  • 31 Jul 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

This article is part of Task Management and covers Guides.

Task Guides are made up of user-created tasks and task groups. When building a Guide, users will create and customize individual tasks, group them into task groupings, and then assign the guide to a location. These tasks will then be listed as tasks to complete on the My Tasks page for the assigned locations. 

From the Guides page, users can also configure Task Management settings, including managing requests and tags. 

Task Management is an add-on to Operations. Please contact your Sales Representative to learn how the Task Management add-on can enhance your R365 experience.


The Permissions listed here are associated with Task Management Guides. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.

Task Management Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Administration

    • Task Management

      • Guides

        • View Guides

        • Edit Guides

        • Create Guides

        • Create/Edit/Delete Task Tags

        • Manage Request Settings

        • Delete Guides

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

Learn more about User Setup and Security here.


To navigate to the Guides page, click Guides from under the Task Management tab in the Smart Ops left navigation.

This will open the task management Guides page, which will list all existing Guides. Users will be able to see guides 

Guides Page

The Guides page lists all the existing task Guides. From this page, users can create new or edit existing Guides.




Table Functions

As with all smart grids, the Guides grid on this page features the following table functions:

  •  - Search for specific keywords.

  • - Save/edit Table Views.

  • - Select which columns to show or hide on the grid.

  • - Filter column information

  • - Edit Row Height to be smaller or larger. This function is accessible from the menu.

  • - Export the table to a .csv file. This function is accessible from the menu.

  • - Refresh. This function is accessible from the menu.

Learn more about working with Smart Grids here



Selects a guide.
Clicking one checkbox will open the edit options, including the options to delete  or duplicate the guide.

Selecting multiple guides will enable the bulk edit function, which allows users to delete more than one guide at a time.



The name of the guide. Guide names can be changed or edited in-grid by clicking the field and typing in and editing the text.

Users will only be able to see guides with no location assignment and guides that are assigned to locations of which the user has access.



The number of tasks on the specific guide.



The list of locations that this guide has been assigned to.

Locations can be added or removed in-grid by clicking the field and selecting/deselecting locations.


Created On

The date and time that the guide was created.


Created By

The user that created the guide. 


Guide Menu

Click the guide menu to open the guide options. The options include the following:

Edit Guide - Click to open the guide to make edits or changes.

Delete Guide - Click to delete the selected guide. This will remove the guide from the list.

Duplicate Guide - Click to duplicate this guide. This will create a copy of the guide.


Task Management Settings

Click to open the Task Management Settings sidesheet. From the settings, users can manage availability request tasks and tags. To read more about task management settings, click here


+Add Guide

Click the +Add Guide button to create a new guide.

R365 Recommended Guide

All users will have a pre-built guide called the R365 Recommended Guide. This guide is built by R365 and can be used as an example of how to build guides. The R365 Recommended Guide can also be assigned to Locations for use or duplicated, if needed. 

Creating a New Guide

Users can create a new guide by clicking the +Add Guide button in the top right corner of the page. Users will then be prompted to create new tasks and task groupings. To learn more about creating a new guide, click here

Task Management Settings

From the Guides page, users can access the Task Management Settings sidesheet. From this sidesheet, users can set task permission groups, configure settings for requests, and manage tags. To learn more about the Task Management Settings, click here.

Click an image to enlarge.

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