Mobile Dashboard
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Mobile Dashboard

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Article summary

The mobile dashboard is the home screen of the R365 app. This dashboard features widgets that provide an app overview for the user. The widgets displayed will be dependent on User permissions.

Daily Sales Summary

The Daily Sales Summary allows Users to see the daily sales for any selected Location. Swipe left or right on the widget to switch between 'A Look at Yesterday' and 'Week to Date.'

The Daily Sales Summary widget is available to Users with the following Permission

  • Sales & Cash → Daily Sales → View Daily Sales

Tap the DSS widget in the mobile dashboard to open the Daily Sales Summaries list, where Users can review, edit, and mark the DSS as complete. To read more about reviewing and completing DSS via mobile, click here

A Look at Yesterday

A Look at Yesterday is the first card on the Daily Sales Summary carousel. It shows information from the previous day. This shows Users:

  • Total Sales

  • Labor

  • Over/Short amount 

  • SPLH

Green circled checks indicate goals met, and a red circled X indicates goals not met. 

Week to Date

The Week to Date shows the date range for the week. It features a graph that reflects Total Sales for the week in green and Labor for the week in blue. The Total Sales, Labor, and amount Over/Short are listed below the graph. As the reporting week progresses, the graph will add data points for each day.


The Logbook widget provides Users shortcuts to the Manager Log entries. 

The Logbook widget is available to Users with the following Permission: 

  • Manager Log Smart Ops → Log Entries → View Log Entries

  1. Logbook - Tap to open the screen

  2. Entries - Tap to open all Manager Log Entries

  3. My Entries - Tap to open all Manager Log entries assigned to the User

  4. Must Read - Tap to open all Manager Log entries with a 'Must Read' label

  5. Important - Tap to open all Manager Log entries with an 'Important' label 


The Schedule widget shows Users the number of hours they have worked and the number of hours remaining to work on the schedule. It also features any upcoming shifts. 

Users can tap the word 'Schedule' to access the Schedule screen. 

The Schedule widget is available to Users with Employee App Access

Open Requests

The Open Requests widget shows Users an overview of any existing Schedule requests including the number of:

  • Availability changes 

  • Shift Trades

  • Shift Offers

  • Time-Off Requests

Users can tap the word 'Open Requests' to take a shortcut to the Requests page. 

The Open Requests widget is available to users with the following Permission: 

  • Labor → Scheduling → Schedule


The Announcements widget shows Users Announcements that feature the date and the Location. 

The Announcements widget is available to all Users.

Tap the Announcements widget to open the Announcements list, where Users with the appropriate permissions can also create and edit Announcements.

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