Accrual Rule Details
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Accrual Rule Details

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Article summary

This article reviews the Accrual Rule Details sidesheet on the Accrual Rule tab of the Labor Admin page. Here, users can view and edit the details for a single accrual rule. 


First, navigate to the Accrual Rules tab of the Labor Admin page. Click on the desired accrual rule to open the associated sidesheet.

The fields of the policy section of the sidesheet differ depending on the type of rule


Users with the following permission will be able to access Accrual Rule Details sidesheets:

  • Labor → Labor Rules → Accrual Rules → View Accrual Rules

Header Section 

The header of the Accrual Rule Details sidesheet has two layouts, depending on if the rule has a version with an effective date in the future or not.

Normal Rule




Accrual Rule Name

User-entered name for the accrual rule.

This name is used throughout the system as the 'Accrual Balance' name and 'Accrual Policy' name. This name will be visible to employees.


Add Version Button

Adds a new version of the accrual rule. Learn more about accrual rule versioning here.



Deletes the accrual rule and unassigns it from all employees.

Only rules that do not have calculated employee balances or associated time off requests can be deleted. Learn more about deactivating rules here.

If the rule has future versions, deleting the rule will also delete the future version of the rule.


Version History Button

Opens the Versions list, which lists all past, current, and future versions of the accrual rule.


Expand/Collapse Button

Expands to full screen, or collapses to half screen if already expanded.


Close Button

Closes the Accrual Rule Details sidesheet.

Rule With a Future Version




Accrual Rule Name

User-entered name for the accrual rule.

This name is used throughout the system as the 'Accrual Balance' name and 'Accrual Policy' name. This name will be visible to employees. 


Delete Button

Deletes the accrual rule and unassigns it from all employees.

Only rules that do not have calculated employee balances or associated time off requests can be deleted. Learn more about deactivating rules here.

If the rule has future versions, deleting the rule will also delete the future version of the rule.


Version History Button

Opens the Versions list, which lists all past, current, and future versions of the accrual rule.


Expand/Collapse Button

Expands to full screen, or collapses to half screen if already expanded.


Close Button

Closes the Accrual Rule Details sidesheet.


Future Version Warning

Yellow banner indicating the date that the next version of the accrual rule will be active.


View Here Button

Click to view and/or edit the accrual rule version.

Accrual rule versions can only be edited when their effective date is in the future. Learn more about accrual rule versioning here.

Versions List




Back Button

Click to close the Versions list and view the current version of the accrual rule. 


Version Details

Details for a single version of the accrual rule:

Effective Start Date - Date version takes effect.
Effective End Date - Last date version is active.
Edited By - User who last edited the version.
Edited Date - Date version was last edited.


View Button

Click to view the accrual rule configurations for a past or future version.

Note: For the current version of the accrual rule, the word 'Current' is displayed instead of the View button. Click the Back button (#1) to view the current version of the accrual rule.

Accrual Rule Type Section

The Accrual Rule Type section of the sidesheet displays basic information about the accrual rule. 




Accrual Rule Name

User-entered name for the accrual rule.

This name is used throughout the system as the 'Accrual Balance' name and 'Accrual Policy' name. This name will be visible to employees. 


Earning Type

Earning type added to the DSS when accrued hours are used.


Accrual Method

Accrual policy type for the rule:

  • Unlimited

  • Accrued

  • Fixed Date


Effective Start Date

Date current version of the policy will be effective. Employees will start accruing hours associated with the accrual rule on this date.


Effective End Date

Date current version of the policy will be deactivated.

If the effective end date is today or in the future, the rule may have a future version configured. When a new version is created, the effective end date for the current version is automatically set to the effective start date of the new version. Learn more about accrual rule versioning and deactivating here.

Policy Section

The Policy section of the sidesheet varies depending on the type of the policy:

Unlimited Type




What type of accrual policy is this?

Indicates that the policy type is 'Unlimited'.

Unlimited type rules have no other configuration fields. 

Fixed Date Type




Select Date Type

Type of date used to determine the date that employees will accrue hours:

If birthday is selected, the employee will accrue the set number of hours on the birthday set on their Employee Record.

If the employee does not have a birthday set on their Employee Record, accrual rules with this configuration will not be assignable to them.

If anniversary is selected, the employee will accrue the set number of hours on the hire date set on their Employee Record.

If the employee does not have a hire date set on their Employee Record, accrual rules with this configuration will not be assignable to them.

