R365 Messaging
  • 16 Jul 2024
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R365 Messaging

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Article summary

This article is part of R365 Scheduling and the R365 Red App.

Through R365 Messaging, Users can send messages to each other about schedule updates, shift trades, and more without disclosing any personal phone numbers. R365 Messaging also supports R365 Group Messaging, which allows Users to create conversation threads with multiple coworkers. The Messaging Queue displays all previous conversations with fellow Users, while also allowing new messages to be created and sent via the R365 Red App. 

Only Users who have 'App Access' checked on their Employee Record will be able to use this feature. 

Learn how to enable and disable Messaging here.


After logging in to the R365 Red App, the Messaging Queue can be opened by clicking the speech bubble iconin the top-right corner of the home screen.

Messaging Queue

The Messaging Queue lists a record of all text messages between the logged-in User and their coworkers, including the folder with archived messages. Each message thread will display the corresponding User's profile picture, name, job code, the start of the previous message, and the time that message was sent. Group message threads will display the group image and group chat name. 

Tapping one of the listed message threads will display all previous messages exchanged within the thread. To create a new message, click the new message iconin the top-right corner of the screen. Then, select a recipient.

Tap the 'To' field to view a listing of all fellow Users, as well as a search bar to filter for the desired recipient.

Once a message thread is started, Users can type out their message and send to their recipient(s). The date and time that the message was sent/received will be displayed below the outgoing/incoming messages.

To view the information about the recipient, tap the recipient name at the top of the screen.

To start a new group message, tap 'Create a New Group' from the top of the list. To learn more about creating a group chat, click here

Contact Info Screen

The Contact Info screen shows the recipient's information including their contact photo, name, department, and job. 

From this screen, Users can also do the following:

  1. Mute - Tap to toggle the chat notifications on or off. When Mute is on, the User will not receive notifications from this chat

  2. Archive - Tap to move the chat thread to the archive list

  3. Report - Tap to report the message thread to the Restaurant Manager for review

Archiving Chats

When a specific chat thread is outdated or no longer useful, Users can archive a chat thread. The User who archives the chat will continue to receive messages to the archived chat, but they will no longer see the chat listed on the Messages list. The chat will only be visible on the archived list.

Chat threads can be archived by swiping left on the thread in the Messages List and tapping 'Archive' or by tapping 'Archive' from the Information screen. 

To read more about archived messages, click here

Reporting Messages

If a User receives a message that they deem inappropriate, the User can report the message directly from the R365 Red App to their Restaurant Manager(s).

It is important to try to report messages when they occur, as the system will include the most recent messages shared between the two Users when a report is made. However, if a complaint still needs to be made after the fact, report the message, then speak with a Manager about the specifics of the complaint.

To report a message, click the 'Report' iconto the right of the User name, above the message thread. The User will be prompted to confirm that they want to report the message thread as inappropriate or harassment. Click 'Report' to confirm and send the reported message to the Manager Portal.

After reporting a User, no additional tasks or follow-ups will be made through the R365 Red App. Rather, discuss any outstanding grievances with your Manager.

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