Approve a Daily Sales Summary
  • 29 Jul 2024
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Approve a Daily Sales Summary

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Article summary

Once a Daily Sales Summary (DSS) has been marked as 'Completed' by a Smart Ops user, it should be reviewed and approved by a user with approval permissions. Users with this ability will need to navigate to the Classic R365 Experience in order to finalize and approve DSS records.

Importance of Approving Daily Sales Summaries

Routine is important, but when it comes to DSS approval, daily approvals are crucial to making sure all data in R365 is up-to-date.

Up-to-Date Reporting & Financials

With approved DSSs hitting your General Ledger, all reports and financial data will be current. This allows certain Users, especially Restaurant Managers, to run the Profit and Loss statement more frequently to see their store's financial standing.

Catch Errors Faster

In reviewing data polled in daily, you can find and resolve issues, such as missed time punches or discrepancies in paid outs, faster than if you were to wait and approve multiple DSSs at one time.

Easier Month-End

Making necessary updates and approving each day will reduce month-end procedures and allow more time for analyzing how your restaurant organization can function better.

Control Cash

You can have more control over your cash on hand by tracking daily deposits.


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In the bottom corner of the left navigation in Smart Ops, click 'Classic R365 Exp.' to open to your instance's original home screen. 

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When the screen opens, navigate to the Operations module and open the Daily Sales Summary listing. Double-click the desired record to view its details.

Review and Approve the DSS

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When the DSS opens, first navigate to the 'Comments & Tags' tab. Any notes made about issues in the DSS will be listed here by Restaurant Managers.

If no issues are noted or if all issues were assessed and corrected, make one final review through the Daily Sales Summary to ensure that all details are correct. Click here for a walk through on reviewing the DSS in the Classic Experience. 

Once finalized, select an approval option from the 'Approve' menu in the header. 

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