Classic Commissary
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Classic Commissary

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Article summary

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The Classic Commissary Module in Restaurant365 makes it easy for Restaurant Locations to create and submit Commissary Orders to a designated Commissary and for that Commissary Location to review and fulfill those Commissary Orders.  Additionally, there are three Commissary-specific reports found in My Reports, under the Commissary section.

In order to utilize the Classic Commissary Module, it must be activated. If you are interested in activating Commissary, please contact our R365 Support Team and someone will follow up with you.

Learn more about using the Commissary module in the Smart Ops.

Commissary Order Flow

  1.  An Accounting User assigns (or creates a new Location Record for the Commissary, then assigns) a Commissary Location on each Restaurant Location.  This will be the Commissary that the Location orders from

  2.  A Commissary Manager performs a one-time setup of identifying which items in the system are Commissary Items

  3.  A Commissary Manager performs a one-time setup of the Order Template, which Locations get deliveries on which days, and if Location Managers should receive alerts when cutoff time is approaching if their Commissary Order hasn’t been submitted

  4.  The Commissary Module automatically generates the weekly order forms (which needs to be filled out, completed, and submitted to the Commissary) for the Restaurant Locations based on the settings entered in the Commissary Order Template

  5.  Restaurant Managers fill out their Commissary Orders on appropriate days and submit them

  6.  The Commissary then reviews orders, makes updates if needed, prints consolidated production list as well as packing slip/pick ticket if desired, and when the orders are fulfilled they mark this on the Mass Fulfillment window (including updating quantities if the orders weren’t fulfilled in full)

  7.  Marking orders as Fulfilled creates a Fulfillment Transaction which records the sale from the Commissary and hits the Cost accounts at the purchasing Location in the General Ledger.  If these are owned by separate Legal Entities (most common) then this also automatically creates an intercompany due to/from transaction which will track in the GL how much is owed to the Commissary by the other Legal Entities

  8.  A Bank Transfer is entered by an Accounting User from the purchasing Location Checking account to the Commissary which relieves the due to/from balance.  This is usually done monthly but can be done at any time.

  9.  Analytical reports can be run by the Commissary to review order history or perform forecasting


Classic Commissary Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Commissary

    • Commissary Order Guides

      • View Commissary Order Guides

      • Edit Commissary Order Guides

      • Create Commissary Order Guides

      • Delete Commissary Order Guides

    • Commissary Order Locations

      • View Commissary Order Locations

      • Edit Commissary Order Locations

      • Create Commissary Order Locations

      • Delete Commissary Order Locations

    • Commissary Orders

      • View Commissary Orders

      • Edit Commissary Order Costs/Qty Fulfilled/Lock Status

      • Edit Commissary Orders

      • Create Commissary Orders

      • Access/Use Mass Fulfillment

      • Cancel Commissary Orders

      • Fulfill/Ship Commissary Orders

      • Delete Commissary Orders

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


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Commissary features are located under in the 'Commissary' listing of the 'Operations' module in the left hand navigation pane.

Item Setup

Only Purchased Items marked as Commissary Items will be available in the Commissary Module.  Click here for information on how to create Purchased Items.  To mark an item as a Commissary Item perform the following:

1. Open the Purchased Item Record located in 'Items' under the 'Inventory' listing in the 'Operations' module. When that record opens, a window like the one below will appear in a new tab. Click the Commissary Item check box on the General tab, allowing for the Sales tab to be visible where additional information will be required.

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2. In addition to the required fields on the Purchased Item Record, when a Purchased Item is marked as a Commissary Item, the information found on the Sales tab must be completed

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1) Selling U of M – the U of M value selected here will be the Selling Unit of Measure when this item is sold from the Commissary

2) Sales Account – Select the Sales Account where the sale amount is credited for this Commissary Item

3) Price Type - The manner of which that item is priced. For this option, you can choose either 'Set $ Amount' or 'Cost Markup %'

4) Price (selling) – The amount the item will be sold for

5) Taxable checkbox – Check this checkbox if the Commissary Item is taxable

6) Commissary Category – Select the Commissary Category for this Commissary Item.  If no Commissary Categories have been created, click on the ‘Commissary Category’ hyperlink to create a new Commissary Category and assign it to the Commissary Item

7) ACH Deposit Account - The checking account associated with the item

Location Setup

Users with the following Permissions can create Locations using the Setup Assistant:

  • Administration → Locations → Create Locations

  • Administration → System Setup → Use Setup Assistant

If your Commissary Location was not created during your initial system setup, hover over the 'Administration' menu in the top menu ribbon and select 'Setup Assistant'. Locate the 'Locations' step and create your Commissary Location.

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Once the Commissary Location exists in the system, it will need to be assigned to the respective Restaurant Locations on each Location Record. This is accomplished by selecting the 'Commissary Location' name in the 'Commissary' field on the 'General' tab of the Location Record as shown above. This sets the Commissary that this Location will order from in the future.

Commissary Orders

Orders get created according to the template for each location based on the schedule setup on the template. The manager fills out the quantities they want and submit the orders to the commissary. Click here for commissary order training.

Fulfilled Transactions

When a Commissary Order is fulfilled, meaning the Commissary has Shipped the product and marked the Commissary Order as fulfilled in the system, a Commissary Fulfillment transaction gets created automatically. The Commissary Fulfillment shows the quantity of each item that went from the Commissary to the Location, which records sales to the Commissary and cost to the Location. Click here for commissary fulfillment training.

Mass Fulfillment

The commissary can manage all orders at the same time from the mass fulfillment screen.  This allows them to view a list of Commissary Orders based on filters they set such as a specific date range, for specific Locations, and for specific status' such as Open, Submitted, etc. Click here for mass fulfillment training.

Paying the Commissary

The most common way to pay the Commissary is with a Bank Transfer from the Legal Entity that owns the Restaurant Locations to the Legal Entity that owns the Commissary. Click here for bank transfer training.


There are various reports included with the Commissary Module.

  • Consolidated Production List - the Commissary can run this report for a date range to see the consolidated quantities of items across all Commissary Orders from all Locations.  It can be run from the Mass Fulfillment window or from My Reports

  • Commissary Forecast - the Commissary can run this report for their selected week and using average sales the system will make a recommendation on the forecast of items needed for the coming week.  It can be run from My Reports

  • Packing Slip - this gives a printable list of items to be packed and delivered to a Location for their Commissary Order.  It can be run for multiple orders at once from the Mass Fulfillment window, a single Commissary Order screen, or from the Commissary Order list by selecting the desired rows and choosing Edit Selected button - Print

  • Commissary Order History - displays past order totals by item by Location.  it can be run for a desired date range and number of Locations from My Reports

  • Post Fulfillment On Hand - this gives a printable report to show what was actually fulfilled on a Commissary Order. It can be run for multiple orders on the Mass Fulfillment window, a single Commissary Order from the Commissary Order screen or the Commissary Fulfillment screen, or by selecting multiple items in the list and choosing Edit Selected - Print from either the Commissary Order list or Fulfillment Transactions list

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