- 10 Jun 2024
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Payment Runs Page
- Updated on 10 Jun 2024
- 10 Minutes to read
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The Payment Runs page lists all Payment Runs created in your database. From this easy-to-view grid, Users can determine right away which Payment Runs need to be updated, finalized, and sent to the necessary Vendors. Users can even click into and update Payment Runs directly from this page.
The grid will initially be filtered to display Payment Runs with a status of 'Payments Created' or 'Payments Processed', but this filter can be easily removed and/or saved views of the grid can be created to make review that much easier.
The Permissions listed here are associated with Payment Runs. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.
Payment Run Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:
Accounts Payable
Payment Runs
View Payment Runs
Export ACH in Payment Runs
Send/Edit R365 Payments
Email ACH Stubs in Payment Runs
Print Checks w/Signature in Payment Runs
Print Checks in Payment Runs
Create/Edit Payment Runs
Create Checks in Payment Runs
Approve Payment Runs
Unapprove Payment Runs
Delete Payment Runs
The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.
Learn more about User Setup and Security here.
Open the Payment Runs page by clicking 'Payment Runs' under 'Accounts Payable' in the Accounting module.
Payment Run Approvals
Payment Run Approvals is an optional feature that can be enabled on request. When Payment Run Approvals is enabled, the layout of the Payment Runs page is modified to group 'Unapproved' and 'Approved' Payment Runs in a separate section at the top of the page. This layout makes identifying Payment Runs that require attention easier and faster.
Learn more about Payment Run Approvals here.
To enable Payment Run Approvals, please contact your R365 Support.
Payment Runs Grid
Users can view Payment Runs with payments created by default or can remove the default filter to view all Payment Runs, regardless of status. To view a Payment Run, click the desired run in the listing.
Search Bar - This will search the listing for the characters entered in this field
Table Views - This enables the User to create and edit saved views of this list. Simply click this icon and then either 'Save Current View' to save the new view or 'Edit Table Views' to edit the selected saved view. All saved views are listed above these two action buttons
Filter - This allows the User to create a filter for the table. Click this filter icon to open the 'Filter Columns' modal. Once open, click '+ Add Filter' to select the Column and Filter types and then select the Value that should be filtered. Select the 'Apply' button to filter the table for the information entered or click the trash can icon to remove a filter
The table will have a default filter set, which can be removed to view all Payment Runs
Columns - This lists all of the columns available to display in the Payment Runs list. Check or uncheck a column name to include or exclude it, respectively, in the list. Columns can also be recognized by dragging and dropping the desired column's rearrange icon
where needed
Export - This will download the listed information into a .csv file
Refresh - This will refresh the listing
Payment Run - The name of the Payment Run
When a Payment Run is created, a Payment Run Name is automatically assigned to it in the format of 'Bank Account Number - Date - Time Stamp - Sequence Number - User's Full Name'. The Payment Run Name can be changed, and the edited name does not need to be unique. The Sequence Number is based on the number of Payment Runs previously created on the associated date by the same User.
Status - The status of the Payment Run. Statuses include:
Draft - The Payment Run is saved and needs to be submitted
Unapproved - The Payment Run will need to be approved or modified
Approved - The Payment can either be unapproved and updated or have payments made
Payments Created- The payments within the Payment Run were created and are waiting to be processed. Processing payments includes:
Printing Checks
Processing and sending to Vendor by the R365 Payments Team (if R365 Payments is enabled)
Payments Processed- The payments within the Payment Run were processed.
By default, the grid will be filtered to a 'Payments Created' or 'Payments Processed' status. Remove this filter via the 'Filter Columns' modal (#3)
Payment Date - The default payment date for AP Payments created on this Payment Run
Total Amount - The total amount of all AP Payments created on this Payment Run
Bank Account - The bank account that will be used to record all AP Payments on this Payment Run
Location - The Location tied to this Payment Run
Payment Run Statuses
The status of a Payment Run helps to determine at what stage in the approval and payment creation process a Payment Run is listed. Based on this status, certain actions are required to complete the Payment Run process.
Review the five statuses to determine what actions your team needs to take for payments to be created and processed. Learn what actions need to be completed here.
Payment Run Sidesheet
When a Payment Run is clicked from the Payment Run Approval section or the Payment Runs Grid, the Payment Run sidesheet will open.