If a custom date is selected, all employees will accrue the set number of hours on the date in the custom date field.

If recurring period is selected, all employees will accrue the set number of hours on a set schedule; weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.


Employees start accruing (rule name) ____ days after start date

Number of days after an employee's hire date that must pass before the employee begins accruing hours.

Note: This field is only displayed for the fixed date type of Recurring Period.


Employees may request hours increments of ______

The hour increment that an employee can request to use their accrued hours in.

None - Employees can request to use accrued hours in any increment, including partial hours.

2 - Employees can request to use accrued hours in increments of 2 hours.

4 - Employees can request to use accrued hours in increments of 4 hours.

8 - Employees can request to use accrued hours in increments of 8 hours.


Employees may start using ____ days after start date

Number of days after an employee's hire date that must pass before the employee can use accrued hours.


Period Type

Weekly - Hours will accrue on the selected day each week.

Bi-Weekly - Hours will accrue on the selected day every other week. 

If the effective start date of the rule matches the selected day of the week, the bi-weekly cycle will start on the effective date of the rule. Otherwise, the bi-weekly cycle will start on the next instance of the selected day of the week after the effective date of the rule.

Monthly - Hours accrue on the first day of the month.

This field is only displayed for the fixed date type of Recurring Period.


Day of the week to begin the recurring weekly cycle on

Day of the week that hours associated with weekly and bi-weekly periods will accrue on.

This field is only displayed for the fixed date type of Recurring Period.


Employee must work _____ hours within the period to accrue (rule name)

The number of hours the employee must work in the period to be eligible to accrue hours.

If left blank or zero is entered, employees will always accrue hours each period.

This field is only displayed for the fixed date type of Recurring Period.


Accrual Amount

Number of hours employees will accrue on the accrual date.


Accrue on Non-Worked Hours

When enabled, selected non-worked hours, such as hours associated with sick earnings, are included when calculating an employee's total worked hours.

This field is only displayed for the fixed date type of Recurring Period.


Earning Type(s) to Accrue On

When an employee has earnings associated with these earning types, the hours associated with them will be included in 'Worked Hours' for the purposes of calculating hours worked in the period.

This field is only displayed when 'Accrue on Non-Worked Hours' is enabled.


Allow Negative Balances 

When enabled, employees can submit time off requests that will result in a negative balance.


Accrual Cap Type

How the maximum number of hours an employee can accrue is calculated:

  • Limitless Accrual - There is no cap to how many hours an employee can accrue.

  • Maximum Yearly Accrual - The employee can accrue up to a set number of hours per year.

  • Max Running Balance - The employee can accrue up to a maximum balance. As hours are used, more can be accrued.


Maximum amount of time off that can be accrued annually/banked is ____

The number of hours that the employee can accrue for the accrual cap type (#12).

When Maximum Yearly Accrual is selected, this field defines the maximum number of hours the employee can accrue in a single year.

When Maximum Running Balance is selected, this field defines the maximum number of hours that employee can bank. As hours are used, more can be accrued.

This field is not displayed when Limitless Accrual is selected.


Tenure Bonus Toggle

When enabled, the amount of accrued hours and maximum balance can be increased based on how long an employee has been employed.


Tenure Bonus Configuration

For each level of tenure bonus, the following details are displayed:

  1. Years Worked - When the employee's hire date is this number of years in the past, the tenure bonus will be applied when they accrue hours.

  2. Increase Accrual amount by ____ hours - Amount of hours that the set number of accrual hours will be increased by.

  3. Increase Maximum Balance by _____ hours - Amount of hours that the maximum balance will be increased by.

Tenure Bonus Configurations are only displayed when 'Tenure Bonus' is enabled.


+ Add Another Tenure Bonus

Click to add an additional tenure bonus.

This button is only displayed when creating or editing an accrual rule version.


Expire Date

Date that accrued balances will either expire or be carried over on.

This field is only displayed for the fixed date type of Recurring Period.


Carryover Balance Toggle

When enabled, accrued hours will carry over to the next year instead of expiring.


Employees can carry over _____ % of their current balance

Percentage of accrued hours that will be carried over on the expiration date.

This field is only displayed when 'Carryover Balance' is enabled.


A maximum of ____ hours can be carried over

Maximum number of hours that an employee can carry over.

This field is only displayed when 'Carryover Balance' is enabled.


Unused carryover hours should expire after _____ days

Number of days that unused carryover hours will expire after being carried over.

Carryover hours will not expire if this field is blank.

