R365 Intelligence: Editing Dashboards
  • 03 Jul 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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R365 Intelligence: Editing Dashboards

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Article summary

This article is part of R365 Intelligence and covers editing and creating dashboards.

All dashboards are completely customizable to the user. Users can customize their reports by:

  • Adding and deleting additional pages and chapters to a dashboard.

  • Selecting the attributes and metrics that make up reports.

  • Customizing and rearranging visualizations.

  • And much more.

Please contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how R365 Intelligence can enhance your R365 experience.


Existing Dashboards

Users can access dashboard edit mode from the R365 Intelligence library or from the dashboard view. 

From the Intelligence Library

Locate the dashboard that needs to be edited, and from its grid entry, click the edit iconto open the dashboard directly into edit mode.

A greyed-out pencil iconindicates that the dashboard cannot be edited. To make changes to an R365 Master Dashboard, users must first duplicate the dashboard, and then make changes to the copy.

From the Dashboard View

Click the edit icon n the top right hand view of the Dashboard view.

New Dashboards

To create a new dashboard, click the +Create button in the top right hand corner of the dashboard library. This will open a new dashboard into edit mode.

Dashboard Edit Mode

Opening an existing dashboard in edit mode opens the edit options surrounding the dashboard.

Creating a new dashboard opens a completely blank dashboard.

Dashboard Edit Mode Header Actions

The Dashboard Edit Mode header has many functions and tools for use when editing a Dashboard. 

Left Header

The left header contains editing functions that allow the User to edit the Dashboard as a whole.



Table of Contents

Click to view the table of contents. Here, users can easily switch between pages/chapters.


Click to undo the last edit made to the dashboard.


Click to redo the last edit undone. 


Click to refresh or update the data in the dashboard. 

Pause Data Retrieval

Click to pause data retrieval. This will allow users to edit the dashboard without retrieving new data.

Pausing data retrieval while editing dashboards can help improve build speed. 

Add Data

Click to add additional data objects to the editor. Clicking this icon will give users the options to select new data, existing dataset, or existing objects.

Add Chapter

Click to add a new chapter.

Add Page

Click to add a new page. 

Middle Header

The middle header contains quick add functions that allow the User to add various elements to the Dashboard.



Add Visualization

Click to add a visualization to the dashboard. This button can also be used to change an existing selected dashboard.


Click to add one of the following filters:

  • Element/Value Filter

  • Attribute/Metric Selector

  • Panel Selector


Click to add a text box. 


Click to insert an image.

HTML Container

Click to add an HTML container.


Click to add a shape object to the page. 

Panel Stack

Click to stack panels within the dashboard

Note: Panel stacking allows for more visualizations to be added to the same page in layers so that Users can toggle between panels

Information Menu

Click to add an information window. 

Right Header

The right header contains edit settings.



Convert to Free-Form/Auto Layout

Turn on free-form layout to arrange objects freely by size, position, and layers. Converting to auto layout means the objects fill the entire canvas and can be repositioned around each other.

Natural Language Query

Type a question to auto-create a visualization with a dataset.

Responsive View Editor

Edit the way a dashboard is viewed in a mobile device

Responsive Preview/Full View

Turn on/off responsive preview or full view to view how the dashboard will appear in mobile (Responsive) or web (Full).


Click to save any changes made to the dashboard.

Contents Panel

The Contents section allows for users to change the dashboard cover and organize the dashboard by creating chapter and pages to sort data. A highlighted Page/Chapter indicates that it is the current Page/Chapter being edited.

Clicking the menu icon opens the options to insert new pages/chapters, duplicate chapters, or rename pages/chapters. In previously existing dashboards, Pages/Chapters that are no longer needed can be deleted as well.

Datasets Panel

The datasets panel holds all the data objects added to the dashboard editor. This panel must have data in order to create visualizations. This panel allows for users to search, sort, and select the attributes and metrics to include in a visualization. 

Users can add data to their dashboard environment in three ways:

Import New Data 

Users can import new data from a local file.

Adding Data by Existing Object

Users can select individual R365 attributes and metrics to add to the environment.

Adding Data by Existing Dataset

Users can add R365 data by dataset, which adds an entire collection of attributes and metrics that can be used together to create visualizations. These datasets are created by R365. 

Adding Data to a Visualization

Once data objects are selected, users will have the opportunity to select the Attributes and Metrics to include in a Visualization.


Data labeled with teal/blue-green colored iconsthat are fixed variables (dates, days of the week, operational quarters, locations, etc.).


Data labeled with orange/yellow colored icons  that are calculated metrics that will calculate across the data that is grouped (gross sales, guest count, forecasted sales, sales/hour, SPLH, labor hours etc.)

For a complete list of available R365 attributes and metrics, take a look at the R365 Intelligence Glossary.

To add data to a visualization, double click a data option or drag a drop it to the editor. Add any data desired for a single visualization before moving to the editor.


The Editor panel allows users to create and customize the report visualizations. As users make updates to the Editor section, the visualization will reflect the changes.

From the Editor section, users can do the following:

Organize the data and metrics layout by column/row/horizontal/vertical/etc. depending on the format.

The way that the data is sorted is the way that it will appear on the Visualization

Create filters for the visualization. Attributes can be dragged to this section to add more filters. After adding a filter, set the filter parameters. Read more about using filters, here.

When there are Filter parameters set for a Visualization, the default application setting is to apply to All Chapters containing that filter. Click the menu icon to change the Apply Sections To option. From this action menu, users can also select targets or other filters.

Format the visualization

The Format section will always allow users to change the font size, type, color, and form, but the visualization options may change depending on the type of visualization selected.

Users can add multiple visualizations to one dashboard page. To add a visualization, click the visualization icon from the Edit Mode header at the top of the screen and a make a selection for the type of visualization to add. Learn more about formatting Visualizations here.

Rearranging Visualizations

Visualizations can be rearranged in the Dashboard in the way that suits the data and the user best. To rearrange, simply drag and drop or resize as necessary. 

To drag and drop, hover over the top of the Visualization until the move cursor appears. Then, move the Visualization as necessary. 

To resize, hover over the edge of the Visualization until the resize cursor appears. Then, resize as necessary. 

To edit or delete a Visualization, click the menu icon  to open up the Visualization options.

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