QuickBooks Online Integration
  • 16 Jul 2024
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QuickBooks Online Integration

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Article summary

This integration is only available to Customers with the Core Operations plan.

Send important Accounting information directly from R365 to QuickBooks Online (QBO) through the QuickBooks Online Integration. With this integration, your organization's QuickBooks account will be connected to R365, allowing for not only financial data but also new GL Accounts and their connections to be transferred instantaneously to your QuickBooks Online account.

Daily Sales Summary Data Push to QBO

Pushing financial data to QuickBooks is as easy as a click of a button.

When the QBO Integration is setup, Daily Sales Summaries will have their DSS data automatically sent over to QuickBooks Online when a Restaurant Manager marks them a 'Complete'.

To make this push successful, follow the 'QBO Integration Setup' section below.

QBO Integration Setup

To begin the initial setup of the QuickBooks Integration, click your username in the top, right corner of the Smart Ops Home page and click 'Integrations'.

The 'Integrations' modal will open to display all current connections. In the gray 'Intuit QuickBooks' box, click the 'Connect' button. This will open the initial integrations page, which is where the Connecting Admin is chosen.

The Connecting Admin is an Admin User that will be administering this connection and who will receive any QBO Integration communication emails.

Once selected, click the 'Connect to QuickBooks' button that is enabled at the bottom of the modal. A pop-up modal will appear where the User will sign into their QuickBooks Online account. Once signed in, a success message will appear to show that the connection between R365 and QBO is complete.

Removing QBO Integration

QuickBooks Online Integration can be removed at any time. Admin Users will first need to open the 'Integrations' modal and click the 'Edit' button in the gray 'Intuit QuickBooks' box.

On the following screen, click the 'Disconnect from QuickBooks Online' button in the bottom, left corner of the modal. This will open a warning message where the User can confirm that the QBO connection should be disconnected from R365.

Managing Quickbooks Account Mapping

Both R365 and QBO GL Accounts can be created and updated from the 'Connection Mapping' sidesheet.

To open this sidesheet, first open the 'Integrations' modal and clicking the 'Edit' button in the gray 'Intuit QuickBooks' box.

On the following screen, click the 'Edit Account Mapping' button in the bottom, right corner of the modal. This will open the 'Connection Mapping - QuickBooks Online' sidesheet where GL Account information can be created and/or updated.

Editing Account Mapping 

GL Account Mapping

The GL Accounts tab will list all R365 GL Accounts and their connections to QuickBooks External Accounts. From this tab, Users can map R365 GL Accounts to Quickbooks Accounts.

  1. Mapping Tabs - The different tabs that Users can map to Quickbooks, inclduing GL Accounts, Vendors, Items, Locations, and POS

  2. GL Account Creator - This enables the User to select and create the type of GL Account they want to create. Once a new GL Account is saved, it will be automatically added / updated in QuickBooks. Options include:

    • R365 GL Account - This GL Account will require a GL Account Name, Number, and GL Type

    • QBO External Account - This GL Account will require a Name, Number, GL Type, and a Sub-Type, if needed

  3. Filter - This allows the User to create a filter for the grid. Click the filter icon to open the 'Filter Columns' modal. Once opened, click '+ Add Filter' to select the Column and Filter Type and then enter the Value that should be filtered. Select 'Apply' to filter the table for the information entered or click the trash can icon to remove the filter

  4. Search Bar - This will search the listing for the values entered

  5. Quick Filters - Click a filter to apply to the grid. Filters include the following:

    • All - This will apply a filter to view all GL Accounts 

    • Mapped - This will apply a filter to view all GL Accounts mapped to a QuickBooks External Account 

    • Unmapped - This will apply a filter to view all GL Accounts that are not mapped to a QuickBooks External Account

  6. GL Account - The GL Account in R365. Click the GL Account to open its GL Account record

  7. GL Type - The GL Type of the R365's GL Account (#9). Click the GL Type to open its GL Type record

  8. External Account - The QuickBooks Account that is tied to the GL Account (#9). Click this field to view and select from a listing of all QBO Accounts. When an External Account is mapped to an R365 GL Account, the Source Linkwill be enabled, allowing the User a direct link to their Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks

    External Accounts can also be updated in bulk. Learn more below

Once all R365 GL Account records are mapped to a QuickBooks External GL Account, ensure to save the changes made. All updates made to this sidesheet will be updated in QuickBooks Online.

