Manual Payment
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Manual Payment

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Article summary

Manual Payments are AP Payments created for a single Vendor. Manual Payments can be used to record payments made using a payment method outside of R365, and to print checks before entering an AP Invoice into R365. 

Voiding or deleting an AP Payment after it is approved will not cancel the payment to the Vendor, and the Invoices that were previously associated with the Payment will be available on future Payment Runs. If an AP Payment was submitted through R365 Payments in error, contact R365 Support immediately so that it can be cancelled.

Recording Online Banking, Manual Check, Wire, or ACH Payments

If a Payment is made using a payment method outside of Restaurant365, the Payment Record can be entered in to Restaurant365 as a Manual Payment. If the Payment Method for the Vendor is set as 'Credit Card' or 'Auto-Direct Debit', no check will be generated when creating a Manual Payment.

If the Payment Method is 'Check' and a check was written outside of Restaurant365, record the Payment here as a Manual Payment and delete the check PDF that is generated, without printing the check.


Users with the following Permission will be able to create Manual Payments:

  • Accounts Payable → AP Payments → Create Manual AP Payments

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


To create a Manual Payment, hover over 'Vendor' in the top ribbon, then select ‘Manual Payment’. A blank AP Payment Record will open in a new tab.

Creating a Manual Payment

When the new AP Payment Record opens, the following fields will be pre-populated:

  • Checking Account

  • Location

  • Number

  • Date

Changing the 'Checking Account' will adjust the 'Location' and 'Number' automatically, as these are both tied to the account selected.

The 'Vendor' must be entered before the AP Payment can be 'Saved' or 'Approved'. Once the 'Vendor' is entered, any existing 'Approved' AP Invoices for the Location will be listed in the 'Apply' subtab. Invoices can be applied when manually creating the AP Payment, or after the AP Payment Record is saved in an 'Unapproved' status. 

It is recommended to enter the 'Amount' when creating the AP Payment, but this field is not required. 

After the new AP Payment Record is saved, it can be re-opened from the AP Transactions page. Learn more about the AP Payment Record here

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