Log Entries Overview & Security
  • 22 Jul 2024
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Log Entries Overview & Security

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Article summary

This is a part of the New Manager Log in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about a New Manager Log.

Log Entries help to track and communicate important details within an organization. The Log Entries page provides insights into key aspects of each Log Entry for a selected date range by displaying their category, priority status, and tags, among others descriptors. New Log Entries can also be created directly from this page.

Once Log Entries are saved, a Comments section will appear at the bottom of each entry when it is reopened. This enables users to communicate about and track the development of a specific topic.


Log Entries Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Manager Log Smart Ops

    • Log Entries

      • View Log Entries

      • Edit Log Entries

      • Create Log Entries

      • Delete Log Entries

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


From the Left Navigation Menu

To access this page, first navigate to Smart Ops. In the left navigation, click Log Entries under Manager Log to open the Log Entries page. From this page, users can create and/or view a log entry.

From the Classic Daily Sales Summary Table

Users can also open and view log entries tied to the DSS from either the Classic Daily Sales Summary or DSS Journal Entries grid by clicking Yes in the Log Entries column. This will open to the corresponding day's Smart Ops Daily Sales form where Log Entries tied to that DSS can be viewed.

Log Entries Page



+ Log Entry

This will open a new log entry form. Click here to learn how to create a new log entry.


Click and enter any keywords to filter the log entries. 

Date Range

The will filter the grid for Log Entries that were posted within the selected date range. Options include:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 Days (Default)

  • Last 30 Days

  • This Month

  • Last Month

  • Custom Date

    When Custom Date is selected, a drop-down will appear where the date range can be set and applied to the page.

Table Views

Using the table functions, users can do the following:

  •  - Save/edit Table Views.

  •  - Filter Column information.

  •  - Change the sort order of the log entries.

  •  - Export the table to a .csv file.

  •  Refresh the Logbooks list.

Log Entry

A log entry. Clicking a log entry will open the log entry details. Read more about the log book entries below.

Log Entries



Log Book Category

The category assigned to the logbook. Users may see any of the R365 default categories or the user-created categories. Learn about creating logbook categories, here


This indicates the importance of the log entry. Users may see any of the following three labels:

  • General

  • Important

  • Must Read

Log Day

The day that the log entry information is associated with. 

Created By Time/Date

The time and date that the log entry was created on.

When this log entry is a DSS Entry, users will see the DSS Entry label beside the time and date:


The description or note entered on the log entry. 


The tags that have been added to the entry. Clicking a tag will filter the log entry list to feature only log entries with the selected tag.

When there is more than one tag added, click the +# button to view and access the additional tags.

Tagged Employees

The number of employees tagged in the log entry. Hover over the icon to view the list of employees that have been tagged.

Users can also view the list of employees by clicking the entry to open the log entry details.

Log Entry Author

The user that created the log entry.


The daypart associated with the log entry. 


The location that the log entry pertains to. 

Comments and Attachments

The number of commentsand attachments on the log entry. Click an entry from the list to access comments and attachments.

Log Entries: Create and Edit a Log Entry

Log Entries can be created and edited from the Log Entries page. Click here to learn how to create and edit a log entry.

Log Entries: Entry Comments

Once a log entry is created, a comments section will appear at the bottom of the log entry. Users can then comment on the entry in order to have a conversation about that topic. Click here to learn more about commenting on a log entry.

Log Entries: Attachment Viewer

Once attachments have been added to a log entry, they can be viewed, deleted, or downloaded through the attachment viewer. Learn more about the attachment viewer here

Log Entries Transferred from the Classic Manager Log 

All historical Log Entries dictated as notes, unless that note is in response to a task, will be transferred to the Log Entries page. When selecting Note as the Log Entry in the Classic Manager Log, it will navigate users to the Log Entries page, where the note can be entered.

With this migration, it is important to note the following:

  • Mobile App. Note entries will be disabled on the R365 Classic App. Instead, notes can be entered as Log Entries in the R365 Red App.

  • Flagged Entries. Historical notes that were flagged will display a 'Must Read' priority label on the Log Entries page.

  • Linked To Types. Historical notes that were linked to an Employee Record or the Daily Sales Summary will be entered as an 'Employee' or 'Sales Notes' Category, respectively. The Accounting Transactions, Fixed Asset, and Catering Event Linked to Types have been disabled. Historical Notes will appear as Log Entries but will not link to any other records in the system.

  • Custom Categories. For this initial release, custom categories will not be available. Rather, custom categories saved in the Classic Manager Log at the time of this release (February 2022) will be saved as tags. Any entries made under a custom category will be saved as an 'Uncategorized' Log Entry and include the custom category tag(s).

  • Log Entry Comments. Any comments made on a Log Entry will be listed in order of posting rather than in the parent/child structure used in the Classic Manager Log, which is demonstrated below. Historical Log Entries will include up to 5 historical notes saved on a Log Entry.

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