. 

November - Mid-December

Throughout November and mid-December, it is recommended to review the payroll for the first three quarters of the year and prep both the payroll company and all employees for end-of-year tax filings. 

Tasks during this time period:

  • Submit Q3 Payroll Adjustments

  • Remind Employees to Verify Their Personal Information

  • Review the 'Unverified TIN' Report and Resolve Issues

  • Submit Quarter-to-Date Payroll Adjustments

  • Verify and Update Payroll Company Information

  • Verify Employee Information

  • Process Employee Separations

December: Final Pay Run of 2023 (Dec 16th - 27th)

The deadline to submit pay runs for 2023 is 11 am MST on 12/27/23. Pay runs submitted after this date will be paid in 2024. 

Tasks during this time period:

  • Process Final Payroll of 2023

December: After the Final Pay Run of 2023 (Dec 17th - 31st)

Once the final pay run of the year is submitted, Q4 payroll reviews and adjustment requests begin. The cutoff date for 2023 payroll adjustments is 1/5/24.

Prep for 2024 tax filings also begins at this time. 2024 SUI and SDI contribution rates and employee W-4 elections will be applied to the first payroll of the new year. 

Tasks during this time period:

  • Submit End-of-Year Payroll Adjustments

  • Remind Employees to Update W-4s

  • Verify Tax Jurisdictions and Update 2024 SUI and SDI Contribution Rates

January 3rd - January 5th

W-2s will be automatically generated for review on 1/3/24.

Between 1/3/24 and 1/5/24, W-2s will need to be checked for accurate data placement on the form and employee totals for earnings and taxes. Any corrections must be submitted to R365 Support by 1/5/24. 

Any needed changes to any 2023 W-2 submitted after 1/5/24 will require a W-2C request.

Tasks during this time period:

  • Review & Verify W-2s

January 8th - January 31st

After 1/8/24, W-2s will be available and can be distributed to employees without pending payroll correction tickets. Finalized W-2s will be re-published as corrections are completed. 

Tasks during this time period:

  • W-2 Corrections

  • Submit W-2C Requests

Year End Task List



Task Steps and Additional Notes

Submit Q3 Payroll Adjustments


At the end of each quarter, it is recommended to complete a payroll review and submit any needed corrections to R365 Support. Refer to the Payroll Corrections Guide for additional information.

Task Steps:

  1. Navigate to the Workforce Reports page.

  2. Download the Payroll by Pay Date report with the following settings:

    • Start Date: July 1st of the current year

    • End Date: September 30th of the current year

  3. Review employee totals for earnings and deductions.

  4. Submit payroll adjustments to R365 Support.

Remind Employees to Verify Their Personal Information


Prior to W-2 generation, employees should review and confirm that all of their personal information is accurate. W-2s will report each employee's name and address as it appears on their Employee Record.

The My Pay section of the R365 Mobile App allows employees to review and update the following:

  • First, Middle, & Last Names

  • Address


    To access the 'My Pay' section of the R365 Mobile App, employees must have App Access, and their payroll onboarding must be initiated or completed.

Review the 'Unverified TIN' Report and Resolve Issues


R365 submits employee information to the Social Security Administration for TIN verification weekly. Employees whose names or TINs do not match the Social Security Administration's records will fail the verification and appear on the Unverified TIN Report.

These employees should be reminded to update their personal information to match their legal name and TIN via the My Pay section of the R365 Mobile App. Once updated, R365 will automatically re-process the verification weekly.

Submit Quarter-to-Date Payroll Adjustments


Before the final pay period, it is recommended to review and correct payroll already processed for the current quarter. Submitting correction requests early will reduce the number of employees with pending corrections after W-2s have been generated for review.

Task Steps:

  1. Navigate to the Workforce Reports page.

  2. Download the Payroll by Pay Date report with the following settings:

    • Start Date: October 1st of the current year

    • End Date: Current date

  3. Review employee totals for earnings and deductions.

  4. Refer to the Payroll Corrections Guide for instructions on payroll corrections for the current quarter.

  5. Submit payroll adjustments to R365 Support.

Encourage Employees to Go Paperless


Instead of a paper copy, employees may choose to receive their tax statements electronically. By opting in to paperless tax statements, employees will have quicker access to print their tax forms directly from any device with an internet connection as soon as they are published. 

By selecting 'Opt In to Paperless Tax Statements' in the 'My Pay' section of the R365 Mobile App, the employee consents to receive their W2 or other tax statements by electronic means only; a paper copy will not be need to be provided to them.

Employees must opt in to paperless tax statements via the R365 Mobile App prior to 1/5/2024.

Learn more about employee W2s.

Verify and Update Payroll Company Information


The tax contact and company information displayed on the Company Tax Profile page is used by R365 throughout the end-of-year process. Please confirm that the information listed is accurate.

