Labor Forecasting
  • 12 Jul 2024
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Labor Forecasting

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Article summary

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Custom Labor Forecasting enables organizations to predict the amount of staff needed at a Location on a given day and hour based on the Forecasted Sales. In order to have this forecast represent the most accurate data, the Labor Configuration must reflect current Operating Hours and list the details associated with both Fixed and Variable Labor Jobs for each selected Location. When both the Labor Matrix and Forecast are completed, a User will then be able to schedule the forecasted amount of Employees.

With continuous custom forecasting, you can drive down Labor costs and increase Labor efficiency based on the Sales data forecasted for each hour.


Forecasting Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Sales & Cash

    • Forecasts

      • Daily Forecasts

        • View Daily Forecasts

        • Edit/Publish Daily Forecasts

      • Hourly Forecasts

        • View Hourly Forecasts

        • Edit Hourly Forecasts

        • Approve/Publish Hourly Forecasts

        • Delete Hourly Forecasts

      • Monthly Forecasts

        • View Monthly Forecasts

        • Edit/Publish Monthly Forecasts

        • Import Monthly Forecasts

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

Labor Matrix Setup

In order to create a more accurate foundation for your Custom Labor Forecast, you must first set up the variable Labor Matrix, which has you note the times, jobs, and amount of Employees needed on the Schedule.


After completing your Labor Matrix, you can then generate your Forecast and manually edit your forecast as needed.

Schedule Calendar

Custom Labor Forecasting provides enhanced features that adjust the Sales and Labor Forecast display on the Schedule. While many features of the Schedule will remain the same, click here to learn the updated features of Custom Labor Forecasting: Schedule Calendar.

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