Daily Sales Page
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Daily Sales Page

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Article summary

The Daily Sales page lists all Daily Sales Summaries (DSS).

A DSS will be listed as having one of the following three statuses: 'In Progress', 'Completed', or 'Approved'. Users can open, review, and update an 'In Progress' DSS from this page and either save it or mark it as 'Completed'. Users with approval permissions can then approve the 'Completed' DSSs via the classic R365 experience.


DSS permissions are found in the permission tree as follows:

  • Sales & Cash

    • Daily Sales

      • View Daily Sales

      • View/Edit Mass DSS

      • Edit Daily Sales

      • Edit Tags On Locked DSS

      • Edit Attachments On Locked DSS

      • Recreate Daily Sales JEs

      • Access DSS JE Tab

      • Assign Sales/Payment Type Accounts in DSS

      • Complete Daily Sales

      • Unlock Daily Sales

      • Approve Daily Sales

      • Unapprove Daily Sales

      • Delete Daily Comments

      • Delete Daily Sales

      • Repoll Daily Sales

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


In the left navigation menu, click 'Daily Sales' under 'Sales & Forecasting' to open the Daily Sales page.

A screenshot of a phone  Description automatically generated

Individual Daily Sales Summaries can also be accessed from the corresponding Daily Sales Summary in the classic experience by clicking the 'DSS Smart Operations NEW!' button. The Smart Ops version of the DSS will then open.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Daily Sales Grid





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Daily Sales Summary

Click to open the associated Daily Sales Summary in a sidesheet.

Daily Sales Columns




In Progress - DSS has not been completed or approved.

Completed - DSS has been reviewed and marked as complete and is locked from editing.

Approved - DSS was approved in the classic experience.


Location associated with the Daily Sales Summary.


Full name of the DSS, including the location and date.


Date associated with the POS data.


Indicates if attachments have been added to the DSS.

Net Sales

Total net sales for the location and date.

Total Labor $

Total actual labor dollars for all employees.

Total Labor Hours

Total actual hours worked by all employees.

Labor %

Total Labor $ / Net Sales.

Total Deposit

Total cash and check deposit.


Difference between the expected and actual deposit.

Guest Count

Total guests on all sales tickets.

Created By

User who created the DSS.

Created On

Date DSS was created.

Modified By

User who last edited the DSS.

Modified On

Date DSS was last edited.

Completed By

User who marked the DSS as complete.

Completed On

Date the DSS was marked as complete.

Approved By

User who approved the DSS in the classic experience.

Approved On

Date the DSS was approved.

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