Updating External Accounts in Bulk

R365 GL Accounts must be mapped to their QBO External Account for data to be directly transferred to QuickBooks accurately. 

Users can update individual connections or update connections in bulk by selecting the desired GL Accounts, clicking the 'Edit External Account' button at the bottom of the listing, and choosing one of the QBO External Accounts. This will then update all selected GL Accounts. 

Ensure to click 'Save' before closing out of the 'Connection Mapping' sidesheet.

Vendor Mapping

From the Vendors tab, Users can map R365 Vendors to External Vendors. This is necessary for transmitting Invoices to QuickBooks Online. 

  1. Vendor - The name of the R365 Vendor

  2. Vendor # - The identifying number associated with the R365 Vendor

  3. External Vendor Name - The QuickBooks Vendor that is tied to the R365 Vendor. Click this field to view and select from a listing of all QBO Vendors

Item Mapping

From the Items tab, Users can map R365 Purchased Items and Recipes to External Cost and Inventory Accounts. This is used for transmitting Journal Entries for Waste Logs and Item Transfers.

  1. Quick Filters - Click a filter to filter the Items listed in the Grid. Filters include the following:

    • All - View all the Items/Recipes

    • Mapped Inv - View the Items/Recipes that have a mapped Inventory Account

    • Mapped Cost - View the Items/Recipes that have a mapped Cost Account

    • Unmapped Inv - View all the Items/Recipes that are not mapped to an Inventory Account

    • Unmapped Cost - View all the Items/Recipes that are not mapped to a Cost Account

  2. Name - The name of the Item/Recipe

  3. Type - The type of Item (Purchased, Recipe, or Sell Only)

  4. Item Category 1, 2, 3 - The Item Category/Categories that the Item is assigned to 

  5. Active - Whether the Item/Recipe is Active or Inactive in R365

  6. Item Cost Account - The External Cost Account that the Item is mapped to

  7. Item Inventory Account - The External Inventory Account that the Item is mapped to 

  8. + External Account - Click to add an External Account

Location Mapping

From the Location tab, Users can map QuickBooks Online Classes to R365 Locations. Users can map multiple R365 Locations to classes within the QuickBooks Online Instance. Mapping Locations will allocate Journal Entry Details to specific Classes/Locations when transmitting data from R365 to QBO.

  1. Name - The name of the R365 Location

  2. Number - The identifying number associated with the R365 Location

  3. External Class - The QuickBooks Class that is tied to the Location. Click this field to view and select from a listing of all QBO Accounts. When an External Class is mapped to an R365 Location, the Source Linkwill be enabled, allowing the User a direct link to their list of Classes in QuickBooks

POS Mapping

Clicking the POS tab will open the POS Mapping Tool where R365 will automatically map Sales and Payment Type accounts, Job Titles, and Paid Out Types. Click here to learn about the POS Mapping Tool


The goal of this integration is to facilitate the flow of data from R365 to QuickBooks Online (QBO). Data is pushed to QBO when the 'Complete' button is used within the Ops area of R365. The 'Complete' button that will push data to QBO appears on the following forms within the Ops experience:

  • Invoices

  • Daily Sales Summary (DSS)

  • Inventory Counts

  • Waste Logs

  • Item Transfers

When the 'Complete' button is pressed on the invoice form, the integration will create a corresponding Bill in QBO. For any of the other forms, R365 will send Journal Entries to QBO.

This integration does not send data to QBO on a schedule; it sends it over immediately as Users do their jobs. The integration sends data from R365 to QBO through the natural flow of Users reviewing and completing the forms/work that they are responsible for, then triggering the integration by clicking the 'Complete' button.

However, in order for this integration to work, mappings must be completed on the integration setup page. The GL Account and Item tabs of the integration page pertain to all of the Journal Entries that will be sent to QBO. The Vendor tab is required to be mapped for Invoices to be able to create Bills in QBO. Please review the Managing GL Account Mapping section above to learn more.

Please note that if any mappings are missed and a User completes a form that needs one of those uncompleted mappings to be mapped, the system will not 'fail' or display an 'error' to the User. The system will send an email to the Connection Administrator informing them that a mapping was missing. Once the mapping is fixed, the integration can be retriggered for the specific record. 

The Connection Administrator is the User entered as the 'Connection Admin' during initial setup. Please review the QBO Integration Setup above to learn more about configuring the 'Connection Admin'.

It is recommended to spend the time to get the mappings completed up front; this will save a lot of time in the future and allow this integration to work smoothly.

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