In this article, the Payment Run sidesheet will be broken down into the following sections:
Sidesheet Header
Payment Run - The name of the Payment Run
Status - The status of the Payment Run. Statuses include:
Payments Created
Payments Processed
Click here for more details on the Payment Run process and its associated statuses
Save - This will save any changes made to the Payment Run
Approve / Unapprove - This will either approve or unapprove the Payment Run, depending on its status. If unapproved, additional changes can be made
Create Payments - This will be displayed for approved Payment Runs so that Users can create payments for the selected invoices. Click here to learn how to create payments, including R365 Payments, if enabled for your database
Close - Click to close the sidesheet. This will close the sidesheet without saving
Payment Run Info Card
Payments to Be Paid - The number of payments to be paid, based on the selections made to the invoices on the Invoices by Vendor List
Invoices Included / Excluded - This will display two data points:
Invoices - The number of invoices included, or toggled on, in this Payment Run
Excluded - The number of invoices excluded, or toggled off, in this Payment Run
Payment Run Total - The total amount of the Payment Run for all invoices toggled on
Balances Before / After - This will display two data points:
Balance Before - The current balance in the Payment Run's bank account
Balance After - The balance in the Payment Run's bank account after subtracting the Payment Run Total amount
Bank Account - The name and number of the Payment Run's bank account
Location - The Location assigned to the Payment Run
Date - The date of the Payment
Payment Run Note - An optional Payment Run note that can be viewed by any Users with access to the Payment Run. This field can contain up to 2500 characters
Invoices by Vendor List
Vendor Drop-Down - This lists all Vendors from the Payment Run's invoices. Users can click this field and filter for specific Vendors to aid in completing and/or approving the Payment Run
Filtered Total - The total amount of the Payment Run for all invoices toggled on
Vendor Toggle - This will either include or exclude the Vendor and its invoices from the Payment Run when toggled on or off, respectively
Vendor - The name of the Vendor. A number will be displayed next to this to show how many invoices are included for this Vendor. The entire Vendor can be toggled off using the Vendor toggle or individual invoices can be toggled off using the Invoice toggle as needed. The invoices tied to each Vendor can be collapsed by clicking the Vendor name
Vendor Total - The total amount of the invoices toggled on for this Vendor
Vendor Invoice - The individual Vendor Invoice card with the following information:
Invoice Toggle - This will either include or exclude the invoice from the Payment Run when toggled on or off, respectively
Invoice - The invoice number for the corresponding invoice. This number is hyperlinked to its invoice and will open in a new window when clicked for further review
Invoice Priority Status - If the Invoice has a priority status set, it will appear here
Comments - The comments from the invoice comments field. If the 'Payment Hold' toggle is enabled, it will also be displayed here for reference
Due Date - The date that the Payment is due
Payment Date - The date that the Payment is made
Location - The Location associated with Payments
Payment Total - The total amount of the invoice and the Payment Method set on the Vendor record
Once the Payment has been created, Users will see an additional field with an added detail: The AP Payment number. This number will be hyperlinked to the AP Payment record. It will display a 'Voided' status if the Payment has been voided
Review and Approve a Payment Run
Complete the following steps to review and approve a Payment Run:
Step 1: Identifying Unapproved Payment Runs
To start the approval process, Payment Runs that are 'Unapproved' will need to be singled out. If Payment Run Approvals is enabled, 'Unapproved' Payment Runs will be grouped in the 'Pending' section of the Payment Runs page. If Payment Run Approvals is not enabled, the Payment Run Grid can be filtered to show the 'Unapproved' Payment Runs.
Pending Section
If Payment Run Approvals is enabled, 'Unapproved' Payment Runs will be grouped in the 'Pending' section of the Payment Runs page. Click on 'Details' to open the Payment Run sidesheet and view its details.
Payment Run Grid
To view 'Unapproved' Payment Runs in the Payment Runs grid, filter the grid for 'Unapproved' Payment Runs using the 'Filter' option in the top right corner above the grid. Click the 'Unapproved' Payment Run to open the sidesheet and view its details.
Step 2: Review the Payment Run Header
Review the details in the header, including the bank account, Location, and any notes already provided. If any of these details are inaccurate, return to the Payment/Check Run screen, select this Payment Run, make the necessary edits, and re-submit the Payment Run.
The amounts and data points listed in this header will update as the Payment Run is updated.
Step 3: Include / Exclude Invoices or Vendors
Below the Payment Run header, the 'Invoices by Vendor' section will be listed. Users can filter for specific Vendors via the Vendor drop-down (#1) or can scroll down the section to view all invoices listed by Vendor.
Review the invoices and their priority status (#4) listed to see what invoices should be paid now. Users can even click into the invoice number listed to view the details of each invoice in more depth. The toggle next to each invoice (#3) can either be toggled on (blue) or off (gray) if the corresponding invoice should be included or excluded, respectively. If an entire Vendor should be included or excluded, its Vendor toggle (#2) should either be toggled on (blue) or off (gray), respectively.
Invoices that are toggled off (gray) will not be included in the payment when payments are created for this Payment Run.
As updates are made to the Payment Run, the Total (#5) and the Filtered Total (#6) will update their amounts, along with the information listed in the header.
Step 4: Approve the Payment Run
Once all updates are completed, click the 'Approve' button in the top ribbon of the Payment Run. This Payment Run will then be ready for payments to be created.
Create Payments for an Approved Payment Run
Users can create Payments for a Payment Run by opening the desired Payment Run sidesheet from the Payment Runs page and clicking 'Create Payments'. This will then open the Payment Run in a new window where the User can create Payments, including R365 Payments (if enabled for your database).
It is important to note that invoices that are toggled off (gray) will not be included in the Payment Run when Payments are created. In addition, these Payments will be removed from the Payment Run when Payments are created.
Payments that are not printed checks, Export ACH, or R365 Payments will have the status of 'Payments Created' listed until they are processed.