My Reports: Using ‘My Reports’
  • 03 Jun 2024
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My Reports: Using ‘My Reports’

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Article summary

In order to view and run Reports found in My Reports, a User must first have a Report Role assigned to their User Record. Click here for more information on My Reports.


Navigate to 'My Reports' by clicking on 'My Reports' in the left navigation of any Restaurant365 Module.

Report Category Tabs

Each Report is grouped in to a Category tab within My Reports. Click on the tab to navigate to the category and see and run reports within that group. Additionally, a User can search the entire Reports list (regardless of which Report Category tab the report resides on) by using the Report Search bar located in the top right corner of the page.

To search, begin typing the name of the Report, or any identifying keywords. Search results will appear instantly.


The Favorites tab is the default tab when 'My Reports' is loaded and lists all reports marked as a 'Favorite' in alphabetical order. If no reports have been marked as a 'Favorite', then the 'Favorites' tab will be empty.

To mark a report as a 'Favorite', navigate to one of the Report Category tabs and locate a report to add to the 'Favorites' tab. Click the star icon to the left of the Report Name to save the Report to the 'Favorites' tab.

Quick Parameters

Similar to the Legacy Reports page, each report allows the User to set 'Quick Parameters' by clicking thebutton next to the Report View selector. Clicking this button will expand the quick parameters, which will vary depending on the report. Update the available quick parameters then click to run the report with the entered values. Below are the sample Quick Parameters from the 'Profit & Loss' report:

Report Parameters

Click thebutton to the right of the 'Run' button to open the Full Report Parameters prompt. The available parameters will vary depending on the report. Update the available parameters then click to run the report with the entered values. Review the report to ensure that it displays the desired data.

 Report Views

Report Views act as Report Parameter Templates. A saved Report View can be set as the Default View so that each time the report is ran, the Report Parameters set in the Default View are already in place. Multiple Views can be created and saved then used as needed. Report Views are created using the Full Parameters prompt on either the 'My Reports' page or from within the actual Report Viewer page.

  1. View Selector - All Report Views, including the System View, are listed in this selector. Any saved view can be updated and saved by all Users, unless the Public checkbox (#6) is checked

  2. Create - This will save the selected Report Parameters as a new View. Ensure that the Report Parameters are set before clicking this button

  3. Save - This will save any updates made to a Report View. To update a view, select the view from the View Selector (#1), update the Report Parameters, and then click this button

    If the Public checkbox (#6) is checked, only the User who created this Report View can update and delete the View

  4. Delete - This will delete the Report View. To delete a view, select the view from the View Selector (#1) and then click this button

    If the Public checkbox (#6) is checked, only the User who created this Report View can update and delete the View

  5. Default Checkbox - When checked, this will mark the selected View as the default View. To change the Default View, select the current Default View from the View Selector (#1), uncheck this checkbox, click 'Save' (#3), and then update the Default checkbox on the desired Saved View

  6. Public Checkbox - This will enable other Users who have access to this report in your Organization to use the Saved View when running the report. Only the User who created this view can modify, update, and delete the Report View

    If this was checked before the User saved the view, then any other User who has access to this report will be able to hover over the word 'Public' to view the name of the View Owner

  7. Default for All Users Toggle - This toggle will only appear when the 'Public' checkbox (#6) is checked. By clicking 'Yes', this View is set as the Default View for all Users, and the 'Disallow Changes' checkbox will appear beneath the toggle, which will provide the User the option to let other Users manually update their own Default View when left unchecked

    The selection made for this toggle will not update any existing Report Subscriptions

    Only Users with the following permission will be able to access this toggle:

    • Reporting → Standard Reporting → Can Set Default View for All Users

  8. Run - This button will run the report. By clicking the arrow portion, a drop-down menu will appear where the report can be directly emailed, exported, or printed. Click here to learn more about these options

Report Subscriptions

All Reports can be set up to be delivered directly to an email inbox via Email Subscription. These subscriptions are created and managed by your System Administrator. Click here to learn more about Email Subscriptions.

Both System and Non-System Users can receive Email Subscriptions.

Report Viewer

The Report Viewer page appears when the button is clicked. Each Report will contain varying information, however the Report Viewer Layout will be consistent regardless of the Report

  1. Parameters - By default, the Report Parameter will be hidden when the Report is ran. Click the button to open the Report Parameters, make any changes, then click to re-run the report based on the set parameters

  2. Refresh - Click the refresh button to update the data on the report without changing the report parameters

  3. Export menu - Reports can be saved to a local computer in various formats. Click on the export button to expand the export menu and select an export type

  4. Page Navigation - If multiple pages exist for the Report, use the Page Navigation located in the report header to view each page

  5. Report Title / Date - The Report Title will be displayed in the header of the content section of the Report. If a date or other identifying characteristic of the report is appropriate, that information will also be displayed

  6. Report Contents - The body of the Report will contain all of the Report Contents that were returned based on the set Report Parameters

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