Task Steps:

  1. On the Company Tax Profile tab, review and verify the following:

    • Payroll Company Name

    • Payroll Company Address

    • Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

    • Payroll Company Tax Contact

  2. Submit updates to R365 Support.

Verify Employee Information


Prior to processing the final pay run of the year, employee details should be reviewed for accuracy. This includes auditing for missing, duplicated, and separated employees, as well as confirming employee names and addresses.

Task Steps:

  1. Navigate to the Workforce Reports page.

  2. Download the Employee Census report with the following settings:

    • Employee Status: All

    • As Of Date: Current Date

  3. Check for missing employees.

  4. Check for duplicated employees.

  5. Confirm that separated employees are in the correct status.

  6. Review employee names for obvious errors.

  7. Review employee addresses for obvious errors.

  8. Update inaccurate information and process outstanding separations.

Process Employee Separations


Prior to the final 2023 pay period, all employees who are no longer employed at a location associated with a payroll company should be separated from that payroll company on their Employee Record.

Learn more about employee separations.

Employees who work at multiple locations associated with multiple payroll companies can be separated per payroll company, and do not need to be separated from all associated payroll companies.

Process Final Payroll of 2023


Review, approve, and submit the final pay run for 2023 by 11 am MST on 12/27/2023 to ensure wages are included for 2023 filings.

Holiday Payroll Processing

12/25/23 is a bank holiday, and pay runs will not be processed on this date. For pay runs with an expected pay date of 12/25/23, the pay date must be moved to either 12/22/23 or 12/26/23.

Pay runs with an expected pay date of 12/26/23 must be submitted before 11 am MST on 12/22/23 due to the 12/25/23 bank holiday. Pay runs submitted after the deadline on 12/22/23 and prior to 12/26/23 will have their pay date adjusted to 12/27/23.

Submit End-of-Year Payroll Adjustments


After the final pay period, it is recommended to review all payroll processed for the full year. Refer to the Payroll Corrections Guide for additional information.

Payroll corrections for 2023 submitted after 1/5/23 will also require a W-2C request.

Task Steps:

  1. Navigate to the Workforce Reports page.

  2. Download the Payroll by Pay Date report with the following settings:

    • Start Date: January 1st of the current year

    • End Date: December 31st of the current year

  3. Review employee totals for earnings and deductions.

  4. Submit payroll adjustments to R365 Support.

Remind Employees to Update W-4s


Prior to the first pay run of the new year, remind employees to update their W-4 forms via the My Pay section of the R365 Mobile App.

Verify Tax Jurisdictions and Update 2024 SUI and SDI Contribution Rates


Prior to processing the first pay run of the year, the tax jurisdictions and SUI/SDI contribution rates should be confirmed.

Task Steps:

  1. On the Company Tax Profile, review and verify the following for the new year:

    • State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) Contribution Rate

    • State Disability Insurance (SDI) Contribution Rate

    • All expected jurisdictions are listed and active

    • Jurisdiction details are correct:

      • State

      • Name

      • Tax Type

      • Filing Frequency

      • Account Number

To update an SUI Contribution Rate:

  1. Obtain a copy of the associated 2024 rate notification:

    • Rate notifications are typically provided by each state prior to the end of the year.

    • Most states also provide downloadable rate notifications on their state portals.

  2. Submit a rate change request to R365 Support.

  3. Attach a copy of the associated rate notification to the rate change request.

    • Rate change requests will not be processed if the associated rate notification is not attached.

Review & Verify W-2s


W-2s will be automatically generated for review on 1/3/24.

Between 1/3/24 and 1/5/24, W-2s will need to be checked for accurate data placement on the form and employee totals for earnings and taxes. Any corrections must be submitted to R365 Support by 1/5/24.

Task Steps:

  1. Navigate to the Workforce Reports page and utilize the W-2 Detail report to examine the formatting and content of W-2 data. Compare the information from the W-2 Details report with the Payroll by Pay Date report for the entire year.

  2. Confirm the accuracy of totals per employee.

  3. Ensure that all boxes on the W-2 form are correctly filled with the appropriate data.

  4. If discrepancies are identified, submit data placement and employee total issues to R365 Support.

W-2 Corrections


All W-2s will be automatically published and will be available to employees electronically on 1/8/24.

Notify employees with W-2s that are associated with open support tickets that the paperless W-2 available through the My Pay section of the R365 Mobile App is not yet finalized. Finalized W-2s will be re-published as corrections are completed.

Submit W-2C Requests


Any needed changes to any 2023 W-2 submitted after 1/5/24 will require a W-2C request. W-2Cs can be requested throughout 2024.

Submit all W-2C requests to R365 Support.

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