Time Off
  • 12 Aug 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Time Off

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Article summary

  • If a time off request is created for multiple locations, approving or denying the request at one location approves/denies the request for all locations.

  • Users cannot approve their own time off requests. The 'Approve' button will be disabled.

  • If the employee has already reached the location's time off request limit, the user that approves the request will be notified and prompted to confirm the approval.

  • If PTO Accruals is enabled, the Approve button will be disabled when a time off request would result in a negative balance and the associated rule does not allow negative balances.

Time Off Grid




Enter two or more characters to search Location, Employee, and Status columns for the entered text.

Smart Grid Controls

From the Time Off grid, users can perform the following actions:

Table Views- Save/edit table views.

- Filter column information.

Columns- Rearrange table columns.

Export- Export the table to a .csv file.

Refresh- Refresh the table.

Learn more about working with Smart Grids here.

Time Off Request

Click to open the Time Off Request sidesheet.

Time Off Grid Columns



Location Name

Location associated with the request.

If an employee works at multiple locations, separate time off requests will be listed for each location associated with them. Approving or denying the request for one location will approve/deny the the request for all locations.


Employee associated with the request.


Status of the request:
Active - Request has not been approved or denied.
Approved - Request has been approved.
Canceled - Request was denied or the employee canceled the request.

Start Date

Date and time that the request starts.

End Date

Date and time that the request ends.

Created On

Date that the request was created.

Created By

User and/or employee who created the request.

Modified On

Date that the request was last modified.

Modified By

User who last modified the request.

Time Off Request Sidesheet



Action Buttons

The buttons displayed are dependent on the status of the time off request:
Deny - Click to deny the time off request.
Approve- Click to approve the time off request.

If PTO Accruals is enabled, when a request is approved, PTO earnings associated with the request will be added to the associated day's DSS.

If PTO Accruals is enabled, the Approve button will be disabled when a time off request would result in a negative balance and the associated rule does not allow negative balances.

Cancel Approval- Click to deny an approved request.

If PTO Accruals is enabled, canceling an approved DSS will remove the associated PTO earnings from the DSS.

Help Menu

This will open the Help Menu.

Full Screen

This will expand the sidesheet to fullscreen. The sidesheet can then be returned back to its original size by clicking the minimize icon.


This will close the sidesheet without saving.

Employee Information

Details about the employee making the time off request, including:

  • Name

  • Location

  • Jobs

  • Number of approved requests in the last 30 days

Time Off Information

Details about the time off request, including status, requested date(s), requested times, and reason.

Times requested will only be displayed if the 'All Day' toggle switch is 'Off'. Otherwise, the full day is requested.

The 'Reason' field is not displayed when PTO Accruals is enabled.

This section is locked and cannot be edited.

Employee Comments

Comments made by the employee when submitting the request.

If no comments were made, this section will not be displayed.

Manager Notes

Optional comments made by the manager when approving or denying the request.

Manager Notes are visible to the employee.

Time Off Icon

Indicates the status of the request:

  •  - Request is in 'Active' status.

  •  - Request is in 'Approved' status.

  • - Request is in 'Declined' or 'Cancelled' status.

Balance Information

PTO accrual balance information, including:

Accrual Rule - Accrual rule applied to the request. 

Current Balance - Employee's balance for the displayed accrual rule.

Requested Hours - Total PTO hours requested. 

Remaining Balance - Total accrual balance remaining if the request is approved.

This section is only displayed when PTO Accruals is enabled.

Approve or Deny Time Off Requests

Requests with a status of 'Active' will have the 'Approve' and 'Deny' buttons displayed.

Follow these steps to approve or deny a request:

Click on the 'Active' request on the Time Off grid.

Review the request.

Enter Manager Notes(Optional).

Manager Notes are visible to the employee.

Click 'Deny' to deny the request or 'Approve' to approve the request.

Denying the request will change its status to 'Declined' and send a notification to the employee.

Approving the request will change its status to 'Approved', add the time off to the schedule, and send a notification to the employee.

If PTO Accruals is enabled, when a request is approved, PTO earnings associated with the request will be added to the associated day's DSS.

Cancelling Time Off Requests

Requests with the status of 'Approved' will display the 'Cancel Approval' button. Cancelling an 'Approved' time off request will remove it from the schedule. 

If PTO Accruals is enabled, cancelling an approved time off request will remove the associated PTO earnings from the DSS.

Requests with the status of either 'Declined' or 'Cancelled' cannot be edited or reinstated; a new request must be submitted.

Follow these steps to cancel an approved request:

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