Theme Builder
  • 24 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Theme Builder

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Article summary

To customize the user experience, organizations can change the color scheme of the R365 platform to match branding for your organization. The system comes with several preconfigured themes to choose from but also allows users to create and save their own custom themes using the Theme Builder.


Users with the following permission enabled can adjust the theme:

  • Administration → System Setup → Use Theme Builder

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


In the top ribbon, hover over Administration and then select Theme Builder.
The Theme Builder appears in the top right corner the application

Options in the Theme Builder

Setting a theme as default changes theme for all users in your organization, not just the user who makes the change.





Sets the colors for the menu and submenus in the top ribbon.

  • BG - Menu or submenu’s background color.

  • Font - Color of the text in the menu or submenu.

  • Hover BG - Color of the background when hovering over an item in the menu.

  • Hover Font - Color of the font when hovering over an item in the menu.


Ribbon Logo

Allows the user to import an image file of their organization’s logo. The uploaded image replaces the Restaurant365 logo in the top left corner of the platform.


Left Panel

Sets the colors for the left navigation menu.

  • BG - Menu or submenu’s background color.

  • Font - Color of the text in the menu or submenu.

  • Hover BG - Color of the background when hovering over an item in the menu.

  • Hover Font - Color of the font when hovering over an item in the menu.



Sets the colors of many user interface components throughout the system, such as tabs, buttons, and other controls.

  • BG - Menu or submenu’s background color.

  • Font - Color of the text in the menu or submenu.

  • Hover BG - Color of the background when hovering over an item in the menu.

  • Hover Font - Color of the font when hovering over an item in the menu.


Saved Themes

A drop-down that allows the user to select a previously saved theme. Options include both default themes and saved custom themes.


Set As Default

Sets the selected theme as the default for all users in the organization.



Saves changes to a previously saved custom theme.

Default themes cannot be edited.



Deletes a previously saved custom theme.

Default themes cannot be deleted.


Add New Theme

If saving a new custom theme, this field is used to enter a name for the new theme.



Saves a new custom theme after a unique name has been entered in the Add New Theme field.

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