User passwords can be reset by both employees as well as their managers or other R365 administrative users. Employees will need to access R365 via a web browser or mobile app to update their password.
Other users who have the following permissions will be able to update passwords for Employees via the User Record or Setup Assistant:
View Users
Edit Users
System Setup
Use Setup Assistant
These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.
Partner Channel Users can have their passwords reset via their User record or Setup Assistant.
Self Reset
Employees can reset their password via the web version of R365 or using the R365 mobile app.
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R365 Web
Navigate to the appropriate R365 instance. An employee’s R365 instance is the domain name selected on the app + '', or
If unsure of your restaurant's R365 domain name, contact your Manager for assistance.
In the standard version of R365, click the employee/user name in the top right corner to open the dropdown menu. In the classic version of R365, hover over the employee/user name in the top right corner to open the dropdown menu. From the dropdown, click Reset Password.
This will open a new tab. From this tab, users should enter their R365 username used to log in to R365. Once the username is entered, click Send Password Link. This will send to the employee’s email on file.
The user will receive an email from R365 with a custom link to reset their password. This link will only be valid for 10 minutes. To continue with the password reset, click Reset Password.
A new window will open that prompts users to create a new password. Enter a new password. Then, click Save Password.
Once the password is saved, the user will be logged in to R365.
R365 Mobile
Passwords can be changed from the Employee User Profile. Learn about updating user passwords from the mobile app.
Self Reset From Login
Employees can also reset their password from the login screen using the Forgot Password button.
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How to Reset a Password From Login - Video
R365 Web
Navigate to the appropriate R365 instance. An employee’s R365 instance is the domain name selected on the app + '', or
If unsure of your restaurant's R365 domain name, contact your Manager for assistance.
From the login screen, click the Forgot Password? link.
This will open a new tab. From this tab, users should enter their R365 username used to log in to R365. Once the username is entered, click Send Password Link. This will send to the employee’s email on file.
The user will receive an email from R365 with a custom link to reset their password. This link will only be valid for 10 minutes. To continue with the password reset, click Reset Password.
A new window will open that prompts users to create a new password. Enter a new password. Then, click Save Password.
Once the password is saved, the user will be logged in to R365.
R365 Mobile
Users can tap Forgot Password to reset their password from the login screen. Learn more about resetting user passwords via mobile.
Administrative User Reset
Administrative users that have access to the Setup Assistant and the User Setup Role have the ability to reset other user's passwords. There are two ways a password can be reset: Setup Assistant, user record, and employee record.
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Setup Assistant
Hover over the Administration tab in the top ribbon and select Setup Assistant. This will open the Setup Assistant in a pop-up window.
Click the Users & Security section to open straight to the Users step. A listing of all the users with access to R365, including employees that have been granted the Employee App Access role, will be shown along with their email, login name, and temporary password.
Users that have never logged in to the system will have their passwords (either manually set or auto-generated) displayed in plain text while Users that have logged in will have a line of asterisks displayed in place of their passwords.
Locate the user record where the password needs to be reset and double click on the record line to open the record prompt.
Click the Password field and enter a new temporary password for the user, then click one of the Save options to save the password. The user will be prompted to change the password upon first login.
Click Reset Password to send the user a link to change their password.
If the password is changed by the administrative user, then the new password should be communicated to the user. If Reset Password is clicked, a new tab will open where the username associated with the account is entered. Once it is entered, click Send Password Reset Link. This will sent the user a link to the email on file for the user.
They will receive an email with a custom password reset link that will be good for 10 minutes.
The user that received the password reset will then need to create and save their password.
User Record
In the classic version of R365, from under Administration, click Users to open the list of all users. Then, click a user entry from the list to open that user’s user record.
Click the Password field and enter a new temporary password for the user, then click one of the Save options to save the password. The user will be prompted to change the password upon first login.
Click Reset Password to send the user a link to change their password.
If the password is changed by the administrative user, then the new password should be communicated to the user. If Reset Password is clicked, a new tab will open where the username associated with the account is entered. Once it is entered, click Send Password Reset Link. This will sent the user a link to the email on file for the user.
They will receive an email with a custom password reset link that will be good for 10 minutes.
The user that received the password reset will then need to create and save their password.
Employee Record
In the Smart Ops left navigation menu, from under Team, click Employees to open the list of all employees. From the list, click the employee that needs a password reset. This will open their Employee record.
On the Basic Info tab, locate the Access section at the bottom of the form.
From the Access section, click Reset Password.
A new tab will open where the username associated with the account is entered. Once it is entered, click Send Password Reset Link. This will sent the user a link to the email on file for the user.
They will receive an email with a custom password reset link that will be good for 10 minutes.
The user that received the password reset will then need to create and save their password.