The POS integration settings on Location records can be accessed and updated by users with the following permission:
Administration → Locations → Edit Locations
Several elements of the POS integration settings are managed on the various tabs of the Location record. This article discusses settings relevant to POS integration settings.
General Tab
On the General tab of the Location record, the POS Import Type is established. Upon making a selection, other integration-related tabs appear.

POS Import Type – This field is used to select the type of POS import for the location. The three options include the following:
None - No POS integration will be set up for this location. The Labor Estimates and POS Integration Settings tabs remain hidden.
Sales - Sales information will be downloaded for this location upon completion of the POS integration by the R365 Integration Team. When selected, the POS Integration Settings tab appears.
Sales and Labor - Sales and Labor information will be downloaded for this location upon completion of the POS integration by the R365 Integration Team. When selected, the Labor Estimates and POS Integration Settings tabs appear.
Default Accounts Tab
On the Default Accounts tab, users set the Default Checking, Over/Short, Deposit, and Credit Expected accounts.

Checking Account – Default checking account for the location. If no accounts are available, the bank accounts on the GL have not been set up correctly. Review Bank Account Setup and Bank Creation to correct this issue.
Deposit Account (Undeposited Funds) – Deposit account for the location. R365 recommends using an undeposited funds account (the designated funds-in-transit account) as opposed to a checking account.
Over/Short Account – Over/short account for the location. Only P&L accounts (accounts with a GL type that resides on the P&L) can be selected here.
Credit Expected Account – Credit expected account for the location. Any reported credits due are recorded by and reside in this account in R365.
Labor Estimates Tab
The Labor Estimates tab appears when POS Import Type is set to Sales and Labor. On this tab, Accrued Payroll, Manager Payroll, Payroll Tax, Benefit, and Other settings are established for the location.

Accrued Payroll Account - Accrued payroll account for the location. When integrated with a POS that tracks Labor, R365 tracks daily labor expenses and posts a daily labor accrual to this account.
Daily Manager Salary - To obtain a true daily snapshot of labor costs, salaried employee wages must be captured as well. R365 accounts for the Daily Manager Salary expense using the static value entered in this field. For example, if salaried management labor expense for the week is $1000, divide that amount by the number of days the location is open during the week. $1000 / 7 = $143.00. In this case, 143 is the Daily Manager Salary. Conversely, you can divide the annual salary for your manager by 365 to capture the Daily Manager Salary ($52,195/365 = $143.00).
Manager Payroll Account - Manager payroll account in which the Daily Manager Salary is recorded.
Payroll Location ID - Payroll number associated with the location. This information can be found on the Payroll Connect window.
Payroll Tax % Estimate - Payroll tax percentage estimate for the location (8% = 8).
Payroll Tax Estimate Account - Payroll tax estimate account in which the Payroll Tax % Estimate is recorded.
Payroll Benefit % Estimate - Payroll benefit percentage estimate for the location (2.5% = 2.5).
Payroll Benefit Estimate Account - Payroll benefit estimate account in which the Payroll Benefit % Estimate is recorded.
Payroll Other % Estimate - Payroll other percentage estimate for the location (1.5% = 1.5). This is commonly used for worker's compensation.
Payroll Other Estimate Account - Payroll other estimate account in which the Payroll Other % Estimate is recorded.
POS Integration Settings Tab
The POS Integration Settings tab appears when the POS Import Type is set to Sales or Sales and Labor. On this tab additional POS settings such as Petty Cash in Daily Close, Pay Tips with Payroll, and Overtime Tracking values are set. For more information, see POS Integration Settings.

