Classic Log Categories
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Classic Log Categories

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Article summary

Log Categories allow Users to separate Log entries by a specific category for easy sorting and follow up. Log Categories can also be created from the 'Mgr Log' menu in the top ribbon, allowing you to customize the options in a new 'Task' entry.


Log Categories Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Manager Log Classic

    • Log Categories

      • View Log Categories

      • Edit Log Categories

      • Create Log Categories

      • Delete Log Categories

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

Log Categories List

A red and black text on a white background  Description automatically generated

Open the Log Categories list by clicking 'Log Categories' under 'Administration' in the Manager Log module. Six 'pre-built' Log Categories will be present in the list. These can be deactivated if necessary.

Create a Log Category

A screenshot of a log category  Description automatically generated

Hover over the 'Mgr Log' menu and select 'Log Category' to open the Log Category form.

A screenshot of a log in  Description automatically generated

1) Name - The display name of the category

2) Default Link To - A 'Link to' type. This will link any log entries from this category to other records throughout R365. Click here to review available Link To Types

3) Show on Daily Overview - Allow entries saved in this category to appear in the 'Logs' section of the Daily Overview

4) Show All Locations - Allow this category to be available for All Locations. If deselected, the 'Active Locations' tab will appear where each Location will need to be manually selected to use this Log Category

5) Description - A description for the category

6) Security: All Jobs - Allow all Employee Job Titles to view and create entries in this Log Category. If deselected, the 'Jobs without Access' and 'Jobs with Access' panels will appear on the 'Security' tab. Each Job Title with access will need to be manually selected in order to view and create entries in this Log Category

Set all Log Category Settings and then 'Save and Close' the record. Refresh the browser window, and the new Log Category will be available in the 'Task' entry that opens from the 'Mgr Log' menu.

Default Log Categories

Restaurant365 includes two default Log Categories in every database as a way to provide guidance and faster setup when creating Log Categories unique to your restaurant.  These include:

  • Health and Sanitation - While this is auto-generated, it can be modified or deleted as needed. To activate this Log Category, Manager Log Admins will need to toggle on 'Show All Locations'. This must be enabled first before enabling the Default Task List of 'Health and Sanitation'


  • Daily / Shift Comments - This Log Category cannot be deleted but can be modified. To activate this Log Category, Manager Log Admins will need to select the Jobs or toggle on 'All Jobs' that will have access to this Category


Deactivate Log Categories

To deactivate a Log Category so that it no longer appears throughout R365, perform the following actions:

  1.  Locate and open the Log Category record

  2.  Set the following settings to 'No' (red):

    •  Show on Daily Overview

    •  Show All Locations

    •  Security: All Jobs

  3.  Verify that no Locations or Jobs have been included on both the 'Active Locations' and 'Security' tabs

  4.  Save and close the record

  5.  Refresh the browser window to confirm that the category has been removed

    • If the category has previously been used and shown on the Daily Overview, it may still be present on the days in which it was used. Deactivation will effect all future days and entries

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