Security & Permissions: Overview & Security
  • 03 Sep 2024
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Security & Permissions: Overview & Security

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Article summary

The Security & Permissions page holds several key User security and permissions features. This page makes managing User security and permissions simpler by bringing related settings together into one easy-to-navigate page. Here, Admin Users will be able to view Users by User Role, adjust Report Roles, and adjust Password Parameters.

All changes to Security and Permissions configurations must be saved using the 'Save' menu in the upper-left corner. This page does not autosave. 


The Permissions listed here are associated with the Security & Permissions page. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.

'Security & Permissions' Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Administration

    • Password Policy

      • View Password Policy

      • Edit Password Policy

    • Users

      • Report Roles

        • View Report Roles

        • Create/Edit/Delete Report Roles

      • User Roles

        • View User Roles & Permissions

        • Create/Edit/Delete User Roles & Permissions

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

Learn more about User Setup and Security here.


Hover over the 'Administration' menu in the Top Ribbon, then the 'Users & Security' sub-menu, then select 'Security & Permission'. This will open the Security & Permissions screen.


The Security & Permissions page is organized into the following tabs: 

User Roles

The User Roles tab contains security information organized by User Role. Learn more about the features for the User Roles tab here.

The User Roles tab has three subtabs:

  • PERMISSIONS - List of permissions available in the system according to the selected User Role. All permissions are additive and give permission to either access something or to perform an action. This tab is used to view the permissions currently granted to the selected Role, add or remove permissions, as well as create new User Roles.

  • USERS - List of all active Users. This tab is used to search for active Users by User Role and to assign or remove Users from User Roles.

  • SETTINGS - Password Requirements by User Role. This tab is view-only.

Report Roles

The Report Roles tab contains features for Report Roles management, including viewing, editing, User assignment, and creating new Report Roles. Learn more about the features for the Report Roles tab here

The Report Roles tab has three subtabs:

  • PERMISSIONS - Listing of all Report Permissions. Each Report Permission grants Users assigned to the selected Report Role the permission to view that Report. This tab is used to view, assign, or remove Report Permissions for the selected Report Role.

  • USERS - Listing of all active Users. This tab is used to search for active Users by Report Role and to assign or remove Users from Report Roles.

  • SETTINGS - 'P&L Cutoff' and 'Report Subscription' configurations viewable by Report Role. This tab is used to adjust these settings.


The Passwords tab contains the Password Policy configurations. Learn more about the features of the Passwords tab here.


The Authentication tab contains the configurations for the global Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) settings, as well as MFA requirements by User Role. Learn more about the Authentication tab here.

The Authentication tab (MFA) is only available as part of the R365 Professional Package. Contact your CSM or Account Executive to learn how MFA can enhance your R365 experience!

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) adds an additional layer of security that prompts Users to authenticate their logins. Authentication prompts can be required as frequently as every login or as rarely as every 60 days.

When MFA is enabled, all Users have the ability to opt in to MFA for their User Account. Users who opt in to MFA will have the ability to pick any authentication frequency, and may opt out at any time.

Auto Log Out

The Auto Log Out tab contains the inactivity threshold setting for the Instance. Once the system recognizes that a User has not been active for the allotted threshold, that User will automatically be logged out. Learn more about the Auto Log Out tab here.

Audit Access

The Audit Access tab contains the tools to generate reports based on User Access or Permissions Access.

The Audit Access tab has three subtabs:

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