Purchase Orders: Use Shopping Lists

This is a part of the Purchase Orders feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release.

When a Shopping List is put in use, it opens the Order Suggestion form where item quantities can be entered. Completed Order Suggestion forms are then broken out into Purchase Orders by Vendor and can be reviewed to ensure all details are accurate. Once reviewed, these Purchase Orders can be submitted to the Vendor or saved for further review.

All Order Suggestion forms that are created and saved will be housed in the 'Order Suggestions' tab of the Orders page.


The Permissions listed here are associated with Shopping Lists. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.

Shopping List Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food

    • Purchasing

      • Shopping Lists

        • View Shopping List

        • Edit Shopping Lists

        • Create Shopping Lists

        • Use Shopping Lists

        • Delete Shopping Lists

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

Use a Shopping List

Users can put a Shopping List in use in two ways:

  1. Shopping Lists can be put in use by navigating to the 'Shopping Lists' tab of the Orders page, clicking into the desired list, and then clicking the 'Use Shopping List' button in the bottom, right corner of that list's sidesheet.

  2. Shopping Lists can also be put in use from the 'Orders' House Shortcut on the Home page by clicking the plus icon in the bottom, right corner of the shortcut. The 'Create New Order' modal will appear where the desired Shopping List can be selected and used by clicking the 'Use Shopping List' button.

Either option will open the Order Suggestion form where the following will need to be completed:

  1. Update any default fields as needed, such as the Preferred UofM

  2. Enter in the amount of each item per UofM needed in the 'Order' column. This form can also be downloaded to Excel or printed to assist in entering amounts before they are entered into the Order Suggestion form

  3. Review the corresponding Purchase Order(s) and either:

    • Save as a draft

    • Submit the Order(s)

Order Suggestion Form

When updating fields on the Order Suggestion form, it is important to note that clicking the 'Enter' / 'Return' key on your keyboard will move the cursor down the column while the 'Tab' key will move the cursor down the row.




Enter keywords in the search bar to search the order suggestion list for specific entries


This will auto-fill the Order Amounts (#9) to the Par Qty (#8) minus the On Hand (#7) amount for each item


This will clear the form and set all quantities to zero


The Purchased Item selected from the Shopping List. This is read only

Storage Location

The item's Storage Location. This is selected on the Shopping List and is read only

Preferred UofM

The Preferred Unit of Measure, as set on the Shopping List. This can be updated to a Split UofM if the item has one. When this field is updated, several values in the item's row will also be updated

On Hand

This is the On Hand amount from the 'Theoretical On Hand' field calculated on the Item Location record. This field can be edited as needed

Par Qty

The quantity of the Vendor Item per Preferred UofM. This is a read only field

If a quantity is entered, it is based on the 'Par Qty' field of the Purchase Order Template

Last Order Amt

The amount of the item ordered in the most recent purchase order

Last 4 Avg Qty

The average amount of the item ordered based on the last 4 purchase orders for item


The amount of the item to order


The current price of the item per the Preferred UofM. This amount is pulled from the price of the item based on:

  1. The contract price of the item

  2. If not #1, then the price of the item on the last invoice for this Location and Vendor

  3. If not #2, then the price of the item, as listed on the Item Location record

  4. If not #3, then the price of the item, as listed on the Purchased Item record


The total cost of the item ordered

Preferred Vendor

The Preferred Vendor for the item, which is defaulted to the value from the Shopping List. This can be edited

Preferred Vendor Item

The Preferred Vendor item for this item, which is defaulted to the value from the Shopping List. This can be edited

Items listed in this drop-down selector will include the current price of the item per Purchase UofM from the corresponding Vendor Item record

Item Cat 1

The Item Category 1 name for the item. This field is read only

Item Cat 2

The Item Category 2 name for the item. This field is read only


The total cost of all items ordered. Click the drop-down arrow next to the total amount to view a break out of the cost by Item Category 2

Review Purchase Orders

This will open a 'Review Orders' side panel where all orders from this Suggestion Order form can be viewed before they are sent. Learn more about this panel below

Once all details are entered, ensure to save the form before reviewing the corresponding Purchase Orders.

Review Purchase Orders

The 'Review Orders' side panel includes all of the necessary




The location that is tied to the purchase order(s)

Delivery Address

The location's delivery address

Purchase Orders - #

A listing of the purchase order(s) that will be submitted from this order suggestion form

Order Checkbox

When checked, this indicates that the Purchase Order was reviewed. These boxes will default to checked, but when unchecked, the following will occur when actions are completed on this page:

  • Save as Drafts - When clicked, this will save the POs that are checked and discard unchecked POs

  • Confirm & Submit - When clicked, this will create and send checked POs and discard unchecked POs

Purchase Order Number

The number tied to the purchase order

Alert Flag

If displayed, this shows that there is a large discrepancy between the last order and this one. Learn more about Alert Flags here

Expand Arrow

This will open the corresponding Purchase Order in an extended side panel. Users can then review and make any necessary changes and then clicking 'Save'. Click here to learn more about reviewing a Purchase Order


The Vendor associated with this Purchase Order

Order Total

The total amount of the Purchase Order

Item Total

The number of items on the Purchase Order


The total amount of all items ordered from the Order Suggestion form. Click the drop-down arrow next to the total amount to view a break out of item cost by Item Category 2

Save as Drafts

This will save the Purchase Orders that are checked and discard unchecked Purchase Orders. Saved drafts will have a status of 'In Review', ensuring that no details of the form can be updated but rather finalized by a higher level Admin

Confirm & Submit

This will create and send checked Purchase Orders to their corresponding Vendors and discard unchecked Purchase Orders

This button will be removed for Users with the Restaurant Manager

Finalize Purchase Orders

Once all Purchase Orders are reviewed, at the bottom of the 'Review Orders' side panel, Users can either click 'Save as Drafts' for further review by a higher level Admin or 'Confirm & Submit' to send the Purchase Orders to directly to their Vendors. 

Click here to learn how to invoice a Purchase Order.

Order Suggestion Form Statuses

The Order Suggestion forms listed on the 'Order Suggestions' tab have one of the following statuses:

  • In Progress - This is displayed when a Shopping List was put in use and saved, but its corresponding Purchase Orders were not reviewed. Users should finalize the Order Suggestion form and then review its Purchase Orders

  • In Review - This is displayed when the Purchase Orders on an Order Suggestion form were reviewed but only 'Saved as Drafts'. Users should then review and submit these Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders that are submitted will move to the 'Orders' tab and display a status of 'Submitted'.