Edit a One-Time Payment
  • 29 Jun 2024
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Edit a One-Time Payment

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Article summary

This article reviews editing one-time payments within Workforce. 

Action Buttons on the Edit Payment Form



Add Employees

Click to add additional employees to the one-time payment.


Click to remove an employee from the one-time payment.


Click to close the Edit Payment form without saving.

Delete Payment

Click to delete the one-time payment.

This action cannot be undone.

Save Changes

Click to apply all edits to the one-time payment.

Editing a One-Time Payment With the Edit Payment Form

When editing a one-time payment with the Edit Payment form, earning amounts, tax methods, and notes can be adjusted, and employees can be added and/or removed. 

The 'Payment Details' section cannot be edited. To edit payment details, delete the current one-time payment and create a new one-time payment with the correct details. 

Follow these steps to edit a one-time payment with the Edit Payment form:

From the Payroll Overview page, click the menu icon, then select 'Edit One-Time Payment'.

The associated Edit Payment form will open.

In the 'Employee' grid, adjust the 'Gross Amount', 'Tax Method', and/or 'Notes' for the desired employee.

To remove an employee, click the trashcan icon.

To add additional employees, click 'Add Employees'.

An additional employee line will be added. Click 'Add Employees' for each employee that needs to be added. 

Click 'Save Changes' to apply all edits.

Editing a One-Time Payment From a Payment Details Page

When editing a one-time payment from the Payment Details page, earning amounts can be adjusted and earnings can be deleted.

Additional earnings cannot be added if the employee's payment details only contain earnings from one-time payments. Learn more about adding and editing earnings here

Follow these steps to edit a one-time payment from a Payment Details page.

On the Payroll Overview page, click the row for the desired pay run.

The associated Pay Run Details page will open.

From the Pay Run Details page, click the row for the employee whose earnings require edits.

The associated Payment Details page will open.

Click the chevron icon for the earning type that requires adjustment. 

Adjust the earning amount in the 'Amount' column.

To completely delete the earning, click the trashcan icon.

Click 'Save Changes'.

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