Check Numbering in R365
  • 11 Jun 2024
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Check Numbering in R365

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Article summary

This article describes how checks are automatically numbered in R365. Unlike the Autonumbering feature, where prefixes can be updated and changed, check numbers do not include a prefix. Numbers are set on the bank account record that would be the source of funds for the check. Check numbers can also be updated manually when creating manual payments, bank expenses, or performing a payment run. This article will review each scenario where check numbers are set (or can be updated) during the payment process.

Check Number Digits

R365 can print checks with check numbers with up to 10 digits:

Bank Expenses and Manual Payments

Check numbering behaves the same way on both bank expenses and manual payments. Manually changing a check number on one of these records will not update the 'Next Check Number' field on the bank account record. As each record handles the numbering sequence the same, we will only examine the bank expense.

Example Bank Withdrawal: 

Here the next check number in the sequence per the 'Next Check Number' field on the bank account record is 1.

When the bank withdrawal is created, the 'Number' value will be automatically set with the 'Next Check Number'. The bank account next check number will be used unless it is blank. If this field is blank, the bank expense Autonumber is used. 

In this example, the value is set to 1.

Once the bank withdrawal is approved, the 'Next Check Number' on the bank account record will be incremented by 1, with the value being set to 2.

I can create another bank withdrawal and the number 2 will be set in the Number field. I can then manually update the Number field to 5 to set the check number to 5.

In making a manual change, the 'Next Check Number' 2 was never used. The 'Next Check Number' value will remain at 2 on the bank account record:

The check number sequence will continue to increment the next time I use the 'Next Check Number'. In this example, check number 5 has already been used. When the sequence arrives at 5 and I try to approve the check, R365 displays the following error:

This feature allows you to have flexibility in entering your check numbers while also preventing duplicate check numbers.

Check Run

Unlike the bank withdrawal and manual payment records, manually updating a check number on the Payment Run screen will update the 'Next Check Number' on the bank account record.

Example Check Run:

Check number 2 is 'Next Check Number' on the bank account record.

When the payment run is opened, and the bank account is selected, the 'Next Check Number', 2, will be populated in the 'Next Check Number' field. Because check runs will print multiple checks, it will use as many check numbers according to the settings and selections and update the auto sequence accordingly.

If I manually change the 'Next Check Number from 2 to 10, the first Check produced on the Check Run will be Number 10.

This action will also update the 'Next Check Number' on the bank account record to the next incremented number after the last check produced on the payment run. In this example, our payment run had 4 total checks. Check numbers 10, 11, 12, and 13. The 'Next Check Number' is updated on the bank account record to 14:

As a best practice, we recommend that you refrain from manually changing check numbers in transactions. As shown, manually changing check numbers can interfere with your check numbering sequence.

If you are writing checks from a checkbook that are not being printed using R365, we recommend that you add letters to the check number in R365 to indicate a handwritten check. Because check numbering does not use prefixes, this method will not interfere with the numbering sequence.

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