Post Fulfillment On Hand Report
  • 05 Jul 2024
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Post Fulfillment On Hand Report

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Article summary

The Post Fulfillment On Hand Report provides a listing of all items that are in Inventory after all of the Commissary Orders are completed. Review this report to view and drill down into the items on hand before the order was sent and how much is available on the shelves once all orders are sent out.


To navigate to the Post Fulfillment On Hand Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and select 'Commissary' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'Post Fulfillment On Hand Report' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.

Report Parameters

  1. Commissary Location - This will display all Commissary Locations. Only one can be chosen for this report

  2. As Of - The date the report is ran as of

  3. Categories - This will display all Commissary Food Categories. Only one option can be chosen for this report

  4. Group By Category - This will either display one list of all items ('No') or group items into Categories alphabetically ("Yes')

  5. Run Button - This will run the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion and selecting the desired action. Click here to learn more about this functionality

Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.

Report Columns

  1. Item # - The Item Number as listed on the Item record

  2. Item Name - The name of the item

  3. U of M - The Selling Unit of Measure from the Commissary Item Location record. If there is not an Item Location record for this item, then use the Purchased Item Selling U of M

  4. On Hand - Pre-Fulfill - The theoretical On Hand amount for the item. Clicking into this field will drill into the Theo On Hand report filtered to this item in the selected Commissary Location

  5. Qty Ordered - The total amount of this item ordered across all Locations

  6. On Hand - Post Fulfill - The On-Hand Pre-Fulfill (#4) amount minus the Quantity Ordered (#5). Negative amounts are shown in red text and in parenthesis

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.

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