Defining Your Data
  • 29 Jul 2024
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Defining Your Data

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Article summary

Now that you have spent the past few months getting comfortable with R365 processes, it is important to utilize the data at your disposal and keep your team informed. You can start with the following resources:

  1.  Building a Data-Driven Culture - This blog post has tips on what to be aware of and strategies to get your staff on board to maximize the benefit of using R365.

  2.  How to Calculate Crucial Restaurant Data - This blog post is a great resource to forward to your Managers as it defines the metrics used to effectively calculate various restaurant costs.

  3.  Reporting 101 - This webinar reviews essential reporting setup as well as how and when to run vital reports.

One key metric that affects all restaurant groups is Labor cost. R365 polls Labor from most POS systems, which allows you to report on Accrued Labor prior to posting Payroll. A few ways to focus on Labor costs in R365 include:

  • Create Labor Goals in the Location record

    • Burdened Labor Estimates (Manager salaries)

    • Labor Percent Goal

    • Sales per Labor Hour goal

  • Create Sales Forecasts, which automatically calculate suggested hours for each day based on Labor Goals in the Scheduling module. Train your Managers to watch the Sales and Labor Goals and schedule to the forecasted plan. This will help them manage Labor daily to ultimately meet weekly and monthly goals. We will be diving deeper into Sales Forecasts next month – more tips to come!

  • Create Departments and set Department SPLH and Labor % Goals

  • Use the Key Labor Reports, such as the Overtime Warning report to prevent OT and Actual vs. Scheduled to measure variances. These should also be used to adjust forecasts and goals to real-life events weekly.

This is one example of how to cast a wide net over a single metric in R365. Use the articles referenced above to decide where your biggest areas of opportunity lie. Then, begin using suggested tools in R365 to benchmark those key metrics. If you would like more guidance on tackling KPI's that are important to you, reach out for a free quote on custom training with Professional Services.

Next Steps

  • Set up preferred views and subscriptions for your top 5 reports

  • Review Location Labor Goals and Burdened Labor Estimates each period

  • Adjust your forecast weekly as needed

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