This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about Smart Ops Release.

The Labor Dashboard provides a deep analysis of Labor trends and performance for one or more of your Restaurant Locations. Looking into how the current year compares to the previous year provides the insights needed to make Labor more efficient for your Organization.
At a quick glance, Restaurant Managers can even view the Labor trends for the week/day to determine the accuracy of Scheduled and Actual Labor and adjust staffing accordingly. When Smart Labor is enabled, Managers will also be able to compare these trends to forecasted Labor for a more well-rounded view of their Location's Labor.
Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how adding Smart Labor can enhance your R365 experience! Click here for a printable guide on the Labor Dashboard.
Users with the following Permission will be able to view the Labor Dashboard:
Labor → Scheduling → View Labor Dashboard
Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned. Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

First, navigate to Smart Ops. In the left navigation pane, click 'Labor Dashboard' under 'Dashboards' to view the Labor Dashboard.
Dashboard Header
The data used for this dashboard can be updated based on the Locations and Sales Settings chosen in the header of this dashboard.

Saved Views - This selector is where saved views can be created and managed for the Dashboard. Click here to learn more about Saved Views
Dashboard View - The Locations that will have their data pulled in for this dashboard
Settings - The Settings Menu contains the following settings:
Sales View - Set the Dashboard to either Net Sales or Gross Sales. By default, this displays by Net Sales
Shifts - Toggle the 'Exclude Unpublished Shifts' setting. The 'Exclude Unpublished Shifts' setting is on by default. Turning this setting off will include unpublished shifts when calculating:
Scheduled vs Actual
Forecasted vs Scheduled
OT Performance
Labor Trends - Scheduled Trend Line
Labor Trends Graph
The Labor Trends graph displays the current year's Labor dollar, percentage, and hours compared to the scheduled Labor and previous year's Labor. This chart can be broken down by days, weeks, or months, and includes an overview of the yearly Labor Trends underneath the main graph.
Users can hover over any point to view all three of these Labor values for a specific day, week, or month, depending on the date range selected.

Value Selector - These values enable the User to view the graph based on Labor dollar, percentage, or hours. This is defaulted to show Labor Trends by dollar
Range Selector - This option will show data organized by days, weeks, or months. This is defaulted to show the breakdown by days
Yearly Labor Trends - A line graph that shows yearly Labor Trends. Users can view different days, weeks, or months of the yearly trends by dragging and dropping the grayed out square of the graph to the desired date range
The Labor Hours included in this chart were updated in February of 2022. For historical weeks prior to this update, this chart only includes Labor Hours that fall within the Operating Hours for the Location. Editing and saving the Schedule associated with a historical week will update that week to display all Labor Hours for that week, including those outside of Operating Hours.
Published Schedules Widget
The Published Schedules widget displays a donut chart of the percentage of selected Locations that have published all shifts, both assigned and unassigned, for the selected week. In the widget below, only 64% of Locations, or 7 out of 11 Locations, published all shifts for the week of April 21, 2021.
Area/District Managers can review this widget to see the status of Scheduled Shifts for the selected Locations and for a set week. From the Published/Unpublished Locations list, they can then navigate directly to and view a Location's Schedule.

