Delete or Deactivate a Purchased Item Record
  • 26 Jul 2024
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Delete or Deactivate a Purchased Item Record

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Article summary

Purchased Item records can be deleted as long as the item is not listed as an ingredient on any recipes or tied to any vendor item records that are included on any transactions. If a purchased item record cannot be deleted due to these reasons, users can alternatively deactivate the item. When marked as inactive, an item will no longer be available for use in R365.

Deactivate a Purchased Item

To deactivate the purchased item record, navigate to the Items page and double-click the item to open its purchased item record.

Once it opens, complete the following on the Settings tab:

1 .  Uncheck the Active box.

When there are vendors items linked to the selected purchase item, users will be prompted with a notice that there are associated vendor items that may need to be remapped.

Click Cancel to cancel the action, then go map the vendor items correctly. Click No, Make Inactive to proceed with deactivating the item.

2 . Rename the purchased item. It is best practice to create a naming convention for inactive item records to remove confusion and easily show that an item is inactive. R365 recommends appending the front of the item name with 'ZZZ DO NOT USE' so that the item will appear at the bottom of the items listing and show that it is no longer in use.

Once complete, Save the record.

Delete a Purchased Item

If a purchased item is not listed as an ingredient on a recipe and not tied to any transactions via a mapped vendor item, the item can be deleted. To delete the purchased item, click the trash can iconin the record’s header.

Users will prompted to confirm the deletion. To confirm, click Delete.

Fix Duplicated Purchased Items

One instance in which a purchased item may need to be deleted or deactivated is when there are two separate purchased item records for the same item. This may lead to inaccuracies in R365. Learn about fixing duplicate purchased items here.

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