Multiple Potential Matches in Bank Activity
  • 06 Jan 2025
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Multiple Potential Matches in Bank Activity

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Article summary

If there is more than one potential match for a transaction in bank activity, the system will not auto-match. On the bank activity page, a transaction with multiple potential matches is indicated with an ‘M’ in the transaction row.

Reasons for multiple potential matches include:

  • Same Amount and Multiple Transactions - There are multiple transactions in the system for the same amount.

  • Same Amount and One Transaction - There are multiple bank activity records imported with the same amount and only one R365 transaction for that amount in the system.

  • A bank transaction has possible matches to both a batch and a single payment.

Users can view transaction match options and match the transactions to the correct bank activity.

View Potential Matches

Sort Bank Activity

Users have the option to sort bank activity to view all transactions that have multiple potential matches.

On the bank activity page, select the column header to the right of the ‘location’ column, to sort the transactions in order of the potential match indicator (M).

View Potential Matches for One Transaction

To view potential matches for one transaction in bank activity, click the expand arrow in the transaction row.

All potential matches for the bank activity transaction are displayed in gray.

Potential matches will be listed in date order.

Expand/Collapse Potential Matches for all Transactions

To expand and view all activity with multiple potential matches, click Expand All above the table.

All activity with multiple potential matches is expanded and available for review. Once expanded, the Expand All button is changed to Collapse All.

Match Bank Activity to R365 Transactions

To match a transaction to the desired bank activity, select Match on the far right of the row to match the record. The record moves to the Matched/Excluded tab.

If the bank transaction has possible matches to both a batch and a single payment, the single payment will include a warning next to the match options that notes ‘This payment is also a possible match in a payment batch’.

If the user selects the single match option, an additional warning will display, ‘This payment is also a possible match in a payment batch. Have you confirmed that this is the correct match? Users will have the option to select ‘Yes’ to proceed with the match, or ‘Cancel’ to return to the possible match options.

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