Custom Financial Reports page
  • 04 Jul 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Custom Financial Reports page

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Article summary

This article describes the fields and controls on the Custom Financial Reports page. The R365 Financial Report Writer is an added R365 service allowing users to customize the content, layout, and look and feel of financial reports. For more information on the R365 Financial Report Writer, please reach out to your R365 Sales or CSM Representative or R365 Support.


To access the R365 Financial Report Writer and Custom Financial Reports, in the Reports section of the left navigation menu, select Custom Financial Reports.
The Custom Financial Reports page appears, where users can create and access custom reports.



The permissions listed here are associated with Custom Financial Reports. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here

Custom Financial Reports Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Reporting

    • Custom Financial Reports

      • View All CFR Reports (Bypasses Report Role)

      • Manage Multi-Instance Financial Dashboard Views

      • Packages

        • Edit Custom Financial Report Packages

        • Create Custom Financial Report Packages

        • Delete Custom Financial Report Packages

      • Reports

        • Create/Edit Custom Financial Reports

        • Delete Custom Financial Reports

      • Templates

        • View/Create/Edit/Delete CFR Templates

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned.

Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

Viewing Custom Financial Reports

Report Roles

Custom Financial Reports must be added to a user's report roles in order to be viewed. Learn more about adding Custom Financial Reports to report roles here. To add Custom Financial Reports to a report role, the user must have the following permission:

  • Administration → Users → Report Roles → Create/Edit/Delete Report Roles

View All CFR Reports

Users with the following permission will be able to view all CFR Reports, regardless of which reports are included in their Report Role(s).

  • Reporting → Custom Financial Reports → View All CFR Reports (Bypasses Report Role)

Location Access

The locations that are assigned to each user on their user record determines which locations they can view data for when running reports. If a user does not have access to a specific location, they cannot view data for that location. Learn more about User Location Access here.

Custom Financial Reports list



Templates / Reports / Packages

Allows the user to access different pages related to custom financial reports, including:

  • Templates - Opens the list of templates, which can be used to build custom reports. 

  • Reports - Selected by default, this option opens the reports list where users can view and run reports.

  • Packages - Opens the list of report packages, which are groups of reports and PDF documents that can be run at the same time. New 

Create Report

Opens the Create New Report prompt where users can build a new custom report from an existing template.


Users can enter the name or partial name of an existing custom report in the search bar to filter the list. The list updates to display reports that match the search criteria.

Report Type tabs

Filters the report list to display only reports matching the selected report type.

Reports list

Displays a list of available reports. Each report row includes the following features:

  • Default label - If present, the report is a default or example report provided by R365.

  • Filters Applied label - If present, filters were applied to the report using the Filters tab. Review the applied filters to ensure that the selected report returns the correct data.

  • Quick Parameters -Expand to view and set parameters before running the report.

  • Run - Runs the report as-is, without adjusting parameters.

  • Favorite -Marks the report as a favorite. When selected, the star is filled in, and the report appears in the Favorites list.

  • Hide -Hides a report from view. Once hidden, a report can be found at the bottom of All Reports or its designated report category under Hidden Reports.

Custom Financial Report side sheet

When a report is selected from the list, a side sheet appears. This side sheet can be used to adjust parameters and run the report.



Report name

Name of the selected report.

Rename Report

Allows the user to edit the name of the report.

Manage Subscriptions

Opens the Subscriptions page, where users can create and manage report subscriptions.


Closes the side sheet.


Shows which template was used to create the report.
Users with the following permission can select the link to view and edit the template: 

  • Reporting → Custom Financial Reports → Templates → View/Create/Edit/Delete CFR Templates

Viewer Access

Users with the report role selected from this drop-down gain access to the report. For more information, see Assigning Reports.

Org Units tab

Organizational units selected on this tab are included in the generated report.

Filters tab

This tab is used to create and apply filters to the report. If filters are applied, the Filters Applied label appears next to the report name.

Organization units that have not already been selected in the Org Units tab and location reporting categories appear in this list as additional filters. Concept and District are location reporting categories that are not part of the organization structure set in System Preferences. Therefore, they can be used as Filters when running reports.

Settings tab

This tab is used to view and update report settings.

Manage Org Units

Opens the Organization Structure tab of System Preferences, where users can make changes to the organization units.

Report Date(s)

The date range for the report, which corresponds to the Time Frame (TF) Column Type. If the TF Type is not set to Time Frame to Date, then the report date represents the entire time frame. If the TF Type is set to Time Frame to Date, then the column represents data up to the report date.

Cover Page

If an optional cover page is required for the report, this field is used to enter the title for the cover page in this field. The Data As Of (Time) indicates the most recent time that data was polled from the POS.


Saves changes to the report settings.

Save & Run

Saves changes to the report settings and generates the report.


Generates the report, which can then be downloaded to the user's device or emailed as a PDF or spreadsheet file.

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