Bank Activity displays transactions that were uploaded via direct bank connection, imported, or transmitted by a BAI connection. Once uploaded, the system matches bank activity to transactions in R365 and allows users to create deposits, withdrawals, and AP payments based on bank-provided data. Matched transactions in Bank Activity are automatically marked as reconciled when a bank reconciliation is created. Learn more about completing the Bank Activity process.
If Rule Vault is not enabled in System Preferences, the Rule Vault option in the top ribbon is replaced by the Bank Rule tab.
In the Accounting application, hover over Banking then select Get Bank Activity.
Bank Activity Page
Buttons and Fields
Field | Description | |
1 | Upload A File | Allows the user to upload a .QBO or .QFX file to manually update bank activity for the selected account. |
2 | Manage Bank Connections | Allows users to link, unlink, add, or delete the bank accounts that are connected to R365. |
3 | Undo File Upload | Removes all bank activity that was imported from the last file uploaded. |
4 | Rule Vault | Opens the Rule Vault in a new tab. |
5 | Bank Account | When a checking account is selected from the drop-down, the Bank Activity page updates to display corresponding data. |
6 | Retrieve Activity | Refreshes the page to update transactions. |
7 | Customized Activity Retrieve | Retrieves bank activity for a specified date range. |
8 | Remove All Unmatched | Excludes all unmatched transactions and moves them to the Matched/Excluded tab.
9 | Reapply Bank Rules | Reattempts matching bank rules to transactions. This button is often used after making changes to bank rules. |
10 | Connection Status | Displays the current connection status of the selected bank account. |
11 | Tabs | Changes the view to display one of the following tabs:
12 | Last Activity Upload Date | Date when bank activity was last updated for the selected account. |
13 | Export | Allows the user to convert bank activity data to a spreadsheet file and download the file to their device. |
14 | Expand All/Collapse All | Expands all transactions that have multiple potential matches. Potential matches are displayed in gray below the transaction row. When expanded, the button displays as Collapse All, and collapses all previously expanded rows. |
15 | + Size / - Size | Changes the length of the table.
16 | Select Command / Save Changes | On the Unmatched and Rule Applied tabs, the Select Command drop-down is used to add, exclude, or delete the selected rows. On the Bank Rule tab, the Save Changes button appears and is used to save changes made on the tab. |
Unmatched Tab
The Unmatched tab displays all remaining bank records that did not automatically match to existing transactions or bank rule as well as transactions that have multiple potential matches.
Column | Description |
| Displays a breakdown of the transaction. |
| Allows users to apply actions to multiple rows. |
Date | Date of the transaction. |
Amount | Amount of the transaction. |
Name | Name of the transaction. |
Type | Indicates whether the transaction is a debit or a credit. |
Comment | Displays any comments or notes associated with the transaction. |
Vendor | Vendor involved in the transaction. |
Account | GL account used to complete the transaction. |
Location | Default location for the bank account. |
Multiple matches | An M in this column indicates that there are multiple possible matches for the bank activity. Expand the transaction row to view all possible matches. |
Add | Creates a simple deposit or withdrawal record using the GL account and location from the transaction.
Withdrawal / Deposit | Opens the Bank Deposit or Bank Expense record where the user can create a deposit or withdrawal record and can assign multiple GL accounts or locations if needed.
AP Payment | Opens the AP Payment record where the user can create a new payment from the transaction. |
| Creates a new bank rule. When a new transaction appears in Bank Activity that includes the same text in the Name or Comment fields as the selected transaction, the rule is applied, and the transaction moves to the Matched tab where a deposit or withdrawal can be easily created. |
Rule Applied Tab
This tab shows all bank records that matched to existing bank rules. The system matches records to bank rules during initial upload of bank activity. If a rule is created or modified, refresh the page or select Reapply Bank Rules match activity with the new or updated rules.
Column | Description |
| Users can take action on multiple rows by selecting the checkboxes in this column. |
Date | Date of the transaction. |
Amount | Total amount of the transaction. |
Name | Name of the transaction, as listed by the bank. |
Type | Indicates whether the transaction was a debit or a credit. |
Vendor | Vendor involved in the transaction. |
Account | GL account used to complete the transaction. |
Location | Default location for the bank account. |
Add | Creates a simple deposit or withdrawal record using the GL account and location from the transaction.
Withdrawal / Deposit | Opens the Bank Deposit or Bank Expense record where the user can create a deposit or withdrawal record and can assign multiple GL accounts or locations if needed.
| Creates a new bank rule. When a new transaction appears in Bank Activity that includes the same text in the Name or Comment fields as the selected transaction, the rule is applied and a deposit or withdrawal is automatically created. |
Matched / Excluded Tab
This tab displays matched or excluded transactions. Matched records are moved to this tab during the initial upload of Bank Activity. If a record on this tab should not be matched or excluded, select either Unmatch or Include, respectively, in that row.
Matched- A record downloaded from your bank that has a corresponding transaction in the system for the same amount and same bank account. Records can also be matched manually and created as new transactions from the Unmatched tab or Rule Applied tab. Creating a new transaction from bank activity automatically matches the record to the transaction and moves it to the Matched tab.
Excluded- Any record that was not intended to be downloaded from the bank or that has already been reconciled.
Column | Description |
Unmatch / Include | Reverses the match or exclusion. |
Name | Name of the transaction. |
Memo | Displays the comment attached to the transaction, if available. |
Amount | Total amount of the transaction. |
Date | Date of the transaction. |
Type | Indicates whether the transaction was a debit or credit. |
Matched Transaction | Transaction that matched to the rule. |
Rule Applied | Displays the bank rule number and name that was applied to the transaction. |
Bank Rule Tab
If Rule Vault is enabled in System Preferences, the Bank Rule tab is replaced with the option to access the Rule Vault from the top ribbon.
The Bank Rule tab displays all existing bank rules. A bank rule includes the specifications of a transaction created in Bank Activity in the past. When a rule is set up for a specific transaction, each time that transaction comes through Bank Activity, such as a monthly bill, it is automatically matched to the corresponding rule. The rules exist in the Bank Rule tab or in the Rule Vault and can be modified or deleted at any time.
Column | Description |
Name | Name of the bank rule. |
Type | Indicates whether the rule creates a withdrawal or a deposit. |
Bank Account | Bank account to which the rule applies. If All is selected, then the rule applies to all accounts. To apply a rule to multiple (but not all) accounts, a rule must be created for each account. |
Condition | Determines how strictly the transaction must match the conditions of the rule. |
Value | Text value that the rule tried to match to the Name field on the transaction. |
2nd Condition | Determines how strictly the transaction must match the conditions of the rule, applied in addition to the first Condition to further filter results. |
2nd Value | Text value that the rule tried to match to the Name field on the transaction, applied in addition to the first Value to further filter results. |
Vendor | Vendor to be added to the withdrawal or deposit record for transactions that match this rule. |
Account | GL Account to be added to the withdrawal or deposit record for transactions that match this rule. |
Location | Location to be added to the withdrawal or deposit record for transactions that match this rule. |
| Deletes the bank rule. |