Report Views
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Report Views

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Article summary

Report Views act as a Report Parameter Template where Users can set and save views of a report without having to set the Report Parameters each time. Each User with report access can set a Report View as a Default View so that each time the report is ran, the Report Parameters set in the Default View are already in place. 

Only the data in the Report View (such as which Locations, Accounts, ect, are included in the data) will come through on a Report Subscription, so ensure that the desired views are setup prior to creating Report Subscriptions. 

Create Report Views

To create a Report View, simply complete the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to the desired report in 'My Reports'

  2.  Select the Report Parameters

  3.  Click the Create iconbelow the View Selector of the Report Parameters sidesheet

  4.  Enter in a name for the new Report View

This will save the Report View and add it as an option in the View Selector. Below describes the Report Parameters sidesheet in further detail.

Report Parameters

The available parameters will vary depending on the report. Update the parameters to the desired selections and then click to run the report for the entered values. Review the report to ensure that it displays the desired data.

Report Views

Report Views act as Report Parameter Templates. A saved Report View can be set as the Default View so that each time the report is ran, the Report Parameters set in the Default View are already in place. Multiple Views can be created and saved then used as needed. Report Views are created using the Full Parameters prompt on either the 'My Reports' page or from within the actual Report Viewer page.

  1. View Selector - All Saved Report Views, including the System View, are listed in this selector. Any Report View can be updated and saved by all Users, unless the Public checkbox (#6) is checked

  2. Create - This will save the selected Report Parameters as a new View. Ensure that the Report Parameters are set before clicking this button

  3. Save - This will save any updates made to a Report View. To update a view, select the view from the View Selector (#1), update the Report Parameters, and then click this button

    If the Public checkbox (#6) is checked, only the User who created this Saved View can update and delete the View

  4. Delete - This will delete the Report View. To delete a view, select the view from the View Selector (#1) and then click this button

    If the Public checkbox (#6) is checked, only the User who created this Saved view can update and delete the View

  5. Default Checkbox - When checked, this will mark the selected View as the default View. To change the default View, select the current default View from the View Selector (#1), uncheck this checkbox, click 'Save' (#3), and then update the Default checkbox on the desired Saved View

  6. Public Checkbox - This will enable other Users who have access to this report in your Organization to use the Report View when running the report. Only the User who created this view can modify, update, and delete the Report View

  7. Default for All Users Toggle - This toggle will only appear when the 'Public' checkbox (#6) is checked. By clicking 'Yes', this View is set as the Default View for all Users, and the 'Disallow Changes' checkbox will appear beneath the toggle, which will provide the User the option to let other Users manually update their own Default View when left unchecked

    The selection made for this toggle will not update any existing Report Subscriptions

    Only Users with the following permission will be able to access this toggle:

    • Reporting → Standard Reporting → Can Set Default View for All Users

  8. Run - This button will run the report. Clicking the down arrow portion of this button will provide quick options to export, email, or print the report without having to run it first. Click here to learn more about this functionality

Report Views on Report Subscriptions

When an Admin User creates a new Report Subscription, they will need to select a Report View for the desired report. This selection will dictate what data is shared to the entered Recipients. If the desired Report View is not available, navigate to the desired report and create a new Report View.

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