Week Selector - This displays the week that the data is pulled for. Users can navigate between weeks by clicking the forward or backward arrow or by clicking into the date and selecting a week from the calendar that appears
Donut Chart - A visual and numerical display of the percentage of selected Locations that have published all shifts for the corresponding week (#1). Depending on the percentage, the chart will be displayed in the following colors:
Green - 100% published
Blue - 51-99% published
Red - 1-50% published
Grey - 0% published
Locations with Published Schedules - This displays the number of Locations that have published all shifts for the corresponding week (#1). Users can click this number to view a listing of all Locations that have published their shifts. From this list, Users can then click into a Location to view its Schedule
If no Locations have their shifts published, this will display '0 Locations' and will not be hyperlinked to a Schedule
Locations with Unpublished Schedules - This displays the number of Locations that have not published all shifts for the corresponding week (#1). Users can click this number to view a listing of all Locations that have not published their shifts. From this list, Users can then click into a Location to view its Schedule
If no Locations have their shifts published, this will display '0 Locations' and will not be hyperlinked to a Schedule
Labor Analysis Widget
The Labor Analysis widget looks into how the forecasted, scheduled, and actual Labor compares for a set day or week. Users can assess the variances for the top or bottom 5 Locations in Labor dollar, percentage, or hours.
Report Type - This is defaulted to show the variances between the Scheduled Labor compared to the Actual Labor for all selected Locations combined as well as the top/bottom 5 performers. When Smart Labor is enabled for your database, Users can update the report to display data based on the following additional Report Types:
Forecasted vs Actual
Forecasted vs Scheduled
Value Selector - These values enable the User to view the data based on Labor dollar, percentage, or hours. This is defaulted to show data by Labor dollar
Day / Week Selector - This displays the day or week that the data will be pulled for. Days/Weeks can be selected by clicking into the date listed and choosing either 'Day' or 'Week' and then the desired date. Besides using the calendar, Users can navigate between days by clicking either the forward or backward arrow, as needed
Average Variance - The average Labor $, %, or hour variance of all selected Locations. The amount will be displayed in one of the following colors:
Green - This means that the current week has a higher average Labor $, %, or hours variance than the previous week
Red - This means that the current week has a lower average Labor $, %, or hours variance than the previous week
Previous Week - The average Variance for the previous week
Top / Bottom Performers - A grid that lists data for the top or bottom 5 performers, based on the selection made in the Top/Bottom Performers Selector (#7)
Top / Bottom Performers Selector - A selector that will display either the top or bottom performers in this widget
Location Performers - A listing of the Locations that are the top or bottom 5 performers. Each Location name is hyperlinked to its Schedule Calendar
Scheduled Labor $, %, or Hr - The Scheduled Labor $, %, or hours for the corresponding Location and the day/week selected (#3)
Bar Graph - A bar graph that shows a visual of both the Actual Labor (in green or red) and the Scheduled Labor (in gray)
Actual Labor $, %, or Hr - The Actual Labor $, %, or hours for the corresponding Location and the day/week selected (#3)
Variance - The difference between the Actual and the Scheduled Labor
OT Performance Widget
The OT Performance widget displays the Scheduled versus Actual Over Time Labor for a set day or week. Users can assess the variances for the top or bottom 5 Locations in Labor dollar, percentage, or hours.

Value Selector - These values enable the User to view the data based on Labor dollar, percentage, or hours. This is defaulted to show data by Labor dollar
Day / Week Selector - This displays the day or week that the data will be pulled for. Days/Weeks can be selected by clicking into the date listed and choosing either 'Day' or 'Week' and then the desired date. Besides using the calendar, Users can navigate between days by clicking either the forward or backward arrow, as needed
Average Variance - The average OT Labor $, %, or hour variance of all Locations. The amount will be displayed in one of the following colors:
Green - This means that the amount has a higher average OT Labor $, %, or hours variance than the previous week
Red - This means that the amount has a lower OT Labor $, %, or hours variance than the previous week
Previous Week - The average Variance for the previous week
Top / Bottom Performers - A grid that lists data for the top or bottom 5 performers, based on the selection made in the Top/Bottom Performers Selector (#7)
Top / Bottom Performers Selector - A selector that displays either the top or bottom performers in this widget
Location Performers - A listing of the Locations that are the top or bottom 5 performers. Each Location name is hyperlinked to its Schedule Calendar
Scheduled Labor $, %, or Hr - The Scheduled OT $, %, or hours for the corresponding Location and the day/week selected (#3)
Bar Graph - A bar graph that shows a visual of both the Actual OT Labor (in green or red) and the Scheduled OT Labor (in gray)
Actual Labor $, %, or Hr - The Actual OT $, %, or hours for the corresponding Location and the day/week selected (#3)
Variance - The difference between the Actual and the Scheduled OT Labor