This field is only displayed when 'Carryover Balance' is enabled.



How carryover hours impact the accrual cap.

  • Regular - Carried over hours will be included in the employee's accrual cap for the rule.

  • Exempt - Carried over hours will not be included in the employee's accrual cap for the rule. When the employee uses accrued hours, exempt hours are used first.


Pay Unused Hours

When enabled, earnings will be added to the DSS for the employee when accrued hours expire.

Accrued Type




Employees start accruing (rule name) ____ days after start date

Number of days after an employee's hire date that must pass before the employee begins accruing hours.


Employees may request hours increments of ______

The hour increment that an employee can request to use their accrued hours in.

None - Employees can request to use accrued hours in any increment, including partial hours.

2 - Employees can request to use accrued hours in increments of 2 hours.

4 - Employees can request to use accrued hours in increments of 4 hours.

8 - Employees can request to use accrued hours in increments of 8 hours.


Employees may start using ____ days after start date

Number of days after an employee's hire date that must pass before the employee can use accrued hours.


Employees accrue ___ hours for every ____ hours worked

Accrual rate written as the number of hours to be accrued and for every X hours worked.

Employees will accrue hours for each hour worked based on the accrual rate, which is calculated as:

  • Hours to be Accrued / Hours Worked

2 hours accrued per 40 hours worked
Accrual Rate: 2/40 = 0.05
Employees will accrue 0.05 hours per hour worked.


Accrue on Non-Worked Hours

When enabled, selected 'non-worked' hours, such as hours associated with 'sick' earnings, are included when calculating an employee's total worked hours. 


Earning Type(s) to Accrue On

Non-worked earning types that will accrue time off hours.

When an employee has earnings associated with these earning types, the hours associated with them will be included in 'Worked Hours' for the purposes of calculating accrual hours.

This field is only displayed when 'Accrue on Non-Worked Hours' is enabled.


Allow Negative Balances

When enabled, employees can submit time off requests that will result in a negative balance.


Accrual Cap Type

How the maximum number of hours an employee can accrue is calculated:

  • Limitless Accrual - There is no cap to how many hours an employee can accrue.

  • Maximum Yearly Accrual - The employee can accrue up to a set number of hours per year.

  • Max Running Balance - The employee can accrue up to a maximum balance. As hours are used, more can be accrued.


Maximum amount of time off that can be accrued annually/banked is ____

The number of hours that the employee can accrue for the accrual cap type (#8).

When Maximum Yearly Accrual is selected, this field defines the maximum number of hours the employee can accrue in a single year.

When Maximum Running Balance is selected, this field defines the maximum number of hours that employee can bank. As hours are used, more can be accrued.

This field is not displayed when Limitless Accrual is selected.


Tenure Bonus Toggle

When enabled, the amount of accrued hours and maximum balance can be increased based on how long an employee has been employed.


Tenure Bonus Configuration

For each level of tenure bonus, the following details are displayed:

  1. Years Worked - When the employee's hire date is this number of years in the past, the tenure bonus will be applied when they accrue hours.

  2. Increase Accrual Rate by ____ hours - Amount of additional hours that will be accrued per X hours worked.

  3. Increase Maximum Balance by _____ hours - Amount of hours that the maximum balance will be increased by.

Tenure Bonus Configurations are only displayed when 'Tenure Bonus' is enabled.


+ Add Another Tenure Bonus

Click to add an additional tenure bonus.

This button is only displayed when creating or editing an accrual rule version.


Expire Date

Date that accrued balances will either expire or be carried over on.


Carryover Balances Toggle

When enabled, accrued hours will carry over to the next year instead of expiring.


Employees can carry over _____ % of their current balance

Percentage of accrued hours that will be carried over on the expiration date.

This field is only displayed when 'Carryover Balance' is enabled.


A maximum of ___ hours can be carried over

Maximum number of hours that an employee can carry over.

This field is only displayed when 'Carryover Balance' is enabled.


Unused carryover hours should expire after ____ days

Number of days that unused carryover hours will expire after being carried over.

Carryover hours will not expire if this field is blank.

This field is only displayed when 'Carryover Balance' is enabled.



How carryover hours impact the accrual cap.

  • Regular - Carried over hours will be included in the employee's accrual cap for the rule.

  • Exempt - Carried over hours will not be included in the employee's accrual cap for the rule. When the employee uses accrued hours, exempt hours are used first.


Pay Unused Hours

When enabled, earnings will be added to the DSS for the employee when accrued hours expire.

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