Microsoft Entra (Azure) Integration
  • 30 Oct 2024
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Microsoft Entra (Azure) Integration

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Article summary

The Microsoft Entra (Azure)Single Sign-On (SSO) integration offers a secure and streamlined login experience, allowing users to access accounts with a single set of credentials. This cloud-based identity management service enhances security by simplifying access to applications and data across devices.

In Beta
This feature is in beta. Contact your CSM to learn more.


The Microsoft Entra (Azure) integration:

IdP-initiated SSO (identity provider-initiated single sign-on)

The user starts the login process from Azure (identity provider), then is automatically logged into R365.

Organizations integrated with Microsoft Entra (Azure) for SSO will have an additional option to login with their Azure credentials in addition to their username and password.

Microsoft Entra (Azure) Setup

SSO configuration requires setup in both Microsoft Entra and in R365.

Setup in Microsoft Entra

In the Applications section of the Microsoft Entra admin center, an admin for Microsoft Entra will need to complete steps to add a new app integration.

Click steps to expand for additional information and images.

2) Copy the sign-in redirect URI.

3) In the Applications section of the Microsoft Entra admin center, complete the steps to register a new application.

For more information on creating an app integration, visit Microsoft Entra’s support site.

4) Make note of the Client ID and Client secret for setup in R365.

The Client Secret is generated once the application setup in Microsoft Entra is complete.  

These fields will be entered into R365 on the Microsoft Entra (Azure) Configuration page.

Setup in R365

On the Microsoft Entra (Azure) Configuration page, enter the information provided by Microsoft Entra to establish the connection.

Click steps to expand for additional information and images.

1) Navigate to the Single Sign-On (SSO) page.  

2) Click Connect to establish the connection.

3) Enter the Client ID.

Microsoft Entra provides the Client ID.

4) Enter the Client Secret.

Microsoft Entra provides the Client Secret once application setup is complete.

5) Enter the Directory ID.

Microsoft Entra provides the Directory ID.

6) Click Save.

7) Review the status to confirm connection.

If the connection is successful, the status will display ‘Connected’.

If the connection is not successful, the status will display ‘Not Connected’.

The status is also available for review on the Single Sign-On (SSO) page.

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