Operational Reports Categories on GL Accounts
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Operational Reports Categories on GL Accounts

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Article summary

This article is part of the documentation on the GL Account record. Click here for more information on GL Accounts.

Operational Reports Category is a setting on the GL Account record for GL Accounts that have a GL Type that appears on the P&L report.

Operational Reports Categories include the following:

  • Sales - Food

  • Sales - N/A Beverage

  • Sales - Liquor

  • Sales - Beer

  • Sales - Wine

  • Sales - Retail/Other

  • Sales - General

  • Discount (exclude from sales)

  • COGS - Food

  • COGS - N/A Beverage

  • COGS - Liquor

  • COGS - Beer

  • COGS - Wine

  • COGS - Retail/Other

  • COGS - General

  • Labor - FOH

  • Labor - BOH

  • Labor - Salaried

  • Labor - General

  • Other Key Controllable

Operational Reports Categories allow the User to assign a GL Account to one of several categories used on various Operational Reports. These reports are ran from within My Reports. Operational Reports Categories can be broken down into three separate groups:

  1. Sales

  2. COGS

  3. Labor & Other

The following is a sample of the reports that utilize the Operational Reports Category assignments in at least one of the groupings mentioned above:

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