Reports ran from within 'My Reports' can be emailed, exported, and/or printed directly from the reporting window. In doing so, any settings that are updated for a report with a PDF File Type will be saved for that report and User. These settings can then be utilized again or reset back to their default settings the next time that report is emailed, exported, or printed.

Users can also open and choose from these options by clicking the down arrow portion of the run button next to the desired report.
Emailing a Report
To email a report, click the email iconin the top, right corner of the reporting window. The following modal will then appear.

To - The Recipient's email address
Subject - The topic of the email
Body - The message of the email
File Options - The type of file that the report will be sent as. Options include:
PDF Options - The formatting and structure of the report. The system will remember these selected settings when the User returns to email that specific report. When the PDF Settings are adjusted, the
button will be activated and can be clicked at any time to reset the settings back to their default settings
Send / Cancel - These action buttons will send the report based on the entered information and selected settings if 'Send' is clicked or close the modal without saving the selected settings if 'Cancel' is selected
Exporting a Report
To export a report, click the export iconin the top, right corner of the reporting window. The following modal will then appear.

File Options - The type of file that the report will be sent as. Options include:
PDF Options - The formatting and structure of the report. The system will remember these selected settings when the User returns to export that specific report. When the PDF Settings are adjusted, the
button will be activated and can be clicked at any time to reset the settings back to their default settings
Export / Cancel - These action buttons will export the report based on the settings selected if 'Export' is clicked or close the modal without saving the selected settings if 'Cancel' is selected
Printing a Report
To print a report, click the print iconin the top, right corner of the reporting window. The following modal will then appear.

PDF Options - The formatting and structure of the report. The system will remember these selected settings when the User returns to print that specific report. When the PDF Settings are adjusted, the
button will be activated and can be clicked at any time to reset the settings back to their default settings
Print / Cancel - These action buttons will print the report based on the settings selected if 'Print' is clicked or close the modal without saving the selected settings if 'Cancel' is selected