POS System – Name of the POS system used at the location.
Download Setup - This button is solely used during implementation, at the request of a POS Integration Specialist, to download the R365 Connect Installer.
Polling Period – When Intraday Polling is enabled, the number of locations with this active feature appears alongside the two options below:
Previous Day - This is the default option and will display the Sales and Labor data for the previous day in the Smart Labor experience.
Current Day (XXX) - Shows how frequently the POS provides data to R365 in a day. Options include:
Current Day (Not Available) - The POS is not capable of providing current day data or the integration has not been set up for the current day.
Current Day (Hourly) - The POS is only capable of hourly updates.
Current Day (30 minutes) - The POS can only provide updates every half hour.
Current Day (15 minutes) - The POS is capable of providing updates every 15 minutes. This is the most real-time option available.
POS Import Start – Go Live Date for the integration in R365. The POS Integration tool imports DSSs starting on this date (if the data is available). Sample data will be polled to use for testing purposes.
The POS Integration tool continually looks back at the previous 30 days to see if any DSS records are missing or updated. During initial setup, the previous 30 days worth of DSSs will be imported after your integration has been completed. When you arrive at your Go Live date, you can delete the test data. The POS Integration tool will no longer import test data from before the date set on this field.
POS Group – POS Group for the location. This field is typically left blank, except for enterprise customers with 100 or more locations.
Schedule Writeback – If selected, this checkbox enables the Schedule Writeback feature, where schedules created in R365 can be sent to the POS to limit early clock-in and gain more control over Labor costs.
Petty Cash In Daily Close - If selected, this checkbox creates two additional value fields on the Deposit tab in the Daily Sales Summary for the location. Typically, organizations that use petty cash in daily close are paying out non-cash tips (credit card tips) in excess of their cash receipts for the day. The remaining non-cash tips are then funded from petty cash, depleting the petty cash balance. In the event that the cash receipts for the day were sufficient to cover non-cash tips, the excess cash could be deposited to petty cash, increasing the petty cash balance. By selecting this checkbox, the To Petty Cash and From Petty Cash value fields are included on all DSS files for this location.
Any DSS file that has been imported prior to this box being checked will not have the To Petty Cash or From Petty Cash value fields. If you need to retroactively add these value fields to your previously-imported DSS file, the DSS will need to be deleted and re-imported. Work with your Setup Coach to determine if the POS Data is still available and can be re-imported.
Pay Tips With Payroll - This checkbox should be selected if your organization pays tips via payroll. This will create a line item on the DSS Journal Entry where tips are recorded as a liability in the account specified in the Tips Payable Account value field. When entering a Payroll Journal Entry, tips will then be disbursed.
DTS Checkbox - This checkbox should be selected if DTS (Data Transfer Service) needs to be installed on the physical location to help integration run properly.
POS Import Time – Sets the daily DSS import time for the location. Import Time should be set to a time after the POS has run end of day. A common Import Time for most Locations is 3:00 AM or 4:00 AM. The DSS that is imported at this time is the prior day's sales, not the current day's sales.
Petty Cash Account - Petty cash account in which petty cash debits/credits are recorded for the location.
Tips Payable Account - Tips payable account in which the tips payable are recorded on the DSS Journal Entry and Payroll Journal Entries.
Overtime Tracking - This selection determines how overtime values are calculated and displayed on the Labor tab of the DSS. Click here for a more detailed explanation of OT Tracking. Select one of the following three options:
Tracked in POS - Any OT calculations occur on the POS and OT values are imported after they have been calculated on the POS. R365 will not perform any OT calculations.
R365 OT Rules - R365 calculates OT values based on the user-created OT Rules setup on the Overtime Rules tab of the Admin page in Smart Ops.
If your Organization is using R365 Punch Edits, this option will be the only available option.
The Over 40 hrs/wk and Over 8 hrs/day and 40/wk options were deprecated in May 2023. Any locations using these options have been converted to R365 OT Rules.
Sales Account Import Type - The type of sales account that is imported from the POS. This feature is only available for certain POS systems that provide data. For more information, see Sales Account Import Types. This field has three options:
Service Type
Revenue Center
Revenue Center & Service Type
Day Parts Tab
Each location can have separate and distinct day parts. Create and manage day parts on the Day Parts tab. Each Day Part is represented as a Comment section on the Comment tab of the DSS.

Day Part Name – Name for the part of day.
Day Part Start Time – Time when the day part begins. The End Time is determined by the next Day Part Start Time.
Day Part Avg Check Goal – Average Check Goal for the day part.