  • 16 Jul 2024
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Article summary

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The New Commissary module in the Smart Ops Release provides all of the administrative tools needed for Commissary Locations to have more control over their Commissary Items and the Order Guides completed by Ordering Locations. Editable grids make updating a Commissary Item or Order Guide's details quick and easy directly from their respective pages while the quick-add feature makes adding new Commissary Items a breeze.

New Commissary Items can be added and edited from the Catalog page to reflect the current Commissary Setup. Advanced features, such as the ability to toggle on and off an Item or Order Guide's availability, will allow Commissary Admins to build out Order Guides that include seasonal or temporary items without having to create multiple versions of the same Order Guide. 

When Order Guide submission deadlines are approaching, alert notifications can also be set to send out automatically to each Ordering Location's Commissary Entry Users so that they are reminded to complete their orders. Ordering Locations can then complete their Order Guides.

With enhanced functionality, the New Commissary module of Smart Ops gives Commissary Admins and Managers more control and less hassle.


If Recipes are added to the Catalog that are not flagged as 'Available in Inventory', they will need to have an Item Cost Account set on the 'Accounts' tab of System Preferences. An error will occur on the Commissary Order if a Cost Account is not set.

Commissary Order Flow

  1.  An Accounting User assigns (or creates a new Location Record for the Commissary, then assigns) a Commissary Location on each Restaurant Location.  This will be the Commissary that the Location orders from

  2.  A Commissary Manager performs a one-time setup of identifying which items in the system are Commissary Items

  3.  A Commissary Manager performs a one-time setup of the Order Template, which Locations get deliveries on which days, and if Location Managers should receive alerts when cutoff time is approaching if their Commissary Order hasn’t been submitted

  4.  The Commissary Module automatically generates the weekly order forms (which needs to be filled out, completed, and submitted to the Commissary) for the Restaurant Locations based on the settings entered in the Commissary Order Template

  5.  Restaurant Managers fill out their Commissary Orders on appropriate days and submit them

  6.  The Commissary then reviews orders, makes updates if needed, prints consolidated production list as well as packing slip/pick ticket if desired, and when the orders are fulfilled they mark this on the Mass Fulfillment window (including updating quantities if the orders weren’t fulfilled in full)

  7.  Marking orders as Fulfilled creates a Fulfillment Transaction which records the sale from the Commissary and hits the Cost accounts at the purchasing Location in the General Ledger.  If these are owned by separate Legal Entities (most common) then this also automatically creates an intercompany due to/from transaction which will track in the GL how much is owed to the Commissary by the other Legal Entities

  8.  A Bank Transfer is entered by an Accounting User from the purchasing Location Checking account to the Commissary which relieves the due to/from balance.  This is usually done monthly but can be done at any time.

  9.  Analytical reports can be run by the Commissary to review order history or perform forecasting


Commissary Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Accounts Payable

    • Catalogue

      • Commissary Categories

      • Commissary Items

    • Commissary Order Guides

      • View Commissary Order Guides

      • Edit Commissary Order Guides

      • Create Commissary Order Guides

      • Delete Commissary Order Guides

    • Commissary Order Locations

      • View Commissary Order Locations

      • Edit Commissary Order Locations

      • Create Commissary Order Locations

      • Delete Commissary Order Locations

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.


Access to all Commissary features is found in Smart Ops. To navigate there, first click 'Smart Operations' in the Classic Experience module selector. This will open Smart Ops in a new tab.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Commissary Features

The New Commissary module includes three key features. Review the following training articles to learn more about these features:

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