Documents to Process page

This article provides an overview of the Documents to Process page as well as descriptions of the fields, controls, and components. For more information about Documents to Process and the actions performed from this page, see Documents to Process Overview.

There are two ways to view the Documents to Process page: the card view and the table view. The table view allows users to perform bulk actions by selecting multiple documents. The card view allows users to details alongside a thumbnail image of the document.

Selecting the Create or Review button in a document row opens the Draft Transaction side sheet where users can match information from the document to fields in R365.

Table view




Add Issues

When selected, this button displays a list of possible issues with the selected document.
Custom issues can be added using the Comment field at the bottom of the list.



Changes the table view to show either:

  • Documents to Process - Documents awaiting processing, review, or approval.

  • Recently Completed - Documents completed within the past 90 days.


Category filters

Filters the table to show one of the following:

  • All - All documents.

  • Priority - Documents marked as high priority.

  • Issues - Documents with issues.

    Documents with issues remain in the document queue until the transaction is approved.

Each button displays the number of pending documents in that category.



When selected, this button displays a list of archived documents.



Searches the list by file name. When the user enters a file name in the field, the table automatically updates to display documents matching the search criteria.


Upload Document

Allows the user to upload documents into R365. 


Table Views

Create or edit sets of sort and filter options to save new table views.



Opens the Columns selector where users can choose to show or hide columns in the table or change the order of the columns.



Opens the Filter Columns window where users can create and apply table filters.

Select the filter icon to open the Filter Columns window. Once open, click Add Filter to select the Column and Filter Type, and then enter the Value that should be filtered. Select the Apply button to filter the table for the information entered.



Downloads a copy of the document list as a spreadsheet file.


Card view

Switches the page to the card view.


Table view

Switches the page to the table view.



Reloads the table to update the document list. 


Bulk Select checkboxes

Allows users to select one or more checkboxes to open the Bulk Edit menu, which includes the following options:

  • Create Invoice - Manually create an invoice from the document.

  • Edit Values - Edit the Document Type, Location, Assigned User, and/or Priority.

    • The location cannot be updated in the gridview when the document is in the following statuses:

      • Verification Needed

      • Ready for Review

  • Merge Documents - Combine multiple files into a single manageable file.

  • Attach to Existing Transaction - Open a sidesheet displaying existing AP Transactions. The selected documents can then be attached to an existing AP Invoice or Credit Memo.

  • Archive - Mark the file as a duplicate and move it from the main list to the Archive view.

  • Delete - Remove the file from the Documents to Process screen.



Marks the document as high priority by hovering over the Priority column and selecting the arrow.


File Name

File name of the document.


Assigned To

User who is assigned to imputing transaction details into R365.


Created On

Date when the document was uploaded.



Number of pages included in the document.



Location assigned to the document. 

The location column in the Documents to Process screen displays the location assigned to the draft transaction when either of the following conditions is met:

  • The location is manually assigned by a user on the Draft Transaction form.

  • The location is assigned by the OCR process based on a direct mapping.



Any notes added that explain issues with the upload. These may be issues like Vendor Incorrect or Duplicate Number.

Issues can also be manually entered by the user by clicking the +Add Issues button when viewing a document entry.


Document Type

Type of document: AP Invoice or Credit Memo.



Allows users to view or add comments in this column. The number indicates the number of comments attached to the document. If no comments have been added, the Add Comment button appears. Learn more about Docs to Process Comments here.



Displays the current status of the document. Users may see any of the following statuses:

  • Ready For Review

  • Waiting

  • Verification Needed -

  • Failed



The Create button directs the user to the AP Invoice/Credit Memo form. To avoid two Users entering an AP Invoice and/or Credit Memo at once, enable Document Locking on the Miscellaneous tab of System Preferences.

Locked documents display a grayed out Locked button in place of the Create button. However, if a user is inactive for more than 30 minutes while entering a transaction, the transaction details are saved and the Create button becomes available again.



Deletes the uploaded document.

Docs to Process Additional Columns

When AP Capture AI is enabled, users will also see the following columns:




The vendor associated with the document.

Transaction Number

The identifying number associated with the transaction.

Card view





When selected, this button displays a list of archived documents.



Filter the screen to display documents for all location or for specified locations.



Begin entering a file name in the field. The screen updates to display documents matching your search criteria.


Card view / Table view

Switch between the card view and the table view.



Reload the table to update the document list.


Document cards

Each card includes the following options:

  • AP Invoice - Create a new AP Invoice

  • Credit Memo - Create a new Credit Memo

  • Delete- Delete the Document

Draft Transaction side sheet

The Draft Transaction side sheet is used to enter or verify information when creating or reviewing a document. Information can be entered manually or automatically with R365's AP Capture AI tool, which uses Optical Caracter Recognition (OCR) to pull data directly from the document into R365. 

When using AP Capture AI, if a field is not matched automatically, the tool filters the drop-down to display potential matches, making it easier for users to locate and select the correct option from the list.

If Entry Instructions are available for the vendor, these instructions are shown between A and B. Entry instructions are entered on the Vendor record and can be especially helpful when used with services such as AP Capture Pro and AP Capture AI.

The Attachment Viewer for the Documents to Process page is comprised of three major components:

  • ( A ) Controls and General Information

  • ( B ) Details

  • ( C ) Split View

For more information, see Draft Transaction Sidesheet.