Classic Manager Log
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Classic Manager Log

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Article summary

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The Classic Manager Log module in Restaurant365 is a fully integrated Log application. Within the Manager Log, DSS data can be viewed and updated at a glance, recurring Task Lists can be utilized and tracked, and Document Libraries can sort and store Restaurant Operations documents. To activate the Manager Log Module, please contact your Sales Representative or R365 Support.

It is important to note that the Classic Manager Log can no longer support Note entries. Rather, Notes can be entered via the New Manager Log module. All existing Notes will be transferred to the Log Entries page, where existing Notes can be viewed and new Notes can be created.


To get started using Manager Log, follow these setup steps:

  1.  Verify that Manager Log is active. Inspect the module selector for 'Manager Log', the Smart Ops Release for 'Manager Log', or the top ribbon for 'Mgr Log'

  2.  Set User Security access for R365 Users (if necessary)

  3.  Set User Security access for Employee Users (required for access)

  4.  Perform setup of Manager Log Settings

    • Classic Log Categories

      • Create or Update Log Categories for use within the Manager Log

      • Preset Log Categories can be deactivated if desired

      • Set User Security on Log Categories and Active Locations

    • Classic Task Lists

      • Create Task Lists and set Repeat Schedules

      • Set User Security on Task Lists and Active Locations

    • Document Library Categories

      • Create Document Library Categories where Documents can be uploaded and stored

      • Set Active Locations on uploaded files

  5.  Verify Email Settings are in place for Log Alerts

  6.  Verify Employee Email and Mobile Number values have been updated for Log Alerts

    • Ensure that the phone number is formatted as XXXXXXXXXX, rather than (XXX)XXX-XXXX

Below is a list of training articles to learn more about each part of the Classic Manager Log module and also a detailed explanation of security and navigation within the module.


Classic Manager Log Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Manager Log Classic

    • Alerts

      • Send Text Alerts

      • Send Email Alerts

    • Daily Overview

      • View Calendar & Daily Overview

    • Document Library

      • View Mgr Log Document Library

      • Edit Mgr Log Documents

      • Add Mgr Log Documents

      • Delete Mgr Log Documents

    • Log Categories

      • View Log Categories

      • Edit Log Categories

      • Create Log Categories

      • Delete Log Categories

    • Notes & Tasks

      • View Notes & Tasks

      • Edit Notes & Tasks

      • Create Notes & Tasks

      • Delete Notes & Tasks

    • Task List Setups

      • View Task List Setups

      • Edit Task List Setups

      • Create Task List Setups

      • Delete Task List Setups

    • Task Lists

      • View Task Lists

      • Create Task Lists

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


Employee Users

Employees that have been granted access to the Restaurant365 App via the ‘App Access’ checkbox on their employee record will now also exist as Users in the Users list in the Administration section of the Accounting Module.  This Employee to User conversion process will happen automatically whenever an employee is granted ‘App Access’ on their employee record.  In order for these employees to access the Manager Log, a User with ‘User Setup’ will need to add the ‘Manger Log Classic’ Permissions to each Users.  Click here for more information on Employee App Access.


A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Users can access Manager Log features by logging in through a web browser and selecting 'Manager Log' from the module selector at the top of the left nav.  This will switch the view of the left nav to show all Manager Log lists and views.  Creating new records associated with Manager Log can also be accessed from the 'Mgr Log' menu in the top ribbon.


Manager Log Categories

Manager Log has several preset Log Categories. Users can create new Log Categories as well as deactivate default categories. Click here for training on Classic Log Categories.

Task List Creation and Management

Manager Log has three preset Task Lists. Users can create and maintain Task Lists, set Repeat Schedules, and auto-assign Tasks to Users. Click here for training on Classic Task List Setup.


Manager Log Calendar

The Calendar view is the default view of Manager Log. Click here for training on the Classic Calendar View.

Daily Overview

The Daily Overview is the one-stop screen for Restaurant Managers. Sales & Labor, Task Lists, Log Entries, AP Transactions, and Schedule are all displayed on this ultra-convenient view. Click here for training on the Classic Daily Overview.

Flagged Entries  

Log Entries can be flagged for further review. Any flagged entry will be displayed on the Flagged Entries view. Click here for training on the Flagged Entries View.

Task List View  

The Task List view allows a User to see past due, current, and future Task Lists and their corresponding Tasks. Click here for training on the Classic Task Lists View.

Logs View  

The Logs view contains the current day's Log Entries, separated by Log Category. Click here for training on the Logs View.

Document Library

The Document Library is a Document Repository where Documents can be uploaded and assigned to Active Locations. Click here for training on the Classic Document Library.

Using Task Lists

This article explains how to use Task Lists in Manager Log. Click here for training on Using Classic Task Lists.

Creating Log Entries

This article explains how to create Log Entries in Manager Log. Click here for training on Create Classic Log Entries.

Manager Log Reports

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Two Manager Log reports / lists have been added to the 'Reports' subsection in the left nav of Classic Manager Log:

  • All Entries Search -  a filterable list containing all posted log entries

  • Announcements - a filterable list that contains all Announcements made from the Scheduling Module

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